The Big Bang Theory has put the friendship between Raj and Howard in front and center of its storyline from day one. The unlikely duo has faced the world and all its problems together right from their bachelor days to well into their married lives, or at least, Howard’s married life.

But things were not always hunky-dory between the two. In fact, there were many instances when it seemed that the two were together out of a sense of convenience rather than genuine regard for each other.

10 Not Going To Raj’s Award Ceremony

After Raj got honored by People’s magazine, he quickly became conceited and boastful, causing all his male friends to distance themselves from him, leaving him to take Penny to the awards ceremony instead. Now, we get that Raj was acting like a real tool. But the award was a once in a lifetime moment for him.

Raj is supposed to be much more close with Howard than Leonard or Sheldon. Yet, Howard chooses to give the ceremony a miss as well, with only Penny understanding what an important moment the award-acceptance night was going to be for Raj and that she should be there to support him.

9 Leaving Raj To Chase Girls

Early on, one of the first storylines to focus on Raj and Howard was kickstarted by Howard leaving Raj alone in the park to chase after some random girl. It was later revealed that this was something that happened regularly, until Raj finally put his foot down and refused to put up with his behavior.

You really shouldn’t have to keep telling your best friend that it is not cool to leave you on your own to try to hit on a girl, but that was something Howard had to be forced into understanding. You rarely saw him behave that way with Leonard or Sheldon.


8 Messing With Each Other’s Romances

Raj and Howard have often tried to help each other with their romances. But they have been quite vindictive to each other in that department as well. The most damning example of this was when the boys met a famous actress on a train. Encouraged by a swig of alcohol to give him a confidence boost, Raj managed to chat up the actress, and things were going well until Howard showed him that the drink he had consumed had no alcohol content, causing Raj to clam up mid-way through his flirting and scurry off. What kind of a friend knowingly ruins your chances with a celeb?

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7 Being Impatient With Raj

Raj is a new arrival to America, and sometimes has trouble understanding the culture. He relies on Howard in such cases to tell him right from wrong, and Howard is often shown to be impatient with such exchanges.

We get that it can be tiring constantly having to clarify Raj’s doubts, but take a look at how much more patient Leonard and Penny are with Sheldon while setting him straight innumerable times about what is socially acceptable behavior and what is not.

6 Howard Mocking Raj’s Culture

Raj often gets saddled with the token minority jokes, and in most cases, it is Howard making those jokes about him. To date, Howard has made fun of Raj’s Bollywood dancing, his Indian accent, and a lot more.

So… once again we have to ask, would a good friend so relentlessly make fun of your country and your culture, and that too in front of other people? It’s not like the jokes don’t bother Raj. He has repeatedly called Howard out on his racist jabs but to no avail.

5 Raj Mocking Howard’s Mom

Howard isn’t the only one who gets in on all the nasty hazing. Raj has frequently made mocking comments towards Howard’s mom, from her size to her manners, and particularly her relationship with her son.

It’s one thing to make fun of a friend, but quite another to time and again take jabs at someone’s mother for her looks and disposition. And Mrs. Wolowitz on her part has never been anything but kind and generous towards Raj.

4 Unwilling To Visit Raj In India

When Raj was dreading being deported to India, he asked Howard if he would at least visit Raj in India. Howard showed great reluctance, saying it would be a really long flight. Some might say this was a joke on Howard’s part, but as his married life proved, when he refuses to share equally in the household chores with Bernadette, Howard becomes incredibly lazy and uncooperative when it comes to doing something he has no interest in.

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3 Howard Emasculating Raj

One of the biggest blowups between Howard and Raj occurred when Raj had finally had enough of Howard calling him a girl all the time and implying that his interests are feminine. Again, Howard’s jokes about Raj’s feminity had been going on for a long time, making viewers think Raj was okay with them, but as Raj’s angry outburst proved, he had been merely suffering in silence until he could not take Howard’s sexist jabs anymore.

2 Raj Fantasising About Bernadette

Raj had a crush on Bernadette when she was dating Howard. Now, developing feelings for someone is not really in anyone’s control. But in his fantasies about Bernie, Raj specifically dreamt of scenarios where Howard died, and with his last breath implored his friend to take care of his girlfriend mentally, emotionally and physically. Raj’s feelings for Bernadette eventually led to a huge fight between her and Howard.

1 Breaking Off The Friendship

After Raj unloaded on Howard for always making jokes about his masculinity, the row did not end there. It was the most serious argument between Raj and Howard, with Howard unwilling to admit he had been bullying Raj for a long time, and Raj choosing to break off the friendship instead of staying with someone who had such a toxic influence on his life. The two eventually made up, but the incident did prove that the friendship between the two guys had never really been as strong and positive as everyone had always assumed.

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