Nicholas Cage is one of the most recognizable actors that Hollywood has ever put on film, and he’s responsible for giving audiences such incredible films as Face/Off, Lord Of War, and The Rock, to name a few. However, his career has taken a turn for the worse in recent years, thanks to some bad roles and straight-to-video films that failed to resonate with audiences.

While Cage deserves immense respect for his accomplishments throughout the years, no actor is above reproach. Here are 10 of the worst Nicholas Cage movies ever made, as per IMDb. For this list, we’re ignoring TV appearances and documentaries in favor of straight-up, full feature films.

10 Grand Isle (2019) / 4.5

Critics savaged Grand Isle, citing the mundane plot as a missed opportunity to create an actually decent retro-style crime flick. The cast looks disjointed and disinterested in the source material about a young man who is charged with murder and must plead his case to a detective, played by Kelsey Grammer.

Cage plays a Vietnam vet named Walter who, along with his wife, invite the young man into their home during a hurricane. From there, he breaks down their affairs to the detective in an attempt to clear his name. Unfortunately, the jury found this film “guilty” on charges of monotony.

9 Between Worlds (2018) / 4.3

This supernatural thriller features Cage playing a truck driver named Joe who struggles with the loss of his wife and child. He meets up with a gifted medium and the two go on a soul-hunt, but things soon go pear-shaped when the spirit of Joe’s wife shows up to cause trouble.

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Audiences were mixed, but critics were less favorable. While praise was given to Cage’s acting performance, many found the plot tedious, and the visual style too close to that of director David Lynch.

8 Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance (2011) / 4.3

The first Ghost Rider film starring Nic Cage wasn’t spectacular, but it was Ben Hur compared to its sequel. That’s a shame, given Cage’s long-time fondness for the Marvel anti-hero. Unfortunately, critics and audiences hated the script, the performances, and the copious amounts of bad CGI.

The film grossed $132 million opposite an estimated $75 million dollar budget, which was absolutely embarrassing when measured against the $1.5 billion that The Avengers film would gross just one year later. It may also have played a role in Cage’s fall from the Hollywood limelight.

7 Zandalee (1991) / 4.4

Six years before Cage would dazzle audiences with a spectacular dual performance in Face/Off, he was starring in this romantic thriller about a painter who successfully cuckolds another man’s wife, triggering an obsession that threatens to destroy them all.

As far-fetched as the plot is, the underlying themes were positively drab, which may have been the catalyst that turned audiences and critics off of the film. At best, it’s a modest erotic thriller. At its worst, it’s shallow, slow, and anti-climatic.

6 Dying Of The Light (2014) / 4.4

The premise of Dying Of The Light is actually an interesting one. Cage plays Evan Lake, an esteemed CIA agent who is slowly succumbing to dementia, following his torture at the hands of a terrorist named Muhammad Banir. With time running out before he loses his mental faculties, Evan pulls double-time to track him down and take him out.

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It’s a shame the movie failed to captivate critics and audiences, with many citing an awkward plot, a rushed narrative, and Cage turning out an ill-advised flamboyant performance that might have soured the narrative.

5 211 (2018) / 4.4

Reading the full synopsis for 211 is like trying to build a house with upside-down instructions written in Klingon. To call it “bizarre” would be an understatement. Loosely based on the actual real-world 1997 North Hollywood shootout, 211 quickly descends into clichés and rudiments before the curtain falls.

It’s not entirely Cage’s fault. The script is bad, and there’s only so much one can do with the material they’ve been given. 211 tries to be a lot of things, but excels at none.

4 Deadfall (1993) / 4.0

Christopher Coppola proved that great directing skills don’t run in the family, and Deadfall proves it. In comparison to his uncle Francis Ford Coppola’s works, Deadfall’s reach exceeded its grasp, and the whole thing fell apart. The combination of the talented Michael Biehn, James Coburn, Charlie Sheen, and of course, Nicolas Cage wasn’t a winning formula.

Audiences and critics tore a strip off the film, citing Biehn’s underwhelming performance, as opposed to Cage’s bombastic delivery. Naturally, Coppola’s directorial career was short-lived.

3 Arsenal (2017) / 4.0

It has a cool poster, but there’s little else working in Arsenal’s favor. Ironically, Cage would reprise the role of Eddie King from 1993’s Deadfall, but what worked against him in the past also returned to sabotage his second stab at the character.

Audiences and critics blasted the ugly premise, the dull delivery, and the ho-hum acting. Cage would get called out for playing the typecast over-acting crazy guy who screams and throws things, which by this point has become too predictable.

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2 The Wicker Man (2006) / 3.7

Nobody should have attempted to remake The Wicker Man. This contemporary take on the classic horror/thriller is devoid of the charm, the style, and the mesmerizing cinematography of the Christopher Lee original.

Instead, the 2006 remake manages to turn a fascinating psychological thriller into a full-blown comedy, with Cage the unfortunate bearer of the torch. The infamous bee sequence has gone on to become the stuff of internet legend, proving that great films should be left alone, and not tampered with.

1 Left Behind (2014) / 3.1

This 2014 sleeper was the second film based on the novel series, but neither managed to make waves. Cage plays Rayford Steele, an aircraft pilot who finds himself stuck in the cockpit just when God decides to trigger the rapture. Many viewers and critics were appalled by the alarmist take on Christianity, including many Christians themselves.

The film managed to make a bit of money, which is a miracle unto itself. Universally panned for essentially being a propaganda piece, Left Behind fell flat in practically every other way that it possibly could.

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