When making it through Outriders players will come across a huge amount of weapons that can be used to help defeat their enemies. There are ten different weapon types in the game and within these types are dozens of weapons that each come with their own special abilities and rarities. Those who want to make it all the way through the game will need to get their hands on as many high-quality weapons as they possibly can.

One weapon type that pretty much every player no matter their class will carry with them at all times is the simple assault rifle. These weapons are incredibly versatile and allow the player to deal a solid amount of damage from almost any range. There are a huge amount of assault rifles out there in the world, but there are none more powerful than the Legendaries. This guide shows players how to get their hands on the best Legendary assault rifles.


Outriders: Best Legendary Assault Rifles

While there are a lot of Legendary weapons in the game there is sadly no way to earn specific ones while playing. Instead, players will just need to pick up Legendaries and hope that they are the ones that they are looking for. To make it more likely that players get the ones they want it is a good idea to just keep farming for Legendaries until the more useful ones appear.

The Juggler – Those who want a solid balance between dealing damage and keeping their health refilled will want to pick up the Juggler whenever possible. This weapon has a huge Life Leech stat which ensures that the player is constantly being healed when dealing damage to their enemies. On top of this though both of its mods do AOE damage to anything in a five-foot radius, which makes it the perfect close ranged weapon.

Heir to The Desert – To begin with this weapon holds more ammo per clip than any other assault rifle in the game, which is further improved by both its Status Power and Critical Damage Boosts. More than this though the weapon is able to deal the Bleed status effect every eight seconds and is also able to summon a damaging sandstorm every ten seconds.

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Inferno Seed – Those players who are very good at aiming for an enemy’s weak points will get a lot of use out of this weapon. The Inferno Seed for one grants the player an increased chance to pierce through enemy armor, which means a higher percentage of critical hits on bosses. On top of this though both mods for this gun are based around critical attacks by having critical hits explode on contact, which damage enemies and then catch them on fire. The second mod allows the player to conserve ammo due to the fact that critical shots won’t cost ammo whatsoever.

Voodoo Matchmaker – The reason why the Voodoo Matchmaker is such a powerful weapon is due to the fact that its damage is directly linked to that of the enemies that the player is facing. Whatever an enemy’s firepower is, this gun will deal damage based on a percentage of that damage. This means that the player can deal a huge amount of damage against enemies like bosses. On top of this, the weapon also has a high Life Leech stat as well as the chance to deal Vulnerability on enemies.

Outriders can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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