The 100 is filled with strong and dynamic characters. Two of those are Clarke Griffin and Octavia Blake. Like many other delinquents, Clarke and Octavia met for the first time when the Dropship landed on Earth. At first, they appeared to get along well after Octavia joined Clarke’s group to search for Mount Weather. However, Clarke and Octavia did not always see eye to eye. Often the women found themselves on opposing sides of an argument even when they were on the same side of a war. Octavia resented many of Clarke’s choices, mainly torturing Lincoln and the missile at TonDC.

However, when the time came, Octavia was forced into a similar position of making calls that she did not like. Clarke and Octavia both had learned what it meant to watch as pieces of their souls were stripped away with each impossible decision.

10 Similar: Survivors

By season seven, most of the initial hundred sent to the ground had died; however, among the few who survived until the final season was Clarke Griffin and Octavia Blake. Although their experiences were different, Clarke and Octavia survived so much the show had thrown at them.

The two have grown remarkably from their first days on Earth, becoming more than just two delinquents. Clarke and Octavia each earned Grounder names due to their actions, Clarke gaining “Wanheda” and Octavia receiving “Skairipa,” “Osleya,” and “Blodreina.”

9 Different: Warrior

One of the most significant differences between Clarke and Octavia is fighting. While Clarke can hold her own in a fight, she is much more often seen holding a gun or being the brains of the operation. Of the two, Octavia had become the warrior on the ground, gaining training from Lincoln and Indra.

Beginning in season two, Octavia starts learning the Grounder’s styles of fighting and eventually becomes a fantastic warrior. Octavia is the best and most experienced fighter from Skaikru and uses those skills in the Conclave. She later uses her abilities in the bunker to keep all the clans in line.


8 Similar: Leader

For the first four seasons, this could not be classified as a similarity. Clarke and Bellamy held the leadership roles, and while Octavia was an essential warrior, she did not have to make the massive life or death choices.

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However, this all changes in season five when Octavia must lead twelve-hundred people in the Second Dawn Bunker. After six years, Octavia understands the leadership position and what it means to sacrifice.

7 Different: Communication

“You are Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose.” is a forceful line. However, it is Octavia fighting and killing those who declare themselves the enemy that genuinely sells the moment. Octavia got her point across using her fighting skills and fear.

Meanwhile, Clarke used words. Clarke’s style of leading came from using her mind to think things through and speaking so that others understood her points. Clarke negotiated with Grounder leaders to create alliances.

6 Similar: Bellamy

Throughout the series, Bellamy has several significant relationships with various characters. However, two of the essential people in Bellamy’s life are Octavia and Clarke. Bellamy grew up looking after Octavia, thinking of his little sister as his responsibility. Meanwhile, Bellamy grew into a co-leadership role with Clarke.

Bellamy’s most emotional scenes occur with one or both of these characters. There is not anyone else that Bellamy has shown to care about or was as desperate to save as Clarke and Octavia. While their dynamics shift after six years apart, it was always clear that his sister and his best friend were of the utmost importance to Bellamy.

5 Different: Doctor

When they first touched the ground, the hundred had to make do with what was available. Luckily, Clarke had medical experience from Abby and could be useful for some of the delinquent’s injuries.

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Clarke spent plenty of time during the first season, acting as a doctor, devoted to saving everyone’s lives to the best of her ability. Octavia did not have those skills and spent most of the first season getting to know Lincoln and learning about the Grounder culture.

4 Similar: Experienced Peace

For Clarke, the first time she experienced a real sense of peace was during her six years alone with Madi. After surviving an uninhabitable Earth, Clarke finally found solace in Eden. The valley survived the death wave even if its citizens didn’t. Madi was the sole survivor of Praimfaya in the valley due to her natural Nightblood. After forming a tentative friendship, the two grew close and became a family during their six years alone.

Octavia didn’t experience such peace until years later when she walked through the anomaly. Octavia arrived just in time to help Diyoza deliver Hope and then spent the next ten years with them. The three grew into a family without anyone to fight. Although their luck eventually ran out, it gave Octavia time to grow and move forward from her past as “Blodreina.”

3 Different: Upbringing

Perhaps one of the most significant differences between Clarke and Octavia is the way they grew up. Clarke was the daughter of Abby Griffin, a doctor and a member of the council. Clarke’s family was friends with Chancellor Jaha and his son, Wells. Clarke was a member of the privileged. On the opposite end of the spectrum was the Blake family. Yet, the most prominent contrast lies in the simple fact that Octavia was not supposed to exist.

Due to the rule that declares everyone to have one child, Octavia’s birth and life were illegal. Octavia spent her life confined to the Blake family’s apartment and hiding whenever there was an inspection.

2 Similar: Willing To Do Anything For Their People

For four seasons, Clarke desperately tried to do whatever it took for her people to survive. Often, that need drove Clarke to do awful things that lead to mass deaths. However, she did what needed to be done to save those she loved. The same could be said for Octavia.

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In season five, Octavia had become something much bigger and dangerous than she had been previously. Yet, Octavia’s entire goal after being rescued from the bunker was to bring her people to Eden. Octavia believed that after all Wonkru did, they deserved to live peacefully in the valley. Clarke and Octavia’s intentions were always to do what they could to protect and save their people.

1 Different: Journey

Clarke and Octavia go through a lot throughout The 100. However, their journeys from who they were to who they become are very different. From the start, Clarke takes a leadership position at the Dropship. From then onward, Clarke is a leader, making decisions for her people and hoping they come out of their predicament alive. Clarke makes negotiations with other leaders and tries to reach a compromise or convince them of her reasons.

Meanwhile, Octavia is excited to explore Earth after being forced to hide under the floor her entire life. Yet, her excitement becomes a desire to learn after meeting Lincoln and Indra. Octavia becomes interested in fighting and learns under Indra how to become a warrior. After Lincoln’s death, Octavia goes down a much darker path before eventually finding redemption.

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