On The 100, Clarke and Abby have a very intense and complicated relationship. Growing up on the Ark, Clarke and Abby grew up with similar sets of rules and understood how the environment worked. However, while Abby was more willing to follow the rules, Clarke took after her father, wishing to join Jake Griffin in exposing the Ark’s low oxygen. Afterward, Jake was floated, and Clarke was placed in solitary and eventually joined the other juvenile delinquents on the journey to Earth.

At the end of the first season, the Ark decides to go to the ground. Eventually, everyone who survived was reunited, but things between Clarke and Abby did not get more comfortable. Instead, their stances on Earth drove wedges between them as their viewpoints of the world made them oppositional.

10 Abby To Clarke: Questioned Clarke’s Knowledge

Having been on the Ground with the hundred, Clarke had learned several things about Earth, the Grounders, and Mount Weather. Clarke’s inside knowledge of Mount Weather is useful toward rescuing the delinquents, but Abby doesn’t want to hear it.

Instead, Abby is insistent that Clarke is only a child and that Abby and Kane are adults and in charge. For a long time, Abby has trouble understanding that Clarke is no longer a little kid and has grown into a capable leader.

9 Clarke To Abby: Took Off Her Wristband

When the hundred are sent to the ground, they receive a wristband which sends their vitals to the Ark. Clarke knew what the wristbands were meant to do and continually butted heads with Bellamy over the delinquents taking them off, trying to remind everyone that there are people who care about them and will mourn their perceived deaths.

However, after discovering that Abby had turned in her father— and not Wells— Clarke volunteers to take off her wristband as a way to gain communication, with an ulterior motive to get revenge on Abby.


8 Abby To Clarke: The TonDC Incident

When Mount Weather wants to use a missile to take out TonDC, Bellamy alerts Clarke and Raven to the news. When Clarke rushes to TonDC, she immediately searches for Lexa to tell the Commander of the plan. Lexa’s choice is for the two to sneak out of TonDC and let Mount Weather destroy the location so that they believe Clarke and Lexa are dead.

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That plan allows Mount Weather to think they have won and ensured that they don’t think there is an inside man anywhere. Clarke is glad that her mother does not die in the blast, but Abby is disgusted that Clarke let the damage happen.

7 Clarke To Abby: Went Behind Abby’s Back

After reuniting with Bellamy, Octavia, and Raven, Clarke finds out that Finn and Murphy had gone off alone to search for Clarke. Although Abby is against the trip, Clarke leaves Camp Jaha with Bellamy and Octavia to search for them anyway. With Raven’s help, the fence is shut down so they can escape. Abby later finds a note and confronts Raven about the missing trio.

6 Abby To Clarke: Sent Clarke To The Ground

While her father had been floated, Clarke spent a year imprisoned in solitary confinement and was a month away from a review that would determine if she would live or be floated when she receiving shocking news. Along with the other juvenile delinquents, she would be sent to Earth one-hundred years before it was meant to be safe.

Although Abby repeatedly states that she sent Clarke to Earth to live, the odds of surviving were already low. Sending the hundred with almost nothing, the group was at a disadvantage from the moment they landed, especially after discovering that people had survived the first apocalypse.

5 Clarke To Abby: Left After Mount Weather

Unable to look at everyone she had saved, Clarke decides to bear the mass murder alone. Leaving everyone behind, Clarke leaves Camp Jaha to live in the woods. In the season two finale, Bellamy is the last to see Clarke when she goes. However, the beginning of season three has time-jumped three months, meaning that the audience never got to see Abby’s reaction to her daughter’s absence.

4 Abby To Clarke: Jeopardized Humanity’s Survival

Clarke was willing to go above and beyond to find a solution to Praimfaya. As others fought, Clarke frantically searched for ways for humanity to survive the upcoming death wave. Her friends rallied to help find ways to survive, and Clarke and Abby determine that Nightblood could save everyone.

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However, to find the right mixture, Abby needed to test the solution. To save Emori, Clarke injected herself with the Nightblood and prepared to enter the radiation chamber. Not willing to risk her daughter’s life, Abby destroys it before Clarke has a chance to test it. That decision cost the group the opportunity to see if it had worked.

3 Clarke To Abby: Questioned Her Authority

In season two, Clarke and Abby’s mother-daughter relationship took a backseat to the fight to ensure the survival of their people. However, season two showed that they each had different priorities. For Clarke, the forty-seven delinquents trapped in Mount Weather, and later Bellamy as an inside man, was the most significant thing.

Clarke devoted the entire second season to find ways to save them. While Abby had claimed to want to save the delinquents, they were not a priority to Abby the way they were to Clarke. Clarke called out Abby’s authority, steamrolling over her countless times to ensure the return of the remaining hundred.

2 Abby To Clarke: Wells’ Sacrifice

Whenever Clarke asked Wells why he betrayed her and turned in Jake Griffin, Wells never gave a straight answer. Although Clarke could not understand his reasoning, she later discovers it was because Wells was letting Clarke loathe him. Wells was allowing Clarke to hate him to protect her from learning that Abby had told Jaha about Jake’s plans. Abby had lied to Clarke about her role in Jake’s death and allowed Clarke to hate her best friend.

1 Clarke To Abby: Shut The Bunker Door

After Luna’s declaration that she would win the Conclave to ensure that all of humanity dies in Praimfaya, Clarke makes a desperate choice. To ensure that at least some survive the upcoming apocalypse, Clarke steals the bunker, filling it with Skaikru members. Although Clarke succeeds in getting Bellamy inside, Octavia, Kane, Indra, and several others are locked outside.

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The episode mainly features Clarke and Bellamy’s race to the bunker door. However, it also places Clarke and Abby on opposing sides when Abby teams up with Bellamy to open the door for Octavia and Kane.

NextThe 10 All-Time Greatest TV Pilots, According To Ranker

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