The Banana Splits Movie takes a classic kids show and turns it into a horror movie, which it’s easy to do, since the source material is so weird. It’s no secret that what entertains children often looks odd when viewed through an adult lens. As a kid, bright colors, catchy songs, and a happy vibe are sometimes all it takes to be captivated by a TV show. The actual characters and plot are often secondary concerns, as sensory stimulation is more what’s on the menu.

While it’s true that the occasional kids show comes along that refuses to play to such base values and tries to engage the minds of children, such as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, for the most part, TV intended for young children doesn’t really have to worry about making any kind of logical sense. Perhaps that’s why so many classic kids shows look so insane and unsettling when looked at with the perspective that comes with graduating to adulthood.


When it was first announced that late 1960s kids show The Banana Splits was being adapted into a horror film, many observers were left wondering how that could possibly work. It turns out, pretty well actually, as The Banana Splits Movie is a fun watch, despite its clearly low budget. Part of the reason it does so is just how easily the trappings of a show like The Banana Splits can be made creepy.

The Banana Splits Movie Proves Classic Kids Shows Are Terrifying

As presented in The Banana Splits Movie, the titular group members are actually state of the art robots, instead of performers in costumes as they were in real life. This isn’t a hard leap to make though, as costumed characters like the Splits always give off a certain sense of inhumanity, especially due to their pasted on expressions of happiness that echo other objects of fear like clowns. Once the robots go haywire, and things get crazy, it’s quickly apparent just how inherently off-putting The Banana Splits are.

Almost trapped within a cheery world against their will, the Splits are compelled to perform certain tasks and actions at certain times, and are incapable of deviating from those routines. This is true even after they turn evil, as they force humans to take part in the rituals of their show, and try to force an audience of children to watch them perform forever, not comprehending human concerns like eating, drinking, or sleeping. Characters like The Banana Splits entertain children, but they are still decidedly inhuman at the end of the day, and reside within a universe of manufactured cheer where nothing ever really changes. That would of course be an existential nightmare if contemplated by most humans.

As well as The Banana Splits Movie worked, perhaps its time to fully embrace the ever-present creep factor under the surface of most children’s TV shows, and turn other classics dark. Why not remake Pee-wee’s Playhouse, revealing that Pee-wee’s various eccentricities are because he’s a serial killer, and perhaps feeds his victims to Chairy? Maybe a horror spin on Barney could reveal that the network covers up his occasional child-eating, since he’s a carnivorous dinosaur. Or even better, a horror remake could make Bozo the Clown akin to Pennywise. The possibilities are endless, and need to be capitalized on.

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