Content Warning: This article contains story spoilers for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy video game.

They aren’t just called Guardians of the Galaxy because it sounds cool, though that doesn’t hurt either. Being cosmic superheroes means they have to fight different threats across the galaxy and in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, the many planets and environments provide many powerful threats.

In this action-adventure RPG video game, Star-Lord and his team of ragtag heroes fight everything from homicidal jello cubes to psychic fogs. Throughout the extensive campaign, the Guardians meet certain enemies that require more tactics to take down and can even leave a few players frustrated.



These tentacled feline-esque creatures can be found on Lady Hellbender’s planet of Seknarf Nine. They feature two bars of health, making them a bit harder to take down, even when they are staggered. Mixed with their speed, agility, and strength is also a powerful tail that can freeze enemies.

Slakebeasts require precise commands from the Guardians to stagger them thus exposing their weak spot: their bellies. Even with the weakness, it still takes a lot of damage to kill just one of them, making it harder when the Guardians have to fight up to three at once.

Church Grunt

The Church Of Universal Truth has managed to convert many citizens of the galaxy into their own personal zealous soldiers. Their main forces are the Church Grunts that are not afraid to take on the Guardians head to head to fulfill Grand Unifier Raker’s false promises.

From infantry to snipers, the Grunts take on many weapons and tactics. Some will even take Star-Lord on in hand-to-hand combat and from many angles. Guardians of the Galaxy beginners will need a few tips to take on these challenging enemies such as being thoughtful during combat.


Maklu IV proves to be a dangerous planet from the moment the Guardians arrive. The main indigenous race is actually a famous Marvel character known as Wendigo, who is one of the Hulk’s most famous villains. Much like Groot, their only form of speech is saying their name “Wendigo” in different inflections.

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The Wendigos are big but also surprisingly fast, giving them attacks that can easily take down Guardians with only a few hits. Once Star-Lord unlocks his Plasma Shot for his element guns, they get easier but dodging their attacks and their many monster minions while fighting them can lead to stressful situations.

Fin Fang Foom

Earlier in the game, Drax mentions Fin Fang Foom and it comes off as just a neat reference for Marvel fans. However, that changes when the Guardians Of The Galaxy run out of options. They decide to appease Lady Hellbender by traveling to Maklu IV and capturing Fin Fang Foom, the dragon lord of Maklu IV.

And this is not a fakeout: Fin Fang Foom is the final boss of Maklu IV and he is quite the powerful foe. He can incapacitate Guardians with singular attacks, he is covered head to toe in icy armor, and he can unleash a barrage of fireballs that requires a lot of dodging to survive.

Nova Vanguard

Typically, the Nova Corps is supposed to be the squeaky clean police force of the galaxy but thanks to the corruption of the Church Of Universal Truth, many of their officers have been converted into zealots. This includes their brute armored officers known as Vanguards.

As their name and appearance suggest, they are heavy hitters, and taking them on in hand-to-hand combat is foolish. This is especially the case when they wield powerful energy shields that can only be taken out by Star-Lord’s freezing shots. As a bonus annoyance, Vanguards can send out drones that can shock and stun the Guardians.


Across Seknarf Nine and inside Lady Hellbender’s fortress, the Guardians are stalked by a massive tentacled monster. This turns out to be Hellbender’s personal pet the Dweller-In-Darkness, who Marvel comic fans know is a powerful cosmic entity. This interdimensional demon recently made its Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as the antagonist of Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings.

In Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, the Dweller-In-Darkness serves as the final boss of Maklu IV with the Guardians having to dish out a lot of damage to the tentacles before damaging the Dweller itself. The Dweller also can summon other monsters into the battle to make the boss fight even harder.

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When the Church Of Universal Truth can’t convert someone powerful, they send out elite automatons known as Inquisitors. They are big, scary, and are complete blaster sponges in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. Coincidentally, they almost resemble some of the more robotic enemies in some versions of Hyrule in The Legend Of Zelda series.

Taking down Inquisitors requires stacking multiple of the Guardians’ special abilities since Star-Lord does not unlock their weakness until way into the last third of the story. The Inquisitors’ biggest weakness is that they are slow but if an attack hits, Star-Lord and the gang receive a lot of damage.

Nova Centurions

If a player thought a Vanguard was bad, the Centurions are going to cause rage quits because they are even worse. Centurions can fly but not only that, they can dodge and weave at super speeds. The only way to stagger them is to freeze them and the only way to make that happen is by having someone like Groot hold them in place.

Even when frozen, the Nova Centurions still require a lot of damage to take down. It is best to take full advantage of Star-Lord’s freezing ammo and wait for the right opportunities to strike, otherwise, the Centurion will dodge most attacks.

Church Unifiers

The enemies in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy are annoying enough but once Unifiers get introduced, they make every fight last even longer. Taking inspiration from other action RPGs, Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy introduces a healer enemy class. Not only do they heal all converted enemies both Nova Corps and Church Grunt alike but they repair themselves.

On top of that, Unifiers rival the Inquisitors when it comes to how much damage they take. They mainly rely on boosting their minions to keep themselves protected, so it’s best to quickly eliminate the said minions then use electric shots as much as possible to stagger Unifiers.

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Grand Unifier Raker

Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy takes notes from many games of the past, including Final Fantasy. The final boss fight of the campaign is Grand Unifier Raker, the leader of the Church Of Universal Truth. Square Enix is known for their ridiculously difficult and long boss fights: Raker is no different.

He may not transform into a giant form but he does feature multiple phases that require the player to implement every single tactic, ability, and combo in order to bring him down. What makes Raker so frustrating is that if defeated by him, it requires the player to restart from the beginning of the fight. Players should make sure to take full advantage of Groot’s healing ability in taking down this intimidating enemy.

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