The Avengers have received numerous powerful upgrades during their time as a team, but few were as powerful as when they were gifted weapons by Odin made from the same metal as Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. In Fear Itself, the Avengers faced off against a powerful Asgardian villain. To stop him, Odin gave the superteam their Uru-metal-powered weapons and upgrades, turning Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into one of the most badass versions of the Avengers ever.

The 2010 Fear Itself crossover series by Matt Fraction, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Laura Martin, and Chris Eliopoulos featured the return of the Serpent, the God of Fear, who Odin banished deep beneath Mariana’s Trench. Thousands of years after being trapped away by his brother, the Serpent was freed and sought the throne of Asgard and the ultimate revenge on Odin. The Serpent dropped seven hammers across Midgard, which turned the wielders into his Worthy. Among those transformed by the hammers include the Juggernaut, the Absorbing Man, and the Grey Gargoyle.


In the finale of the Fear Itself crossover, Iron Man reveals that he’s been working alongside Odin to create a series of Uru-powered weapons (the same metal that made up Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir) that the All-Father blessed. Iron Man informs his Avengers teammates that the weapons have transformational components that will have the same effect as Mjolnir. The upgrades prove to be quite substantial. Iron Man has his own Uru-powered Bleeding Edge armor, Wolverine gains Uru-armor and fiery claws, Captain Marvel gets a giant battle axe, She-Hulk gets a powerful blade, and Hawkeye gets a new bow powered by Uru metal.

When Captain America appears down and out, he picks up Mjolnir and calls for the Avengers to assemble. The Uru-powered heroes immediately show off the incredible powers of their new weapons, as Black Widow uses twin scythes to take on the Serpent’s forces, Hawkeye has perfect aim with his Uru arrows and bow, and Doctor Strange and Iron Fist team-up to obliterate a mind-controlled Titania. All-in-all, the Uru weapons proved to be highly effective in battle.

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Odin only allowed the weapons to be used once by the Avengers, as following the Serpent’s defeat, he made sure to retrieve the Uru-powered items and melt them down in Svartalfheim. Still, the Avengers each getting their own Uru weapons like Thor’s hammer Mjolnir was amazing to see in action. It’s hard to imagine how mighty the Avengers would be if Odin let them keep the Mjolnir-like weapons permanently.

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