The world of Dragon Age: Inquisition is a huge, open-world for players to explore and offer hundreds of side quests to give players more lore, gear, Gold, Power, XP, and Influence. Generally, as players progress through the main story on their way to defeat Corypheus, they will want to complete the main area quests for each new location, the main story quests under The Inquisitor’s Path, and the companion quests under The Inner Circle. Most of these will contain cutscenes and integral parts of the narrative. Players also may choose to complete some of the higher-profile side quests, like the Dragon Slayer quest that asks the party to kill all 10 high dragons or capturing the three keeps available across the map. With so many side quests beyond those options, however, it is entirely possible players may have missed some of the best side quests in the game.


Several side quests bring the Inquisitor and companions into new, self-contained areas and dungeons and offer unique challenges and loot, but these are easily missed if the player isn’t looking for them. These quests go beyond the typical fetch-quest formula of many of the available side quests in the game and instead include lore and story elements, difficult fights, and interesting ambiance not found anywhere else. Some even come with their own post-quest scenes. Here are the best side quests players may have missed in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Best Side Quests Players Might Have Missed in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Most of these side quests bring players to new areas of established locations, like an extravagant mansion in the middle of the Emerald Graves or a Dwarven ruin on the Storm Coast. Each location has its own unique design and ambiance, and players can get more information about aspects of the world of Thedas, like the stigmatization of magic among the wealthy, red lyrium mining and smuggling, or the Elven gods. If players are looking for new experiences and great new gear, these are the quests they ought to prioritize.

Still Ruins

Still Ruins is a quest in the Western Approach players will trigger while helping Frederic study the Abyssal High Dragon. In it, players investigate an old Tevinter palace ruin where Venatori and demons, along with an active Fade Rift, are frozen in time. Players must investigate the area in search of old Tevinter notes about the High Dragon, along with a staff it seems the Venatori were in pursuit of. They must also restart the flow of natural time in the process. Though time magic is included in the main story quest In Hushed Whispers, this is the first and only time players see time completely stopped in the middle of a fight.

Lost Souls

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The Lost Souls quest in the Fallow Mire is entirely optional, but leads to what fans consider one of the best Sit in Judgement quest scenes in the game. When the Inquisitor investigates the Fallow Mire to find the soldiers that have gone missing, they will discover some Avaar tribesmen who want to fight the Inquisition to prove their gods are stronger. The location and quest are both fairly linear, with challenging combat and a chance to pick up some unique weapons and armor. Players can also recruit a new agent.

Upon completing the quest, players will be asked to judge the father of the Avaar warrior who issued the challenge to the Inquisitor after he is apprehended for attacking Skyhold.

Red Water

Red Water is a quest that triggers on the Storm Coast following the completion of the War Table operation Red Templars on the Storm Coast. The Inquisitor must investigate a Dwarven port and defeat Red Templars. There are several Primeval Red Lyrium deposits for players to find and destroy, as well as an ancient Elven artifact Solas senses as part of his Measuring the Veil companion quest.

The quest itself is not difficult, and players can pick up some Red Lyrium for use in Runes. At the end of the quest, players gain access to Dragon Island via a boat and can fight the Vinsomer and her dragonlings there.

God of Secrets

This side quest is only triggered after players find all four Elven Glyphs in the Exalted Plains, on the tip from Keeper Hawen. Players will need to complete the War Table operation Investigate the Elven Glyphs, which costs 5 Power to complete. Once completed, a new, smaller location marker for the Lost Temple of Dirthamen will unlock north of the Exalted Plains for players to visit. Here, they will need to navigate the dark, labyrinthine temple to complete a ritual involving taking body parts on altars in chambers of the temple.

The ritual eventually leads to a boss fight with a Despair Demon with a large health pool. The player will need to defeat the Despair Demon and loot everything from the chamber behind the boss to complete the quest and collect all the loot, XP, and Power.

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Valeska’s Watch

Emprise du Lion contains several side quests players can easily miss, including Valeska’s Watch. This quest triggers when the Inquisitor finds a key on a corpse to east of the Drakon’s Rise Inquisition Camp in Emprise du Lion. Valeska’s Watch is an old Warden fortress where players will find the final two Memories of the Grey lost Warden items for Blackwall’s personal quest. The quest provides one of the more challenging fights in the game, with near-endless corpses and darkspawn for players to deal with. However, there is some unique and powerful loot to be found here, if they can beat the darkspawn.

The Trouble with Darkspawn

Darkspawn are also a problem in the Western Approach. Players may overlook this side quest, The Trouble with Darkspawn, simply because it takes so many steps to activate, even though its final boss Servis appears to play a big role in the Western Approach. To trigger the quest, players will need to complete the quest Assault on Griffon Wing Keep and capture the keep from the Venatori for the Inquisition. They will then need to speak with Knight-Captain Rylen to receive several follow-up quests for the area. One of these is to investigate the source of the darkspawn that have appeared north of the Keep.

Once players do this, they will need to complete the War Table operation Find the Source of the Darkspawn. Upon completion, they will gain access to a new area, Coracavus, which is a Tevinter Ruin like that in Still Ruins. Here, players can explore the prison to find the tunnel to the Deep Roads where the darkspawn have been coming from. They will need to fight the Venatori and a Giant, and they will eventually exit Coracavus and enter Echoback Fort. Here, they will find and fight Servis, who they can kill or take prisoner, effectively thwarting Venatori activity in the area. Though this is tangential to the main quest, it serves as an important part of the story and is one side quest players shouldn’t overlook.

Following the quest, if the Inquisitor chooses to spare Servis’ life and take him back to Skyhold, they may sit in judgement and determine his fate.

Still Waters

Many of the side quests in Crestwood are worth completing, but Still Waters is by far one of the best. Players will activate this quest the first time the Inquisitor enters Crestwood, when Scout Harding informs them of a massive Fade Rift in the middle of the lake. If the player chooses to complete this quest, they will need to capture the Caer Bronach keep and use its tunnels to reach the dam and drain the lake. In doing so, they will discover a new area and learn more about what happened in Crestwood during the Fifth Blight.

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The quest also takes players to underground Dwarven ruins to defeat several demons and undead and close the massive Fade Rift. Upon completing the quest, the weather in Crestwood will change, and the rain and storms will stop, replaced by sunshine. When players exit the cave and try to report to the mayor of Crestwood, they will find he has fled and left a confession in his home. The Inquisitor will need to find him and will be able to judge him once he has been brought to Skyhold.

Chateau D’Onterre

Chateau D’Onterre is widely considered by fans to be the best and most overlooked side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition. In the Emerald Graves, players will eventually come across this large, gated mansion. When they enter, they will need to investigate to learn what happened to the family that once lived there. The quest is set up much like a haunted house, with creepy lighting effects and corpses that seem to appear out of nowhere and attack.

As the player unravels the mystery by exploring the mansion, they will learn more about the ways upper classes dealt with magic and eventually need to defeat another demon to complete the quest. The demon drops a unique amulet that lowers cooldown times and several other useful items.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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