Cyberpunk 2077 has a plethora of ways players can allocate their perk points to create builds unique to their playstyle. However, not only are some builds deadlier than others, they have a way of making fans feel like their character fits certain archetypes. Since Cyberpunk 2077 does not have a class system, catering V’s build is the only way to achieve some semblance of order and structure to his or her mercenary life.

Cyber ninjas, employed by the Arasaka Corporation, are swift and deadly melee experts who rely on agility and stealth to eliminate their opponents. Players can become one of these sinister cybernetic assassins by improving certain attributes and obtaining certain perks. Doing so allows fans to transform V into a shadow walking cyber ninja that cuts opponents to pieces with bladed weapons.


Cyber Ninja Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077

The two primary Cyberpunk 2077 attributes players will use for a cyber ninja build are Reflexes and Cool. The “Reflexes” attribute improves V’s proficiency with assault weapons (rifles and SMGs), handguns, and blades. “Cool” improves V’s stealth capabilities and effects critical damage as well as speed. Together, Reflexes and Cool are the best attributes for cyber ninjas, as they turn V into a master of melee combat by making him fast, agile, and a savant with blades.

For the best results, maxing out the Reflexes and Cool attributes is recommended. Beyond that, diversifying the build with the remaining 10 points players gain through leveling should be spent on becoming a more efficient hacker (intelligence) and a bit more durable by increasing health capacity (Body). A couple points in Tech Ability to open certain doors during side gigs is also helpful.

A decent allocation of attribute points by the time players are level 50 for the cyber ninja build looks like this:

  1. Body – 9
  2. Reflexes – 20
  3. Technical Ability – 9
  4. Intelligence – 14
  5. Cool – 20

This allocation includes the 22 points players get upon creating their character and the 50 points earned by throughout the journey to achieve max level (50).

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Cyber Ninja Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 – Blades

To dish out the cuts and brutal damage for Cyberpunk 2077’s cyber ninja build, players should pay close attention to the Blades skill tree within the Reflexes attribute. Specifically, the following perks are useful for becoming that master ninja assassin:

  1. Sting Like A Bee – Increases attack speed with Blades by 10% (three points).
  2. Crimson Dance – Combos with Blades have a 15% chance to apply Bleeding (two points).
  3. Flight of the Sparrow – Reduces the stamina cost of all attacks with Blades by 30% (two points).
  4. Shifting Sands – Dodging recovers 15% stamina (three points).
  5. Stuck Pig – Increases Bleeding duration by three seconds (three points).
  6. Blessed Blade – Increases Crit Chance with Blades by 20%.
  7. Dragon Strike – Increases Crit Damage with Blades by 25%. Increases by one percent per perk point.
  8. Slow and Steady – Armor is increased by 15% while moving (two points).
  9. Offensive Defense – Defensive attacks with Blades deal 200% more damage (two points).

The perks listed above will make V a paragon of melee combat, increasing damage and efficiency with bladed weapons. This build does wonders for players who prefer using katanas and Cyberpunk 2077’s incredible Mantis Blades. Applying bleeds to enemies can make those pesky boss fights involving a lot of dodging and counterattacking much easier and quicker, and allocating points to Flight of the Sparrow to allow fans to use more attacks in succession makes V able to overwhelm enemies with a flurry of slices.

Moreover, the attack speed granted by Sting Like A Bee, the stamina refunded by Shifting Sands, the increased durability provided by Slow and Steady, and Offensive Defense give players a bit of protection for fights where they need to dart around their adversaries. This provides some survivability and allows players to dash in, slice and dice quickly, and get out. Guerrilla tactics are a work of art as a cyber ninja.

Cyber Ninja Perks in Cyberpunk 2077 – Stealth & Cold Blood

Within the “Cool” attribute, players will find the Stealth and Cold Blood perk trees. The primary skill tree here is the Stealth tree, but some perk points will be allocated to Cold Blood for some of its passive effects. This is where players will turn V into a ninja as opposed to a samurai, though, both are fun.

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From the Stealth tree, players will want the following at a minimum:

  1. Crouching Tiger – Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%.
  2. Hidden Dragon – Allows V to perform non-lethal aerial takedowns on unaware targets.
  3. Assassin – Deal 15% more damage to human enemies.
  4. Strike from the Shadows – Increases V’s crit chance by 15% while sneaking.
  5. Ninjutsu – Crouch attacks from stealth with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a critical hit.
  6. Leg Up – Movement speed after a successful takedown is increased by 30% for 10 seconds.
  7. Ghost – Detection time is increased by 20%.
  8. From the Shadows – Upon entering combat, crit chance increases by 25% for seven seconds.
  9. Hasty Retreat – Temporarily boosts movement speed by 50% for five seconds when detected by an enemy.

These perks from the Stealth tree turn V into a swift wraith, able to move in the shadows quickly and deal with unsuspecting enemies. Players have the choice to become proficient with poisons, but the bleed effects from the Blades tree are more prudent given the number of open engagements in Cyberpunk 2077. Saving perk points for the passives in that tree is more efficient in the long run.

A few points also need to be applied to the Cold Blood tree within the Cool attribute. The perks that are useful for the cyber ninja build there include the following:

  1. Cold Blood – After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds and increase movement speed by 2%. Stacks up to one time.
  2. Coldest Blood – Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by one.
  3. Defensive Clotting – Increases Armor by 10% per stack of Cold Blood.
  4. Unbreakable – Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by one.
  5. Immunity – While Cold Blood is active, V is immune to Bleeding, Poison, Burn, and Shock.
  6. Predator – Increases attack speed by 10% per stack of Cold Blood.
  7. Merciless – While Cold Blood is active, increases critical chance by 10% and critical damage by 25%. Increases by one percent and three percent respectively per perk point.

Cold Blood gives players a little more survivability and melee efficiency. As a cyber ninja, improving melee damage output is the key to winning fights, and having a little bit of survivability thrown in there makes up for any mistakes made during an engagement.

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Overall, this build requires good timing to pull off the critical dodges, counterattacks, and proper swordplay. Once learned, however, fans should notice how quickly the cyber ninja can eviscerate even the toughest opponents.

Next: Cyberpunk 2077: How to Craft Legendary Items

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One; upgraded versions for PS5 and Xbox Series X are scheduled for 2021.

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