Warning! Spoilers for Avengers #51 by Marvel Comics

The Avengers have realized their most powerful current member can be trained to become their Galactus and Thanos counter. In Avengers #51, Black Panther takes the Phoenix Force-powered Echo aside and tells her she should use her copycat skills and newfound abilities to master the technique of some of Marvel’s greatest villains. Among the threats mentioned? The heaviest hitters in the universe: Thanos, Galactus, the Beyonders, Molecule Man, and the Living Tribunal.

The Phoenix chose Maya Lopez as the unlikely winner of the Phoenix Tournament – which hosted Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains to see who would gain the Phoenix Force – despite the hero not winning the tournament. Instead, the Phoenix saw the pain and hardships Echo has gone through in her life and determined she was the best fit for the incredible cosmic power. Unfortunately, adjusting to life as the new Phoenix hasn’t been easy for Lopez, as she’s still only scratched the surface of what her powers are capable of. On top of that, Thor – who’s most could be the Phoenix – isn’t too happy to have the Phoenix Force around, making her stay with the Avengers a tad uncomfortable.


In Avengers #51 by Jason Aaron, Juan Frigeri, David Curiel, and VC’s Cory Petit, the story flashes back to a few days before Maya Lopez and the Phoenix Force arrive on Asgard. At Avengers Mountain, Black Panther shows Echo the Brain Room that runs on the cerebral tissue of their Celestial base. T’Challa reveals she can access the fighting style of pretty much anyone and suggests it might be wise to add some cosmic fighting styles to her repertoire now she’s powered by the Phoenix. Echo asks the mountain to show her the villains who have the power to defeat the Phoenix, as Thanos, Galactus, Molecule Man, Owen Reece, the Living Tribunal, and the Beyonders are identified.

Black Panther notes that as the most marked and feared woman in the universe, Echo will likely come in contact with beings as strong as Galactus and Thanos at some point. Lopez tells T’Challa she wants to know how to fight against the Phoenix, so she knows how to kill it in case she gets in a fight for her life against it. The computer adds Wanda Maximoff, Odin Borson, and Thor Odinson as those who also have Phoenix-killing skills and abilities.

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T’Challa had the right idea in showing Echo the Brain Room and giving her access to the fighting styles of some of the greatest villains in the Marvel Universe. Sooner than later, the Avengers will need a powerful hero who can take down the likes of Thanos and Galactus. Echo and the Phoenix Force seem to be that person, even if showing her the info could backfire tremendously. Avengers #51 by Marvel Comics is in stores now.

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