The best spells in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim vary from player to player, but certain spells are universally recognized as all-powerful. The schools of magic in Skyrim correspond to their types of effects, and each school has spells that stand out as especially effective. The best spells aid players during battle, whether that be through summoning companions or massive damage-dealing potential. Whatever class build players choose, some spells will benefit them in their quests as the Dragonborn.

Generally, players want to choose spells conducive to their particular playstyle. For example, caster players who mainly battle with spells can find a place for each of the best spells in their repertoire. However, players who deal in aspects of Skyrim like melee combat and archery may find some of the best spells more useful than others. Therefore, even though Morrowind‘s spell system may be preferable to some players, the following spells are recognized as game-changers amid a heated fight in Skyrim.


The most powerful Destruction spells in Skyrim expel massive bursts of energy that deal extreme amounts of damage to enemies. Destruction spells are the go-to damage-dealing mechanism for an offensive mage or Magicka-heavy build. The best Illusion spells specialize in crowd control, making enemies flee, stand still, or even attack other enemies for the duration of the spell. Alteration spells focus on altering the field of battle itself. The best Alteration spells involve paralyzing enemies and protecting the player from most damage taken. Finally, the best Conjuration spells summon elemental or paranormal Thralls that fight alongside players as a summoned companion.

Unlocking The Best Spells In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

To unlock Master Destruction spells, players must reach level 100 in Destruction and complete the “Destruction Ritual Spell” questline.

  • Lightning Storm – Fires a continuous stream of lightning. Target takes 75 points of shock damage per second to health and half that to Magicka.
  • Fire Storm – A 100-point fiery explosion centered on the caster. The closer a target is, the more damage they take.
  • Blizzard – Creates a blizzard that surrounds the caster. Targets take 20 points of frost damage every second for 10 seconds, plus stamina damage.
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The Master Conjuration spells are infinitely useful as they summon a permanent elemental companion. Additionally, summoned thralls have powers that make them more competent than flesh-and-blood or even ghostly companions available in Skyrim. Conjure thrall spells are unlocked once players reach level 100 in Conjuration and complete the “Conjuration Ritual Spell” questline.

  • Dead Thrall – Reanimate a dead body permanently to fight for the player.
  • Flame Thrall – Summons a Flame Atronach permanently.
  • Frost Thrall – Summons a Frost Atronach permanently.
  • Storm Thrall – Summons a Storm Atronach permanently.

Players can use Illusion spells to alter enemy behaviors. Illusion spells are great for crowd control situations and scenarios when players are overwhelmed by enemies. These Master Illusion spells are unlocked once players reach level 100 in Illusion and complete the “Illusion Ritual Spell” questline.

  • Call to Arms – Targets have improved combat skills, health, and stamina for 10 minutes.
  • Harmony – Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won’t fight for 60 seconds.
  • Hysteria – Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 seconds.
  • Mayhem – Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds.

Lastly, players can use Alteration spells like Transmute to transform items or alter the flow of battle in various ways, such as paralyzing enemies and summoning magic armor. Master Alteration spells are unlocked once players reach level 100 in Alteration and complete the “Alteration Ritual Spell” questline. There are only two Master Alteration spells, but they are immensely powerful.

  • Dragonhide – Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds.
  • Mass Paralysis – All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 seconds.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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