Michelle Young is looking for her perfect match on The Bachelorette, and one way to discern who will fit the reality star is by analyzing Michelle’s Gemini zodiac sign. Throughout Michelle’s long-lasting search for love on Matt James’ season of The Bachelor and the current season of The Bachelorette, fans have gotten to understand that the romantic is adventurous, clever, and independent. From bestowing herself the title of catchphrase queen to her inability to decide which man she wants, here’s how Michelle is a perfect fit for her Gemini Sun sign.

Michelle was born on June 3, 1993, in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. This means that Michelle is 28 years old and she has a Gemini zodiac placement. Gemini season runs from May 21 to June 20, which is a time of significant change in the seasons. The Gemini placement is a Mutable Air sign, which indicates that these individuals are adaptable and embrace transformation. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is known for being the communicator of the solar system. Represented by “the Twins,” Geminis are friendly and easygoing, but are often criticized for being two-faced. Geminis like the arts, traveling, and long conversations with friends. Geminis despise rigid routines, being alone, and stagnation.


Although Geminis are commonly recognized for their flaky flaws, Michelle Young’s a perfect representation of the Air placement’s positive attributes. Strengths of the Gemini Sun sign include being great conversationalists, curious, and adaptable. First and foremost, Michelle is emblematic of the crucial communication aspect of her zodiac placement. In her bio with ABC, Michelle described herself as a quippy “catch-phrase queen.” Michelle’s ability to pull out a catchy saying speaks to the witty style of conversation that Geminis are often equipped with. Moreover, Michelle’s career ventures speak to her communication expertise. Michelle thrives as a teacher and a reality TV star because she can easily connect with students and/or thousands of viewers. Michelle’s flexibility is exhibited in her ability to jump back into her search for love on The Bachelorette season 18 so shortly after getting her heart broken on The Bachelor season 25.

On the other hand, Geminis like Michelle Young are often slammed for being inconsistent and indecisive. No Gemini is able to evade the stigma that people born with the Air placement are unreliable and traitorous. Although Michelle hasn’t indicated that she’s untrustworthy, the Bachelorette lead has shown some of the weaknesses of her Sun sign. Geminis are commonly criticized for their inability to commit to a decision, whereas the entire premise of The Bachelor franchise is to finally decide on a lifelong partner. Michelle is sure to have to make some difficult decisions as she says goodbye to bachelors week after week on season 18. Additionally, while Michelle’s various interests from teaching to reality television to playing basketball are all impressive, her wide range of passions might make her unfocused in each field.

Overall, Michelle Young personifies the positive and negative characteristics of her Gemini Sun sign. From her excellent communication skills to her indecision and inconsistent passions, Michelle is a prime example that Geminis aren’t all so bad. Hopefully, Michelle can dispel some negative Gemini traits on The Bachelorette season 18.

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Source: ABC

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