The significance and availability of magical items in a Dungeons & Dragons campaign naturally varies depending on the style and setting of the story being told, but when they are used, certain favorites tend to make continual appearances.

While the benefits of items like the Bag of Holding are widely known, and the legendary splendor of items like the Vorpal Sword hold a place of special esteem in the minds of fans, there are many lesser-used magical items that have fantastic applications, whether for enhancing fighting abilities or aiding exploration.

10 Oil Of Etherealness

The Oil of Etherealness is a rare potion that takes 10 minutes to apply to the user, with the ability to cover a Medium-sized or smaller creature. Once applied, the effects of the etherealness spell are granted to the user, which lasts for 1 hour.

Etherealness itself is a powerful 7th level spell, which allows the caster to step into the Ethereal plane and then move freely within that realm, whilst those left behind on the Material plane can’t perceive the user. The spell has many applications, from granting the user a rest from dangers on the Material plane to granting them greater freedom of movement, making the Oil of Etherealness an impressive addition to any adventurer’s inventory.

9 Weapon Of Warning

The Weapon of Warning is an item of uncommon rarity that can take the form of any kind of weapon. Requiring attunement, the Weapon grants the wielder advantage on initiative rolls, and means that both the wielder and allies within 30 feet of them can’t be surprised.

Having the ability to be warned when Dungeons & Dragons monsters are approaching is key, meaning that enemies will not earn a surprise round and start combat with the upper hand. Additionally, the Weapon magically awakens the wielder and their companions if anyone is naturally sleeping when combat begins, eliminating the need for party members to keep watch during Long Rests.


8 Lantern Of Revealing

The Lantern of Revealing is an uncommon item which, when lit, burns for 6 hours, illuminating a 30-foot radius with bright light, and casting dim light for an additional 30. In the sphere of the lantern’s bright light, invisible creatures and objects are visible.

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This lantern is extremely useful for adventuring parties headed underground, as both a source of light for those without darkvision and a method of detection for hidden foes or treasures in dungeons and caverns. The lantern holder can also use an action to lower the lantern’s hood, reducing the light to only shine dimly in a 5-foot radius, aiding stealth while still giving those who need it some immediate sight.

7 Sending Stones

Sending Stones are an uncommon wondrous item that comes in a pair. Touching one stone allows the holder to cast the sending spell, the target being whoever is holding the other stone.

When running a large D&D group, it can be useful for low-level characters to be able to contact one another, and sending stones are the perfect way for them to do so. Additionally, sending is usually a 3rd level spell, and having an alternative way to cast it can prove useful, whether for spellcasters who’ve run out of spell slots or non-magic users.

6 Decanter Of Endless Water

The Decanter of Endless Water is an uncommon item that looks like a stoppered flask. When opened, the holder speaks one of 3 command words to pour an amount of either fresh or saltwater from it, determined by the user.

The command word “stream” produces 1 gallon of water, while “fountain” produces 5, and “geyser” a huge 30, the latter of which can be used to attack a creature within 30 feet of the user as a bonus action, dealing them 1d4 of bludgeoning damage and knocking them prone if they fail a DC 13 Strength saving throw. With uses both in and out of combat, this unassuming decanter is highly versatile.

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5 Wand Of Web

The Wand of Web is an uncommon item that requires attunement by a spellcaster. It has 7 charges, and when held, a charge can be expended as an action to cast the web spell.

A 2nd level spell, web is great for restraining enemies or slowing them down in difficult terrain. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 charges every day, and can help facilitate emergency escapes. Items like this wand can also help to enhance some of the best homebrew classes, granting users extra powers that complement existing class features.

4 Arcane Grimoire

A fairly new addition to the magical items of 5e, the Arcane Grimoire made its appearance in Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything. A wondrous item with varying rarity depending on its power, this book requires attunement by a Wizard.

The Arcane Grimoire can be used as both a spellbook and spell focus, and grants the Wizard attuned to it bonuses to spell attacks and spell DCs determined by its rarity, ranging from +1 to +3. Impressively, it also improves a feature that makes the Wizard one of the game’s best magical classes, Arcane Recovery, increasing the number of spell slot levels a wizard can regain in this way by 1. The perfect item for any Wizard, this grimoire’s power can be adjusted for balance depending on a player’s character level.

3 Figurines Of Wondrous Power

The Figurines of Wondrous Power are a range of tiny, portable statues that vary in rarity depending on the animal it depicts, ranging from a silver raven (uncommon) to an obsidian steed (very rare).

When the figure’s command word is spoken, it becomes a living creature and obeys the user’s spoken commands. The longevity of each creature’s living state varies, but at the end of that time, it reverts back into a statue. These figurines are fantastic for players who would like a familiar but don’t have the ability to acquire one, while animals like the horse or goat can prove invaluable for traveling purposes.

2 Gloves Of Thievery

The perfect choice for boosting a Rogue’s natural skillset, the Gloves of Thievery are an uncommon item that become invisible when worn. They grant the wearer a +5 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks and Dexterity checks made to pick locks.

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Although they are perhaps the most natural selection for a Rogue, these gloves can be used by characters of any class, and may prove most useful in parties that don’t actually have a Rogue, or else for boosting the abilities of those with a relevant criminal background. As they don’t require attunement, these gloves can also be transferred with ease from person to person as required.

1 Nature’s Mantle

The Nature’s Mantle is another recent addition to the magic items of 5e, making its debut in Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything as an uncommon wondrous item that requires attunement by either a druid or a ranger.

The cloak makes the wearer blend into their surroundings and allows them to make a Hide check as a bonus action when in lightly obscured areas, even if they are being directly watched. It can also function as a spellcasting focus, and serves to aid druids and rangers in a varied number of environments, allowing for more stealthy attacks.

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