What if you had a futuristic cable box that could pick up all sorts of programming from infinite alternate dimensions? You’d be in for some pretty weird – and often amusing – television. This is precisely what our favorite mad Scientist Rick and his grandson decide to do, during the classic Rick and Morty episodes titled “Interdimensional Cable 1 & 2.” The result is an array of random, wacky, and typically hilarious TV show/commercial scenarios, as you might expect. Not only are these usually pretty creative and funny, but what’s more impressive is that they were actually largely improvised on the fly.

This is made apparent by the random, often awkward utterances of a number of goofy lines. We also see Rick practically looking right at the viewer and claiming there’s almost an “improvisational tone” to these shows (wink wink). Given the roughly 45 minute runtime of these 2 episodes combined, there is an impressively large assortment of these humorous scenarios – but which are funniest of the funny? Sit back, grab some popcorn, and join us in some interdimensional cable as we rank our favorites!

10 Man Vs. Car

It was a tall order to match the hilarity of the first “Interdimensional Cable,” which stood out in Rick and Morty‘s debut season. Yet, after kicking things off emphatically with a cage match of a muscular dude trying to wrestle a car, we knew we were in for another entertaining ride. While the sequel episode admittedly isn’t quite as strong as the first hit, “Man Vs Car” is definitely one of the highlights.

Despite being a minute long, there’s plenty to laugh at during this ridiculous scenario, from the man actually trying to outmuscle a car, to the announcers basically laughing at the idea, to the over-the-top violent way in which it ends.

9 Jan-Quadrant Vincent

No – as Rick makes it clear to Morty, you do not have to know anything about actor and action star Jan-Michael Vincent to get the humor in this piece. Apparently, Jan-Michael Vincent also exists in another dimension, where he stars in a dystopian film featuring several clones of himself.

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The over-the-top action cheese is on point here, and it’s particularly funny to see Vincent realize that he, in fact, cannot be in two quadrants at once. While this would be chuckle-worthy enough, the random, goofy play on words with Vincent’s name at the end – if you can call it that – really seals the deal. So get ready to Michael down your Vincents, and give this spoof trailer a watch!


8 Lil’ Bits

Another stand-out of the “Interdimensional Cable” sequel, this weird short raises an eyebrow just moments after it begins, as we notice a restaurant inhabited by people with abnormally large heads and tiny faces. But it gets even weirder than that. You see, the restaurant’s “shtick” is that it only serves tiny food; a premise made all the more comical by the juxtaposing gigantic heads of the customers.

Why do these people look like this? How are they in any way satisfied by bite-sized meal portions? Why does the restaurant owner razz some random guest in the bathroom? Who knows – and really, that’s where much of the hilarity comes from here.

7 Strawberry Smiggles

Speaking of crazy, head-scratching premises, how about a commercial featuring a Lucky Charms-esque cereal with a leprechaun mascot that gets brutally butchered by apathetic children? Tophat Jones begins the commercial gleefully as he consumes some of his beloved cereal, but apparently this food is so irresistible that the kids slice the poor leprechaun open to get to them.

The dark, gratuitously violent turn that hits you after such a cheery, colorful introduction is just so jarring and strange that you have to laugh.

6 Gazorpazorpfield

Rick and Morty has a way with creating parodies that are so on-the-nose and yet so weird that you can’t help but chuckle. In “Gazorpazorpfield” (the name of which is a callback to an early Season 1 episode) we see a knock-off Garfield and John cartoon, whose only differences lie in the oddly-placed limbs on their heads. Oh, there’s also the jerky personality of this version of Garfield, who bluntly curses out John, insults him, and demands he brings him his enchiladas.

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It’s all pretty surface-level and juvenile, though one can’t help but think that watching an episode of “Gazorpazorpfield” would be more amusing than the show which it spoofs.

5 Real Fake Doors

Who would have thought a commercial featuring a random guy selling doors could be one of the funniest sketches, not just of “Interdimensional Cable,” but perhaps of Rick and Morty as a whole? These aren’t just any doors, however – they’re fake doors.

The fact that this salesman acts so enthusiastic in trying to move a heap of such a comically useless product is just “priceless,” if you’ll excuse the lame pun. We’re also tossed an amusing curveball after you think the commercial is over, which just gives this already funny skit that little extra something.

4 Ants In My Eyes Johnson

What is it about randomness and absurd scenarios that make for such hilarious sketches? Oddly enough, some of the commercials on “Interdimensional Cable” manage to be the most humorous bits, as “Ants in my Eyes Johnson” demonstrates.

Not only does poor Johnson have ants in his eyes that make him unable to see, he can’t feel anything either, as it’s made clear when he instantly catches fire midway through his commercial. As if to add insult to injury, we see various people swiping his goods from him. The out-of-place look of delight Rick and Morty have as they watch this truly seals the deal.

3 How They Do It

What? You mean you don’t know how this common household item is made? Fear not – because we get to witness a behind-the-scenes look as to how a “Plumbus” is made, in a cheeky minute-long spoof of How It’s Made.

The wackiness of the rapid-fire improv is really on point here, as is the equally random series of animations that demonstrate the assembly of this strange, ambiguous thing. One has to give props to the animators for managing to craft some visuals to go along with nonsensical descriptors like the crucial rubbing of the “fleeb” and the “schleem” being “repurposed for later batches.”

2 Baby Legs And Regular Legs

Even without the amusing cameo by voice-acting great (and TMNT‘s Raphael himself) Rob Paulsen, this sketch would have been great. Still, this familiar voice behind the descriptively-named “Regular Legs” definitely takes this one to the next level.

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In a spoof of a murder mystery that’s hilariously improved, a tiny-legged detective fittingly called “Baby Legs” embarks on a mission to catch a rather stock killer/criminal, with the help of his normal-legged companion. Yes, it’s about a silly as it sounds, and it’s definitely a personal tale of “growth” for Detective Baby Legs.

1 Two Brothers

Here we have an over-the-top cheesy action film that has one of the simplest names ever, and apparently also one of the longest and most convoluted. “Two Brothers,” features a duo of action heroes who get bombarded with a slew of chaotic events in an Armageddon scenario that’s put through a blender of randomness.

One second we’re seeing tomato-shooting elderly ladies, and the next? The moon comes crashing down to earth! Why not? But really, it’s this pummeling of randomness and obvious improv that makes us laugh so much at this one. This is really Rick and Morty at its insane, zany best.

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