Intelligence is an increasingly valuable trait to have in the DC Universe; it could mean the difference between success or failure, life or death. When measuring the threat level of a villain, it comes down to two things; the level of their intelligence, and what they’re capable of at maximum potential.

In most cases, intelligence will keep a villain one, or even multiple steps ahead of their enemy, placing them in the best positions to perform at maximum potential. DC Comics does a good job showcasing events in which villains utilize high levels of intelligence, ultimately sending their enemies to inevitable defeat. 



Although it wouldn’t seem like it at first, the Joker is one of the most intelligent street-level villains that Batman and the Justice League have ever faced. Joker has no choice but to rely on his intelligence to remain ahead of his enemies, at all times, and that alone makes him a formidable foe.

His patience, unpredictability, and pure insanity drive him to be the villain that we’ve become so incredibly familiar with. He may not be capable of higher thought, but as he has proven again and again the chaos he is capable of ensuing, Joker is worthy of making it onto the list.


Unlike the Joker, Riddler seems to have a much more thought-out method to his madness. While Joker tends to improvise on the fly, which is still impressive, Riddler has a backup plan to his backup plan’s backup plan.

As the name suggests, he has a fondness for elaborate puzzles, traps, and you guessed it, riddles, each scheme showing his genius-level intellect. He is constantly trying to prove his wits to his enemies and has worked with the likes of Joker and the Legion of Doom to combat Batman and the Justice League. 

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Vandal Savage

In the simplest of terms, Vandal Savage is an immortal caveman, alive for over 50,000 years. As a man with many, many centuries of experience, he is bound to naturally have knowledge unknown to most all human beings. However, his intelligence is not only natural, it was enhanced by the meteorite that collided with him.

His immortality and superintelligence have made him one of the most influential beings in human history, a being that has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations and has acquired the knowledge to constantly strengthen his mind.


As the founder of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Sinestro has what the DC Universe would describe as an indomitable will and genius-level intelligence. Formerly known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns, Sinestro uses the power of fear attunement to obtrude his own order in the universe.

Although his intelligence is more a matter of character than it is a superpower, his mind allows him to accomplish more than any lantern in the way of complex constructs and effective leadership. He remains to be always one step ahead of his enemies and retains a powerful memory used to tread the path to success as he learns from every failure.


It is no secret what led Eobard Thawne into becoming a speedster, and furthermore what becoming a speedster does to your mind. Thawne was intelligent to begin with, but upon becoming a speedster, well, physical speed was not the only thing he gained.

Thawne has a deep level of understanding of the speed force, and is constantly inventing new ways to enhance his powers; being that he is from the future, his knowledge of science and technology is well beyond that of the present. The speed of his mind has reached incredible rates and is seemingly limitless.

Doctor Sivana

Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana is a super genius, who has reached such a level of intelligence that he successfully utilizes both magic and science together, primarily against Shazam, and the Marvel Family. Before he began studying Black Adam and the mystical arts, he relied heavily on science and mathematics.

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However, due to misfortunes and the idea that science has failed him and his family, he turned to magic and quickly learned how to wield it to his advantage. Now, using the power of science and the power invested in him by Mister Mind, he vows to do whatever he must to take down Shazam.


There are two names that Adrian Veidt goes by, one of them being Ozymandias, and the other literally being The Smartest Man in the World. It was revealed in 2018 that this man might just be the overarching antagonist of the DC Multiverse.

His life’s mission is peace, by killing millions of people and forcing them to adopt his way of thinking (Thanos would love this guy). He has gone on to build an entire criminal empire, all while pouring in tons of resources and power, and implementing every ounce of his intelligence and tactical abilities into the success of his ultimate plan.


Darkseid, also known as the God of Tyranny, has built an entire empire and seeks only to enslave all things according to his will through the exercise of the Anti-Life Equation. Darkseid obtained cosmic knowledge and almost limitless experience upon conquering countless worlds throughout the universe.

As one of the most powerful enemies of the Justice League, and one of the most dangerous beings in the entire DC Universe, nothing is more powerful than his mind at work. In other words, imagine going up against a God, invincible and powerful in nature. Now imagine going up against that same God, except this time he’s got one of the most advanced minds in the multiverse. The truest definition of overpowered.

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Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor could easily be the most intelligent man in existence. As a successful businessman and an even more brilliant scientist, Luthor never went against an opponent that he didn’t scientifically understand. Intelligence is what facilitates his abilities, to the point where his technology helps him survive battles with an actual god.

He is also the leader of the Legion of Doom, which holds responsibility for some of the most diabolical criminal schemes that the Justice League has ever faced. As of late, Luthor has been learning how to harness the power of the multiverse itself.


Lex Luthor may be the man with the highest intellect on Earth, but even his mind stands no chance against the likes of Brainiac. There are simply no beings across the entire DC Multiverse that can come close to the mental capabilities of Brainiac.

A being that is compared to that of a supercomputer, he has managed to study and collect all life in the universe. His abilities seem limitless, and his mind can process and store gargantuan amounts of information at unimaginable speeds. All other life in the universe is considered inferior, and he intends to keep it that way.

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