Fans have adored The Big Bang Theory since it first aired in 2007. Viewers watched as the hilarious characters tackled love and science with quirky jokes in between. Not only does the show have a memorable cast, but it also has some of the most memorable quotes that fans still remember.

Even though the show ended in 2019, fans still reminisce about the hit sitcom. There were memorable relationships and funny scenes, but fans still get choked up over certain quotes from their favorite characters. There are many quotes from the series that fans remember easily, but there are also some fantastic quotes that have been forgotten over time.

10 “I Grew Up In A House Full Of Crazy Academics …”

Full quote: “… instead of leaving Santa milk and cookies, we had to leave him in a house full of crazy academics. Instead of leaving Santa milk and cookies, we had to leave him a research paper. And in the morning, you could tell he’d been there because the paper would be graded.”

During season 6 of The Big Bang Theory, fans get a glimpse at what life was like for Leonard growing up, often seen in some of his most emotional quotes. Instead of getting excited about Christmas, like other children would be, he would dread the holiday because of the expectation his mother, one of the low-key villains of TBBT, would put on it. This made it so Leonard was content with not celebrating Christmas until he became friends with Sheldon until Penny.

This quote perfectly sums up what life was like for Leonard before moving in with Sheldon and meeting Penny. His childhood wasn’t the best, but since he began to rely on his friendships more than his relationship with his mother, he has been celebrating the holidays and make fun memories.

9 “That Is A Good Point. But I Didn’t Marry You For Good Points.”

Full quote: “… I married you to blindly support me no matter how ridiculous I’m being.”

Fans will remember that Howard was always dependant on his mother. After beginning a relationship with Bernadette, he became very dependant on her. Howard does have a lot of growth throughout the series, but one thing that never changed was his need for validation from Bernadette.

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This sincere quote sums up Howard’s personality. He is asking for support from his wife, no matter how ridiculous he is acting, something that he also needed from his mother throughout her life. Howard’s dependency slowly begins to shift from needing to be taken care of to simply needing to be supported no matter what.


8 “Nothing Rhymes With Orange. It’s Probably Lonely.”

Throughout the course of the series, Raj has multiple relationships but never truly makes a good match. Raj deals with a lot of change throughout the series, mainly because his friends find healthy relationships and make strides while he feels slightly left behind.

This quote from Raj seems almost like a precursor for his journey throughout the show. Raj deals with a lot of loneliness and self-doubt. He has some of the funniest quotes about love in the series and goes into a lot of relationships with the hopes of marriage, so he becomes very defeated when things fall apart. However, he grows into someone who is more confident with who he is as a person.

7 “You Haven’t Given Me A Gift, You’ve Given Me An Obligation.”

Sheldon Cooper is, by far, one of the quirkiest characters on the show. Everything he does is with intention and he has his own ideas on how the world should work. One thing Sheldon makes very clear throughout the entire course of the show is that he does not like getting or giving gifts.

Sheldon feels like gifts are unnecessary and he hates being indebted to people. With this statement, Sheldon is further solidifying how much he does not like gift-giving. Sheldon’s distaste for gifts may not change, but he does make some personal growth in accepting and giving gifts to the people he cares about.

6 “Good Food. Good Friends. And, Sometime Around Midnight, Heartburn That Makes You Pray For Death.”

Fans of The Big Bang Theory know that the gang spends the majority of their time eating meals and spending time together in Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. Even as the series progresses with the addition of Bernadette and Amy, the gang still maintains their routine of sharing meals and laughs together, and the apartment is the setting of some of The Big Bang Theory character’s most iconic scenes.

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Not only does this statement perfectly sum up the interactions with the characters on the show, but it is only fitting that Howard would be the one to utter it. The original group of Sheldon, Howard, Leonard, and Raj start the show out being completely shy, stuck in their routine, and never making room for anyone else. However, as the show progresses, the friend group grows and they’re able to move forward in their lives, as well.

5 “A Neutron Walks Into A Bar And Asks How Much For A Drink. The Bartender Replies, ‘For You, No Charge.’”

Sheldon is one of the more serious characters on the show. He doesn’t understand sarcasm and he has a difficult time making jokes. Sheldon also has a hard time understanding jokes that are made among his friend group. However, Sheldon does have a funny side, as seen in some of his best quotes, that only makes an appearance after he starts drinking.

Sheldon shares his fear of public speaking with his friends and they work hard to help him overcome it, but nothing seems to work. After he has some drinks to calm his nerves, he is able to go in front of everyone and make his speech and a few corny jokes, as well. This quote shows that Sheldon does have a funny side, even though it is hiding under his more serious exterior.

4 “Amy Is Right. I Do Want To Fling My Poop At Her.”

Penny denies her feelings for Leonard during a good portion of the series. She even goes so far as to break up with him when he professes his love for her. Penny learns quickly, after their relationship ends, that she does have strong feelings for him and she becomes jealous when he begins a serious relationship.

After Penny realizes how much she cares for Leonard, as seen in some of her emotional quotes, she gets jealous of Leonard’s new girlfriend. She does her best to be civil with her but ultimately can’t move past her feelings of jealousy in order to solidify a relationship with her. It also doesn’t help that Leonard’s girlfriend does not like Penny, deepening their distaste for each other.

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3 “People Say You Can’t Live Without Love … I Think Oxygen Is More Important.”

This is another classic quote that shows just exactly how Sheldon’s line of thinking works. He is more analytical than the rest of his friends and he simply does not understand how love is so important for success in life.

Sheldon grows a lot over the course of the series, and his understanding of love is one thing that drastically changes about his character. Sheldon goes from scientific and calculated to understanding how important love is to life after his relationship with Amy progresses and grows.

2 “What Exactly Does That Expression Mean, ‘Friends With Benefits?’ Does He Provide Her With Health Insurance?”

Sheldon has a difficult time understanding cultural references and slang. He also has a difficult time understanding the way relationships work and all the various degrees that a relationship can have.

Despite Sheldon having a difficult time understanding relationships, he is not afraid to ask his friends various questions about them and how they work. Even after Sheldon begins a relationship with Amy, he still has a lot to learn about how relationships work.

1 “I’m Quite Aware Of The Way Humans Usually Reproduce, Which Is Messy, Unsanitary …”

Full Quote: “… and, based on living next to you for three years –involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity.”

This quote also sums up how Sheldon has a difficult time understand relationship dynamics. He makes it clear throughout the course of the show that he finds relationships ridiculous and doesn’t take the time for one until after he meets Amy.

Sheldon’s confusion with the physical side of relationships is hilarious and also explains why Sheldon feels that having a relationship is simply unnecessary. It also adds to his quirky personality and shows how different he is from the other characters on the show because he doesn’t need a relationship to be happy.

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