Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Batman.

Between riddles and ominous singing lies Paul Dano’s phenomenal performance of The Riddler. The bleak, gritty lines of The Batman, written by Peter Craig and Matt Reeves, come to life in his fearsome deliveries, shaping the new Riddler.

The iconic DC villain always had his way with words, and in Reeves’ movie, that reaches another level as Riddler’s quotes leave viewers on edge throughout the entire narrative. From his riddles echoing in Gotham Cathedral to his ode to “Ave Maria” in Arkham Asylum, The Riddler had some seriously terrifying quotes in The Batman.

8 Tips From Fans

“Thanks For All The Comments And Tips On Detonators.”

The Riddler’s plan was brilliant because he controlled the circumstances of getting caught, as being sent to Arkham was part of his scheme all along. When the audience hears the villain say this phrase in another video to his followers, his grand finale begins.

Because Riddler is vague about the detonators’ purpose, this line is an alarming realization that the game isn’t over yet, bringing tension to the air. While it’s not the most troubling Riddler line in The Batman, it still leaves the viewer clueless about what will happen even at the movie’s conclusion.

7 Poetic Justice

“It Can Be Cruel, Poetic Or Blind. But When It’s Denied, It’s Violence You May Find.”

Unsurprisingly, The Batman contains riddles from beginning to end. While each one of them causes the unsettling sensation planned by Riddler, the horror increases significantly with the puzzles Colson must answer to disarm the bomb around his neck.

This is horrifying because of the tense circumstances in which it’s in and what it represents in Riddler’s scheme. With “justice” being the answer, the dishonorable prosecutor is forced to think about his immoral conduct in the past and how he brought violence to himself by not defending the law. The quote encapsulates the Riddler’s ironic version of “poetic justice”, torturing Colson with the very thing he sworn to fight for, all through an ominous video call.


6 Two Sides Of The Same Coin

“You’re Part Of This, Too.”

The Riddler has many great quotes in Reeves’ film, and his conversation with Batman in Arkham Asylum provides a closer look at the villain’s psyche. While Batman fails in getting as much information as he wanted, this Riddler quote makes the Caped Crusader realize their actions are similar, which is one of the biggest surprises in The Batman.

The idea of a superhero sharing some likeness with the foe he’s trying to defeat is tense itself, but this is even scarier given that one of the movie’s themes is Bruce Wayne’s search for hope instead of vengeance. By seeing Nashton compare the two of them, Batman concludes he cannot be part of revenge-driven plans.

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5 The Riddler Is A Fan

“All It Takes Is Fear And A Little Focused Violence.”

In Nashton’s perspective, he’s as much of a hero as Batman: Both are helping Gotham City get rid of its corruption and decadence. Along with saying Batman is part of his plan, Riddler explained how the hero inspired his scheme, admitting he’s a Batman fan. To the Dark Knight, this is a scary statement that makes him reflect on whether or not he wants to become like Riddler.

To the audience, it’s a realization of The Riddler’s mental state and Bruce’s inner turmoil, providing the troubling sensation of their likeness. It’s undeniably one of the best Riddler quotes in The Batman, defining how he sees the world.

4 Bruce Wayne Is The Next Target

“You Need To Answer For The Sins Of Your Father.”

Although he’s barely on the screen physically, Dano’s Riddler is the best performance of The Batman. In his plan to expose the systematic corruption of Gotham, the villain leads Batman and Jim Gordon through an intricate maze to Arkham Orphanage.

The line makes the scene frightening, causing Bruce to be petrified when he realizes Alfred is in danger. Through this threat, what’s at stake in the movie gets more personal, and the perception of the Wayne family is challenged. It’s not only eerie for making Bruce Riddler’s next target, but also for the point the Riddler is making about Thomas Wayne’s actions in the past.

3 Ave Maria Has Never Been So Frightening

“Ave Maria…Gratia Plena…”

Like A Clockwork Orange’s “Singin’ in the Rain”, “Ave Maria” adds another level of horror to The Batman, reaching its terrifying peak when the instrumental version is replaced by Riddler singing to Batman in Arkham. As Batman desperately punches the glass separating them, asking about the last step of Riddler’s plan, the villain keeps singing the song.

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The lyrics are not only frightening because the audience recognizes there’s something wicked on the way, but also because of the distressing atmosphere that it creates in the room. Amidst the agony of a powerless Batman, The Riddler triumphs through horror.

2 A Riddle For Batman

“What’s Black And Blue And Dead All Over? You.”

Over the years, The Riddler has delivered some great quotes on-screen, including his abundance of riddles and fun puns. In The Batman, his riddles are as dark as ever, especially the ones he reserves for Batman. With this, the villain shows he understands Batman, and most importantly, he sees the grievance under the mask, even though he’s isn’t aware that he’s Bruce Wayne.

It’s particularly troubling that the villain understands Bruce’s most personal complexities. One might even posit that Riddler sees himself in the man he admires, and thus shares with him more than Batman thought. This riddle impacts the perception Bruce has of himself and Batman, becoming one of the final unnerving lines in the movie.

1 It’s All About The Chilling Delivery


Who would have thought that the most disturbing quote of The Batman could be something as simple as “Bruce Wayne”? Any DC fan is familiar with the name since Batman’s debut in the Golden Age of comic books, so there’s nothing unexpected about it.

However, Nashton mentions the name in his monologue about his traumatic childhood, speaking as if he knew the Caped Crusader’s true identity. Riddler terrifies both Batman and the audience with this heart-stopping line before the possibility of him knowing the truth is dismissed. The credit for this chilling quote goes for Craig and Reeves’ clever writing and, notably, for Paul Dano’s excellent delivery. Lines like this prove The Batman wouldn’t be as gritty without The Riddler’s words echoing through Gotham City and movie theaters.

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