Raven made a splash by crashing to the ground on her own. The youngest Zero-G Mechanic in fifty-two years, Raven was already a genius, but Earth pushed the limits of what Raven was capable of. Raven proved herself early on, using her brain to help communicate with the Ark and create land mines for defense against the Grounders. Raven was a vital part of the group and one of the only remaining characters to survive to the finale.

Raven went through plenty of hardship and understood the depths pain could cause. She may have done a lot to help, but she didn’t always do the right or best things. Raven has helped save the world, but she also hurt several people.

10 Best: Chose To Survive

Raven briefly decided to die with Praimfaya. She prepared the rocket to allow her to take one last spacewalk and die looking at the stars. Raven had told her friends to leave her behind, committing to her plans. But, with hours before the death wave, Raven decides differently.

Accomplishing one of the most brilliant moves of her life, Raven stopped what was left of A.L.I.E’s chip by having to stop and restart her heart. She brought herself back to life and called out for help. Raven’s intelligence with engineering was essential to getting the rocket up to space and preparing the Ring for their stay.

9 Worst: Illegal Spacewalk

Finn gains the nickname “Spacewalker” for going on an illegal spacewalk that cost the Ark three months of oxygen. However, it isn’t until the episode “Spacewalker” is it revealed that Finn didn’t earn the nickname at all.

Finn had set up an illegal spacewalk for her after Raven believed she would not become a Zero-G Mechanic. Finn had Raven give him the suit when things went wrong, and he took the fall, knowing Raven would be floated since she was already eighteen.


8 Best: Forgiveness

Raven and Murphy did not start on the best foot. At the end of the first season, Murphy shot Raven, leaving her with a leg injury that would never fully heal.

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Through the seasons, the two found ways to keep reuniting, and they eventually went back up to space together during “Praimfaya.” Over the years, Raven and Murphy grew closer, eventually becoming family. In the final episodes, Raven and Murphy work together as they desperately try to keep Emori alive until they reach Sanctum.

7 Worst: Sacrifice Murphy

Finn’s massacre of an innocent Grounder village would not go unpunished. To secure an alliance with Lexa, Clarke would have to hand over Finn.

When Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven believed that Abby would hand over Finn, the trio decided otherwise. Raven invited Murphy to join them at the Dropship because she plans to offer Murphy in Finn’s place. It is not Raven’s kindest decision, but it doesn’t get that far anyway. Before Raven can act on the plan, Finn gives himself up.

6 Best: Loyal Friend

When Raven cares about someone, she gives it her all. Raven is a very loyal friend to those she loves, which is easily seen in her relationships. Raven dedicates herself to telling Emori how much she cares about her and how important she is during “The Dying Of The Light.”

She has also stood by her friends amidst the war for Eden. After saving Madi from Sheidheda and beating the Primes, Raven and Clarke come back together, restoring their friendship. When Clarke is the only human unable to transcend, Raven is a part of the group who chose to stay behind on Earth to live out their lives together.

5 Worst: Ignored Her Own Wrong Actions

On The 100, no one is innocent. In the name of survival, everyone has done things they weren’t proud of. Everyone has been responsible for harming others or taking lives. Raven Reyes is no different. Yet, she seems to forget about all the ways she was complicit in plans that caused people to die.

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Raven claims that she has never done anything wrong, but the series contradicts that several times. Raven helped build the bomb that caused Grounder casualties. Raven also helped get the Dropship to lift off, burning three-hundred Grounders.

4 Best: Stopped Echo

Echo did not take Bellamy’s death lightly. To retaliate and avenge him, Echo planned to use the Gen-9 to commit genocide on Bardo’s people. Releasing the substance would crystalize the citizens, effectively killing everyone. Although Echo wanted her friends to escape, she was willing to die for revenge.

Clarke and Octavia each try to convince Echo against her decision but are unable to convince her. Raven succeeds, however, reminding Echo that she is Raven’s sister and Bellamy is not the only person Echo has.

3 Worst: Torturing Lincoln

Tensions are up with Finn’s life on the line. When Clarke realizes Finn was poisoned, she rushes to get the antidote from Lincoln. Lincoln, refusing to answer anyone’s questions, finds himself wrongly beaten by Bellamy. Although Octavia asks Bellamy and Clarke not to lash Lincoln, they do not let up.

However, Raven loses patience and goes even more extreme than Bellamy. Raven threatens Lincoln with an electric shock. In the end, it is Octavia that convinces Lincoln to reveal the antidote.

2 Best: The Last Test

Clarke failed the test, much to her horror. Knowing they have limited time before humanity is extinct, Clarke rushes to be with Madi, and Raven enters the Anomaly. Coming out on the Ark, she is confronted by the Being of Light, appearing as Abby Griffin. Raven immediately speaks to Abby’s avatar, asking the Being of Light to give humanity more time.

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Although Raven may not convince the Being of Light, humanity never would’ve passed had it not been for Raven’s confrontation. The Being of Light takes Raven to the battlefield only to watch as Octavia Blake steps up to stop the war and prove that humans can stop the cycle of violence.

1 Worst: Nuclear Reactor

Raven finally gets a taste of what it’s like to be Clarke Griffin during “False Gods.” At the helm of a dangerous nuclear reactor, Raven must make the tough decisions of who must sacrifice themselves to prevent everyone’s deaths. It is a painfully hard situation for Raven, and it is only made worse when Murphy and Emori are forced to help.

However, one of the hardest aspects is when Raven locks Murphy in the room with the reactor and an Eligius prisoner, forcing them to get the job done. It is not Raven’s best moment, but it was a necessary development for Raven to understand how it feels to make the impossible choice.

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