Spider-Man has had his fair share of wardrobe changes throughout the years. He’s perhaps gone through the most costume changes out of any Marvel hero in any universe besides Iron Man. While some of the suits stick close to his design aesthetic, others could get a bit wild over the years.

Of course, in his collection of suits, the differences can vary between Peter Parker just looking silly and him getting phenomenal powers. Whatever the case may be, Spider-Man can’t always rely on the old reliable red-and-blue suit, and these wild suits definitely stepped up to the plate when needed.


Threats And Menaces Suit

Starting off the list is a journalist superhero’s dream (or nightmare). In The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #61, Peter is once again very broke. Norah Winters of TNM (Threats and Menaces) offers Peter a job and a new suit with high-tech surveillance technology to record his exploits. The suit is made of Unstable Molecules developed by Reed Richards, meaning it easily adapts to any environment.

It also offers physical augmentations, hologram technology, and high-definition cameras that stream directly to JJJ’s computer. The suit is a high-tech throwback to Pete’s past working for the Daily Bugle. He even gets to have J. Jonah Jameson shouting in his earpiece for nostalgic purposes. It’s a great way to integrate Peter’s journalism as a theme for his suit.

Rorschach Suit

A brief but fascinating suit makes its appearance in a Spiderverse event.  In Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #9, the readers see a very familiar face from another publishing company. The Spider-Man of this multiverse appears to be a detective at first glance. Although that might just sound like Spider-Noir, his mask makes him stand out.

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It appears to be a Rorschach mask, only this time, it’s red and in the shape of a spider. This Peter is among the many Spider-Men that joined the Spider-army. It makes the reader wonder what kind of dark universe would force a Spider-Man to become a Rorschach archetype. Alas, readers might never know because he hasn’t made any other appearances.

Spider Armor MK I Suit

This chrome disaster made its debut in Web of Spider-Man #100. It is perhaps one of the most straightforward design decisions Peter has ever made. When a group called the New Enforcers brings in some real heavy firepower to New York, Peter has to think of a solution.

The solution, as it turns out, is making a metal version of his suit. Although it’s a “pseudo-metallic” compound, it’s just his normal suit with steel plates. It’s a weird suit because of how counter it is to the lithe and agile Spider-Man’s usual MO. The suit significantly slows him down, but it does protect him from high-caliber gunfire, so it’s kind of successful.

Captain Universe Suit

This suit is Peter’s first real foray into the cosmic side of the Marvel universe. After a lab accident in Amazing Spider-Man #329,  Peter finds himself and his suit enhanced with Uni-Power. His new suit comes with a new name: Captain Universe. This cosmic form is one of Spider-Man’s most powerful forms in the comics to date.

The Captain Universe suit is one of the least Spider-Man-looking designs he has ever worn. Instead of spider symbols and webbing, it’s all cosmic blues and whites. The only holdover of his original suit left is the triangle spot on his face. The suit grants him the usual flying cosmic brick arsenal of strength, speed, and flight. It also grants him some minor telekinesis.

Fear Itself Suit

The Fear Itself storyline offers a lot of fantasy fun for heroes that readers don’t usually see in fantasy settings. Spider-Man is no exception. The Dwarves of Nidavellir aid Thor and his super companions in the fight against the big bad, Cul Borson.

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One of the perks of dwarven aid is some really impressive and unique magical armor. Made from the mythical metal Uru (the same stuff used to make Mjolnir), it’s extremely durable and surprisingly light. Fans of the PS4 Spider-Man game may recognize this suit as the one that deals quad damage. Seeing as his fists are now covered in Mjolnir metal, Spider-Man packs way more of a punch than he usually does.

“Thor” Suit

Unlike a lot of the other suits Peter has worn, this one was not worn by choice. After a chance encounter with the villain Enchantress, Peter finds himself under her spell and fighting as her “champion.” To look the part, Enchantress transforms his suit into a mockery of Thor’s outfit, winged helmet and all.

The suit itself doesn’t grant any new powers that Spider-Man didn’t already have. The only new ability comes from his not-Mjolnir, which can summon lightning. It’s hilarious to see Spider-Man swinging around Mjolnir and wearing loose-fitting Asgardian armor, especially when he finally faces up against the tower of muscles that is the real Thor.

Old Man Spider-Man Suit

Less a suit and more of an assortment of rags, this version of Peter Parker has long since retired. Peter has grown pudgy after his years of inactivity, but he answers the call nonetheless. However, his “suit” is composed of bits and pieces of his old suits that he had kept throughout the years.

The suit is indicative of the state the world is in. Much like the suit, the heroes themselves are old and only a husk of their former selves. Nevertheless, it also says that as long as evil is around, heroes will stand up against it, wrinkled or not. Despite being one of Spider-Man’s darker moments, this suit is still interesting for what it symbolizes.

Bombastic Bag-Man

Spider-Man is well known to be one of the few reserve members that the Fantastic Four draft into their ranks for emergencies. When Peter loses his usual costume, his long-time friend Johnny Storm has a suggestion. As expected of Johnny, it was a terrible suggestion.

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Johnny simply gives him a paper bag with eyeholes cut out and one of his old Fantastic Four uniforms. Thus,  the Bombastic Bag-Man is born. To add insult to injury, some versions of this costume include a “Kick Me” sign on the back. Regardless of how goofy the suit looks, it does showcase Peter’s dedication to both saving lives and maintaining his secret identity.

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