Cyberpunk 2077 offers a lot of playable diversity as far as how to build and specialize their character. While the boon in technology may leave much thinking of all the special guns they might find, there are still many melee weapons throughout the game that are well worth investing in. Depending on how the player builds their character, the melee weapons can be more efficient than any gun in the game.

When thinking about building any type of character, the first thing players need to think about is what Attributes will be the most important to their build. Investing attribute points into the wrong attribute can be incredibly wasteful, so if players are half-way through the game and want to switch up their playstyle it’ll likely be easier to start over.


Best Attributes and Perks to Invest in for a Melee Build in Cyberpunk 2077

Although it might be obvious already, players looking to build a melee-based character should put most of their focus on the Body and Reflexes attributes. If the player is also interested in stealth, they should consider setting aside a few points for the Cool attribute and perks.

Within each of the attribute trees have two to three subsects. Within Body, the most important trees to a melee build are Athletics and Street Brawler. Athletics deals more with how fast the player is and their Stamina and Health Pools, while Street Brawler deals almost exclusively with Blunt Weapons. Depending on the player’s interest and definition of playstyle, they may want to overlook the Street Brawler tree and instead invest in Reflexes Blades tree which is almost exclusively dedicated to blade-based attacks.

Which Body Perks to Buy in Cyberpunk 2077 for a Melee Build

Body: Athletics

  • Regeneration – Player’s health slowly regenerates while in combat.
  • Gladiator – Reduces the amount of stamina consumed from blocking melee attacks by 20%. Can be invested in twice.
  • Invincible – (Requires a Body of Level 5+) Increases the player’s max health by 10%. Can be invested in three times.
  • True Grit – (Requires a Body of Level 5+) Increases the player’s max stamina by 10%. Can be invested in three times.
  • Steel & Chrome – (Requires a Body of Level 9+) Increases melee damage by 10%. Can be invested in twice.
  • Like a Butterfly – (Requires a Body of Level 11+) Dodging no longer drains the player’s stamina.
  • Cardio Cure – (Requires a Body of Level 12+) The player’s health regenerates 25% faster while they move.
  • Marathoner – (Requires a Body of Level 14+) Sprinting no longer drains stamina.
  • Dog of War – (Requires a Body of Level 15+) Increases the player’s health regeneration while in combat by 15%. Can be invested in twice.
  • Wolverine – (Requires a Body of Level 16+) The player’s health will regenerate 50% faster during combat. Can be invested in twice.

Body: Street Brawler

  • Flurry – Increases the damage dealt from combos with blunt weapons by 30%. Can be invested in three times.
  • Crushing Blows – Increases the damage dealt from strong attacks with blunt weapons by 30%. Can be invested in three times.
  • Dazed – (Requires a Body of Level 4+) All blunt weapon attacks gain a 15% chance to stun the target. Can be invested in twice.
  • Rush – (Requires a Body of Level 5+) Causes successful attacks with blunt weapons to regenerate health by 3% for two seconds. Can be invested in twice.
  • Opportune Strike – (Requires a Body of Level 8+) Increases the player’s damage dealt with blunt weapons against stunned enemies by 50%.
  • Reinvigorate – (Requires a Body of Level 10+) Defeating an enemy with a strong blunt weapon attack will now restore 10% of the player’s stamina. Can be invested in three times.
  • Payback – (Requires a Body of Level 10+) Increases the player’s damage dealt with blunt weapons by 1% for each percent of health they are missing. Can be invested in three times.
  • Frenzy – (Requires a Body of Level 15+) Defeating an enemy will increase the player’s damage dealt with blunt weapons by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Unshakable – (Requires a Body of Level 18+) Successful blunt weapon attacks against stunned enemies will restore 5% of the player’s health and stamina. Can be invested in three times.
  • Guerrilla – (Requires Street Brawler level 20) Increases the player’s critical damage by 60% for 10 seconds after entering combat. This is increased by two percent for each perk level.

Which Reflexes and Cool Perks to Buy for a Melee Build in Cyberpunk 2077

Reflexes: Blades

  • Flight of the Sparrow – Reduces the stamina cost of all attacks with blades by 30%. Can be invested in twice.
  • Sting Like a Bee – Increases attack speed with blades by 10%. Can be invested in three times.
  • Crimson Dance – Combos with blades gain a 15% chance of applying bleeding to the target. Can be invested in twice.
  • Offensive Defense – Defensive attacks with blades deal 200% more damage. Can be invested in twice.
  • Roaring Waters – Strong blade attacks deal 30% more damage. Can be invested in three times.
  • Blessed Blade – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 10+) Increases the critical chance by 20% with blades.
  • Bloodlust – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 12+) Wielding a blade recovers 7% of the player’s health when either applying bleeding or hitting a bleeding target. Can be invested in twice.
  • Float Like a Butterfly – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 12+) Dodging increases the damage dealt with blades by 25% for five seconds. Can be invested in twice.
  • Judge, Jury, and Executioner – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 15+) Increases the damage dealt with blades by 50% against enemies with full health. Can be invested in three times.
  • Fiery Blast – (Requires the Reflexes Level 15+) Increases damage dealt with blades by 1% for each percent of their health pool missing. Can be invested in three times.
  • Deathbolt – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 18+) While wielding a blade, defeating an enemy will restore 20% of the player’s health and increase their movement speed by 30% for five seconds.
  • Crimson Tide – (Requires the Reflexes Level of 18+) Bleeding applied by a blade attack can be stacked up to three times.
  • Dragon Strike – (Requires level 20 in Blades) Increases critical damage with blades by 25% plus one percent for each perk level.

Cool: Stealth

  • Crouching Tiger – Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%.
  • Strike from the Shadows – Increases critical chance by 15% while sneaking.
  • Dagger Dealer – Allows the player to throw knives.
  • Cutthroat – (Requires a Cool of Level 9+) Thrown knives deal 30% more damage.
  • Venomous Fangs – (Requires a Cool of Level 14+) All knives apply poison to the target.
  • Silent Finisher – (Requires a Cool of Level 16+) Enemies with less than 15% health are instantly defeated when attack with a knife. This doesn’t work on very high threat level enemies.
  • Ninjutsu – (Requires a Cool of Level 20) Crouching attacks with melee weapons deal 100% more damage and guarantee a critical hit.
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Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Last-Gen.

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