In the episode ‘The Commitment Determination’ on The Big Bang Theory, Amy and Sheldon reached their five-year anniversary. Sadly, it was not the joyous union that Amy was expecting. Amy realized that her relationship with Sheldon wasn’t advancing the way she wanted it and thought it was best to part ways.

The revelation shocked fans and it was even more heartbreaking for Sheldon. This was his first heartbreak and a huge loss in his life. During their time apart, the emotions of their separation were felt heavily throughout the episodes and affected those around them.

10 The Breakup Itself Was Emotional

The breakup in itself was emotionally devastating because it came out of nowhere. Viewers knew Amy was upset with Sheldon for how he acted on their five-year anniversary but they had no idea she was unhappy enough to end it all. 

Through a Skype call, Amy phoned Sheldon to let him know that she needed some time to reassess their relationship. The looks on both of their faces were upsetting because they were both hurting. It’s a scene that viewers rewatch because of how instrumental it was in their development. 

9 And Viewers Found Out Sheldon Was Ready To Propose Before The Breakup

Right after Amy breaks up with Sheldon, he goes through his desk drawer and takes out an engagement ring that he had for Amy. He asks his Gollum figurine what he was supposed to do with the ring now as fans watched in shock. It was an iconic scene in the series.

The idea that Sheldon was ready to propose to Amy while Amy didn’t think Sheldon thought about their future was a pretzel for the mind. Realizing that Sheldon did prepare himself to make a lasting commitment to Amy was incredibly upsetting because it seemed like it was too late after Amy broke things off. 


8 Amy Went On A Few Bad Dates

When Amy was ready to get back in the dating game, she started with a man named Dave Gibbs. She kept her dating life a secret for a short time but they had a lot in common. The only problem was that they were both new to dating after having long relationships. They were nervous, and the date got worse when Dave found out who Amy’s ex-boyfriend was. The date soon became all about Sheldon’s life work, which was something that Amy did not appreciate. It was sad to watch Amy so pained.

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7 Sheldon Realized His Friends Like Amy Better Than Him

Amy and Sheldon broke up around the same time Leonard and Penny eloped. To celebrate the couple from afar, Amy joined Bernadette, Howard, and Raj at their house to watch the live-stream version of the ceremony.

And sadly, Sheldon wasn’t invited. Amy now considered the gang her friends as opposed to Sheldon’s friends and it became clear who they fancied more. Due to Sheldon’s attitude, the group was more inclined to invite Amy to things than Sheldon. It was a hard realization for him.

6 Sheldon Tried Dating Again To Make Himself Feel Better

Sheldon took it hard when he found out that Amy was going out on dates, and surprisingly, he thought it was a good idea to date as well. He heard it was a great way to get out there and mend his broken heart. With the help of his friends, he went to a bar where he attempted talking to different women.

It didn’t work well for him, but he told Amy about his escapades. For the first time, Amy realized that there was a real possibility that Sheldon could move on from her and the look of regret flashed across her face. It was hard to accept this as an ending to their storyline.

5 Amy Wanted To Date Sheldon Again (But He Wasn’t Ready)

After spending Thanksgiving at the aquarium together, Amy realized that she was still in love with Sheldon and that she wouldn’t mind getting back together with him. She called Sheldon to tell him how she felt but it was too late.

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By this time, Sheldon just wanted to be her friend and wasn’t ready to date again. The pure look of fear was written all over Amy’s face when she thought that she lost Sheldon. However, although he was still heartbroken, no one could really imagine a friendship between them lasting long.

4 Sheldon Saw Amy Kiss Her Date

When Sheldon wanted to put the breakup behind them and start fresh, he grabbed the engagement ring and ran to her apartment to ask for her hand in marriage. But instead of coming home with a fiance, he came home broken-hearted. Standing outside Amy’s apartment was Amy and her date, Dave. Sheldon saw the two kissing before she went inside for the night. Sheldon didn’t have the heart to approach her, so he headed home to pretend like the moment never happened.

3 The Group Made A Mockery Out Of Amy’s Dating Life

After a couple of weeks of being single, BFFs Penny and Bernadette wanted to help her get back on her feet and gain some confidence through dating. They signed her up on a dating app and couldn’t help but get involved. With the group’s help (plus Stuart), they put Amy’s dating profile on Howard and Bernadette’s TV and made a game out of it. The game found itself unsuccessful since Amy felt like her friends were making a mockery of her and her new dating life. It was an upsetting realization.

2 Leonard And Penny’s Wedding Left Them Both Sad

Penny had an idea that Amy was unhappy in her relationship with Sheldon but she didn’t think that Amy would have the nerve to do anything about it — not to mention when she would do it. However, it was a realistic moment in the series.

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Penny wouldn’t have ever eloped with Leonard had she known that Amy and Sheldon were hurting. So when Sheldon and Amy found out that their best friends were getting married without them—during a sensitive time—it made the emotions tenfold. It was sad for fans to see Sheldon and Amy in such despair.

1 Sheldon Had To Sit Back And Watch Barry Kripke Ask Out Amy

To distract Sheldon from his heartbreak, the guys took fencing lessons from the one and only Barry Kripke. But as soon as Barry found out that Amy was single, he decided to ask her out. Sheldon never felt jealousy in a relationship before and didn’t know how to handle the situation. Knowing that his ex-girlfriend could possibly date someone like Barry was incomprehensible for Sheldon.

NextThe Highest Ranked Animated Series Of Every Year In The 2010s, According to IMDB

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