The Amazing Spider-Man franchise is full of high-flying moments, funny quips and interactions, and even some scary moments. But often, the films can sucker punch the audience with a heart-wrenching scene. There are character deaths, emotional speeches, and breakups that could make any viewer cry.

The films did a really good job of drawing out these emotional scenes with their great scripts and the incredible acting from all the characters. These sad moments really are worthy of a discussion about just how good they are at making a person tear up.


Aunt May’s “You’re My Boy” Speech

Sally Field has always known how to give an emotional speech, and she really shines as Aunt May in this scene. At this moment in the film, Peter is desperately trying to find the truth about his parents. May is suitably worried and begins forcefully and tearfully telling Peter that she was the one who raised him, and he may respect his father, but ultimately he is her child.

You can feel the struggles she has gone through to raise Peter, and the pain she has suffered having lost her husband. It’s clear that she is terrified of losing her nephew, and it’s impossible not to tear up, especially when Peter begins comforting her.

Gwen And Peter Break Up

Gwen and Spider-Man had a lot of funny quotes and hilarious moments together, but they also had very sad ones too. One of which comes immediately after Gwen goes to her dad’s funeral, who just died in a battle with the Lizard. Because Peter promised her father that he would stay away from Gwen, he doesn’t go to the funeral. Gwen understands but is suitably heartbroken at losing both her father and her boyfriend.

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She stands in the rain and stares at Peter forlornly, and due to his promise he is unable to even comfort her. It’s a very tragic scene, and viewers can feel both characters’ pain simultaneously.

Harry’s Illness

Harry is a tragic character from the very start. His introductory scene is when he visits his father’s death bed, and Harry is informed that he will suffer the same death from the rare disease that his father has. Harry loses his grip on reality, and in his desperation to avoid the same fate as his father, he asks Spider-Man to help him. Unfortunately, Spider-Man knows that he ethically can’t.

This moment is sad, as Harry feels both terrified by what will happen to him, and betrayed at Spider-Man’s lack of help. And Peter’s situation is also sad, as he clearly wants to help his best friend, but is tragically unable to.

Gwen’s Death

This is arguably the saddest death in all of the Spider-Man movies, as Peter and Gwen have become an iconic pairing for just how amazing they were together. Gwen falls down the clock tower during a fight with the Green Goblin, and while Peter is able to catch her, she still partially hits the ground while also snapping her back due to the inertia.

Ultimately, it’s unclear if Peter catching her is what actually killed her, which is even more tragic as Peter must live with that guilt forever. Thankfully, this moment has been given some closure in No Way Home, since Peter was able to safely catch MJ.

The Egg Scene

A big focus of the film was how Peter had to learn how to balance his everyday responsibilities with his superhero ones. For a while, he was out of balance, since he kept forgetting to buy eggs.

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But at the end of the film, Peter arrives, beaten and bloody from his fight with the Lizard. Aunt May is very worried about him, but he smiles and brings out a carton of eggs, which she shoves aside in order to hug him. The scene is very emotional and is a reason why this film is considered to be a great Spider-Man movie.

Captain Stacy’s Death

While Peter and Gwen’s father never exactly got along, they finally managed to team up in order to fight the Lizard. However, Captain Stacy still gets fatally injured, and he dies with Peter beside him. With his dying breath, he makes Peter promise to not let Gwen suffer the same fate. He then dies as Peter looks on tearily.

The fact that he dies is sad enough, but the moment becomes even more tragic later on, as Peter breaks his promise and stays with Gwen, which ultimately leads to her death as well. Therefore, Captain Stacy’s death isn’t just sad, it’s hauntingly tragic.

Uncle Ben’s Death

Uncle Ben’s death is arguably the most iconic moment in the entire Spider-Man franchise, as it is the main part of the hero’s origin story. But while it’s necessary to the story, it’s still incredibly sad. Not only does Peter’s beloved family member and father figure die, but Peter also feels incredibly guilty for it, as the guy who kills Ben is also a criminal that Peter lets get away earlier in the scene.

Not only that, but Peter actually argued with Uncle Ben just before he died, which only adds to his guilt. This sad moment hangs over Spider-Man’s entire character arc, and it leads to one of Andrew Garfield’s best scenes as Spider-Man, hunting down Ben’s killers.

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Gwen And Peter Break Up Again

Since Gwen and Peter were always such a great couple, it’s very sad to see them split up. Peter is constantly conflicted about being with Gwen after he promised Captain Stacy to stay away from her. This leads to him not wanting to join her for a meal with her family.

This leads to a fight, where Gwen states that she loves Peter Parker more than Spider-Man. It’s tragic, because if Peter wasn’t the web-slinging superhero then they could safely be together. But that’s not the case, so Gwen, unable to take Peter’s constant complicatedness, breaks up with him and leaves him standing sadly in the street.

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