The much-lauded Infinity Saga of MCU films came to a close in 2019, paving the way for a new phase in Marvel’s Hollywood development timeline. However, for many fans, the Infinity Saga is still the meat and potatoes of the franchise due to the sheer amount of feeling put into each film.

The film lineup was a roller coaster of emotions leading up to that ultimate scene where one of Iron Man’s saddest moments in the MCU plays out on screen for all to see. It wasn’t the first time the franchise turned on the waterworks, especially when it came to memorable quotes that tugged at the heartstrings.

Updated on August 24th, 2021 by Derek Draven: The MCU films were as much about tragedy as they were about laughs. For every moment of comic book-worthy action and adventure, there was a deep, dramatic turning point that resonated deeply with audiences. The Infinity Saga served as the bulk of the MCU universe and it was loaded with story arcs that changed every single character in the franchise. By the time the arc had concluded, there was enough drama and emotion to last a lifetime.

15 “I’m Tony Stark. I Build Neat Stuff, Got A Great Girl, Occasionally Save The World. So Why Can’t I Sleep?” (Tony Stark / Iron Man 3)

This line is delivered with all of the carefree nonchalance that Tony Stark is well known for, which actually makes it far sadder than it first appears. To Tony, the world is a joke, and everything has a punchline if he just looks hard enough. The events of the first Avengers film changed all that, and Tony was never the same.

After encountering the Chutauri warriors sent to Earth by Thanos, Stark began to realize that his best efforts may not be enough. This affected everything from his mood to his focus, and even his sleeping patterns. For someone like Tony Stark to get so rattled is a feat unto itself, making the quote quite tragic.

14 “It Hurts, Doesn’t It? Being Lied To; Being Told You’re One Thing, And Then Learning It’s All Fiction.” (Loki / Thor: Ragnarok)

Loki had a rather privileged upbringing as the adopted son of an Asgardian God, but he clearly wasn’t impressed when he learned about his true lineage as a Frost Giant. Though Odin did his best to raise the boy as his own, and provide him a chance to be something better than he was, Loki hated him for it.

He transferred this hatred to his half-brother Thor, who just had a run-in of his own with reality when this quote occurs. Loki used the opportunity to try and get Thor to understand his own feelings by capitalizing on a shared feeling of betrayal. It might have seemed like a low blow, but it was Loki’s way of finding common ground, as well.


13 “I Don’t Care. He Killed My Mom.” (Tony Stark / Captain America: Civil War)

One of the most tragic scenes in the entire Infinity Saga takes place in the final act of Captain America: Civil War. As opposed to a  standard giant battle against a mindless army, the film’s final act featured a fight between just three people – Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes.

After learning that Bucky was responsible for the death of his parents, Tony flies into a rage. Steve tries to mount his best defense on behalf of Bucky, telling him about his brainwashing. Tony has none of it though and drops this tragic, emotional line before giving in to his own anger.

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12 “I Had A Pretty Cool Dad.” (Peter Quill / Guardians Of The Galaxy 2)

The final 20 minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is quite emotional, on many levels. Yondu sacrifices himself to save Peter Quill after telling him that he feels blessed to have been the one who raised him. The Guardians decide to send him off with a funeral, which is crashed by the Ravagers who come to pay their respects.

Arguably the most heartbreaking moment in the whole sequence is Quill’s eulogy, in which he compares Yondu to his 1980s TV idol, David Hasselhoff. Quill reveals that he wished Hasselhoff was his dad for years, but finally realizes that Yondu was a pretty great substitute.

11 “Well, If I’m Wrong, Then…What More Could I Lose?” (Thor / Avengers: Infinity War)

All throughout Avengers: Infinity War, Thor is determined to get a new weapon forged on Nidavellir that will be capable of killing Thanos. He assumes that because he’s never encountered an enemy he couldn’t defeat. He believes that, as soon as he has the weapon, he’ll be able to take down Thanos.

When Rocket questions this, he explains that his brother, his mother, his father, and his best friend have all been killed, and his home has been destroyed, so if he can’t kill Thanos, then he has nothing left to lose. It’s a tragic revelation made even more so when Thor fails to kill Thanos, paving the way for the snap.

10 “Come On, Spider-Man! Come On, Spider-Man!” (Peter Parker / Spider-Man: Homecoming)

Every on-screen version of Spider-Man featured in films before Civil War was portrayed as an older teenager, but Tom Holland’s version has been quite different. His Peter Parker was far younger and lacking in confidence, as opposed to his smart-mouthed alter egos. This meant he handled defeat a lot worse, as well.

The most powerful display of this is in Spider-Man: Homecoming, when he gets trapped under a pile of rubble (lifted directly from the pages The Amazing Spider-Man #33). The level of fear and panic in Holland’s portrayal is gut-wrenching, and audiences everywhere sympathized with a kid who honestly thought he was about to die.

9 [Steve Rogers] “He’s My Friend.” [Tony Stark] “So Was I.” (Captain America: Civil War)

This quote has far more weight than some give it credit for, particularly because it signaled a massive shift in how the superheroes of the MCU would interact, going into the Infinity War act. Just when audiences thought the hatchet would be buried, the wound was driven open again and much wider than before.

Tony was intent on killing Bucky Barnes for the death of his parents, but Steve knew the truth of the matter and sought to intervene. This forced the two to lock horns, driving a wedge right down the middle of their friendship. The regret is present in both of their voices as they share this quote, signaling that things would never be the same again.

8 “This Job…We Try To Save As Many People As We Can. Sometimes That Doesn’t Mean Everybody.” (Steve Rogers / Captain America: Civil War)

The opening act of Captain America: Civil War ends terribly when a mission goes wrong, causing the deaths of multiple innocent civilians. Every one of the Avengers is affected by the tragedy, but none more than Wanda Maximoff, who blames herself for using her powers improperly.

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Captain America tries his best to give her a pep talk, knowing how impossible it is. He delivers this quote that sums up the harsh reality of being a hero, either superpowered or not. Unless individuals on the front lines can come to grips with this reality, they’ll suffer psychologically for it.

7 “I Ignored My Destiny Once, I Cannot Do That Again, Even For You. I’m Sorry, Little One.” (Thanos / Avengers: Infinity War)

Thanos had little idea that the Soul Stone would take a hefty price in exchange for its power, but he was prepared to go as far as was necessary. The depths of his evil were shocking, but despite that, he still felt anguish over a decision that he wished he’d never have to make.

By sacrificing his adopted daughter, Gamora, in exchange for the stone, Thanos remained committed to his cause. However, her death weighed heavily on his conscience, even after he had enacted the infamous finger snap. It’s a chilling parallel between Thanos’ megalomania and his twisted idea of fatherly love.

6 “Let Me Do Something Good; Something Right.” (Thor / Avengers: Endgame)

When the Avengers retrieved all the Infinity Stones from different points in history, it was unclear which one would wear the Iron Gauntlet and use them to bring back everybody that Thanos turned to dust. Since Thor had blamed himself for Thanos’ victory and felt like a failure as a result, he insisted on doing it.

The other Avengers told him he wasn’t in the right mental state to do it, but he begged them to let him “do something good; something right.” It was an emotionally charged moment for a superhero used to succeeding at all odds, and it made for one of Thor’s most heartbreaking quotes in the MCU.

5 “We Are Groot.” (Groot / Guardians Of The Galaxy)

Groot came back as a baby when Rocket replanted him at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, but the resulting life form wasn’t quite the same Groot they remembered.  The original died trying to protect his friends from total destruction, by utilizing his own biology to form a protective barrier around them.

Having only said, “I am Groot,” for the entirety of the movie, the phrase took on a whole new meaning at the end when he switched it up a bit. It was enough to get the tears rolling as the loveable tree said his final goodbyes, leaving only a sapling behind to reinvent himself for a new age.

4 “Sometimes, That Thing You’re Searching For Your Whole Life, Is Right There By Your Side All Along, And You Don’t Even Know It.” (Peter Quill / Guardians Of The Galaxy 2)

This is another line that Quill delivers at the end of the second Guardians of the Galaxy film, and it goes far beyond just a guy losing his father figure. The quote itself is poignant, and important for everyone to consider, no matter the situation. It’s true that human beings have a tendency to miss what’s right in front of them.

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That could be a love interest, a parental figure, or a mentor. Sometimes, it’s just a good friend who can help pull a person through the dark times. The danger lies in missing that person when they’re standing right there the entire time. The line is tragic because Quill only realized what he lost after it was gone.

3 “I’m Gonna Need To Take A Raincheck On That Dance.” (Steve Rogers / Captain America: The First Avenger)

The final act of Captain America: The First Avenger is pretty tragic, considering that Steve Rogers will end up losing the love of his life. The two exchange a heart-wrenching exchange about a date that will never be (at least until the end of Avengers: Endgame) before Cap goes into the ice and stays frozen for decades.

After being revived in the present, Steve spent the next few years lamenting the fact that he missed their dance. He did get to reunite with his lost love as Peggy lay on her deathbed as an old woman and it would all work out in the end, but at the time, it was heartbreaking.

2 “You Can Rest Now.” (Pepper Potts / Avengers: Endgame)

After the infamous snap took place, Tony Stark’s worst fears were realized. Believing his failure to be complete, he decided to make the most of an unfathomable situation, and retreat inwards into his family. This included a relationship with his love Pepper Potts and the child they have together.

He gave that up for one last shot at reversing all the damage Thanos had done, at the cost of his own life. Pepper was there to console him in the end and to let him know that the danger had passed, everyone was safe, and he could finally rest in peace with the burden of guilt lifted off his shoulders.

1 “I Don’t Wanna’ Go! I Don’t Wanna’ Go!” (Peter Parker / Avengers: Infinity War)

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos shocked audiences across the world when he actually succeeded in his plan to wipe out half the universe’s inhabitants. Most of the characters only realized they were dying when they actually saw themselves turning to dust, but thanks to his spider-sense, Peter Parker was able to sense his impending demise.

As soon as he could feel it coming, he said, “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good…” before collapsing into Tony Stark’s arms. What followed next was a young boy pleading in fear to stay alive, which was extremely hard for audiences to watch. The level of emotion in that one scene makes it the most powerful of the entire Infinity War saga, and it isn’t close.

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