No one can watch The Wedding Singer and not get a laugh from the romantic comedy. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler brought the film to life with their realistic acting and comedic characters.

Every character in the film delivered some funny and genuine quotes that took the movie from just an ordinary film and plot to something classic and memorable. Some quotes will forever be remembered from this movie and that’s what makes it a forever classic.

Sometimes Family Is Right

“Hey Linda, You’re A B*tch!”

Kids truly do say the darndest things. The presence of Robbie’s nephews is a great addition to the plot of the film, and Petey is just the cutest in the scenes that he does appear in. He should be a character ranked by his intelligence because he said things that the adults were afraid to say. As Robbie Hart (Adam Sandler) is still reeling from the fact that his fiancee, Linda, has just left him at the alter the previous day, that same fiancee shows up on his doorstep to “apologize.”


After her speech on why she couldn’t marry him, Robbie’s nephew Petey comes out and says this classic quote to her and it’s still just as funny today as it was then. Kids speak the truth and little Petey was not lying in his observation of Linda. As of today, the child actor that plays Petey wouldn’t be considered a child star hiding from Hollywood because after this role, he went on to star in many other movie roles, and is still acting today.

What’s Love Without A Song To Describe It

“I Wanna Grow Old With You”

The Wedding Singer wouldn’t be The Wedding Singer without some amazing songs and a good soundtrack to follow along in the film. This quote comes from the famous song from Robbie sung to Julia as she was on a plane to Vegas to marry her fiance whom she doesn’t love.

In order to show her that he does love her and wants to live his life with her, Robbie gets the help from plane staff, passengers, and the famous Billy Idol to profess his love in a way only he knows how, and that’s through a song.

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Practice Kissing Can Help

“Not Porno Tongue, Church Tongue”

Some people like to keep things simple and sweet when they get married, and knowing how they want their first kiss as husband and wife to go can be a big deal for some. As Julie and her friend are discussing whether or not she will kiss with tongue or not on her wedding day, Robbie stops by and this is where the fun starts.

Julia’s friend suggests that Julia practice her tongue kissing on Robbie, and this leads to this quote from Julia when how much tongue comes into question. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler is among the best actors with the best chemistry in a film and this scene is evidence of this observation with how funny yet beautiful it came across to audiences.

All Anyone Wants Is Someone To Love

“I Just Want Someone To Hold Me And Tell Me Everything’s Going To Be Alright”

Anyone can put up a facade and pretend that they are okay with being alone, and some people start to believe it wholeheartedly. One of the most likable characters in The Wedding Singer, Sammy is Robbie’s best friend and known as the town flirt who only does one-night stands.

This heartwarming quote comes from Sammy when Robbie is at the bar drinking his sorrows away and trying to forget Julia. Robbie states he’s going to be just like Sammy and not care about anyone and just go around sleeping with women without any feelings. In this quote, Sammy lets Robbie know that he wishes he had someone to love and love him, and that he wishes he had what Julia and Robbie had because the life he’s living is not one that he wants.

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Cursed Van Halen Because Of Linda

“Please Get Out Of My Van Halen T-Shirt Before You Jinx The Band And They Break-Up”

When someone’s truly over another, there’s nothing the other person can say or do to get back into that person’s life. After Linda leaves Robbie at the altar and tells him the next day that she doesn’t ever want to marry him, it seems the two go their separate ways and the audience will never see Linda again in the film, however, this turns out not to be the case.

Near the end of the film, Linda reemerges in Robbie’s Van Halen t-shirt, begging for Robbie to take her back and that she’s ready to get married. This quote is a funny result of Robbie finding her in his shirt and letting her know that they will never be getting back together under any circumstances. This quote is hilariously funny, especially knowing that Van Halen disbanded on multiple occasions during the ‘90s, so the notion that Linda would bring bad luck upon the band was pretty hilarious.

Nothing Like An Invested Nephew In Your Mental Health

“You’re Going To The Mental Institution”

The young talent present in The Wedding Singer was very notable in some scenes of the film, particularly the interactions between Robbie Hart (Adam Sandler) and his two nephews. Their openness with their uncle has led to some funny quotes to be said in the film, and this is one of them.

In the film, Robbie sometimes found himself talking to himself and this was sometimes in the presence of his older nephew. When Julia shows up with a present for Robbie and Robbie pretty much tells her that she should just go get married to Glen, Julia tosses blank custom sheet music paper and leaves. As Robbie is realizing what this is, he begins talking to himself with his oldest nephew coming up to him and stating matter of factly “you’re going to the mental institution.”

Nobody Disrespects Billy Idol

“Don’t You Talk To Billy Idol That Way”

In probably the funniest musician movie cameos, Robbie is on a plane to Vegas to stop Julia from making the biggest mistake of her life by marrying Glen, and Billy Idol is also on the flight in first class. After hearing Robbie talk about Julia and his plans to go and stop her from eloping in Vegas, a flight attendant comes and tells the group that a jerk has been hitting on her the entire flight, calling her “grade A beef”.

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When Robbie realizes this is Glen and that he and Julia are on the same flight, he and the first-class passengers, including Billy, come up with a plan to help Robbie get his woman. While Robbie is singing to Julia, Glen tries to stop this with Billy Idol getting in his way. However, when he disrespects Billy, a passenger on the plane gets up and announces that nobody talks to Billy that way, and pushes Glen into the cabin bathroom with a food cart. What makes this scene iconically funny is the fact that this big Billy Idol fan is a huge and scary biker.

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