Long-running sitcom The Big Bang Theory was a successful television series, airing for 12 seasons from 2007 until its finale in 2019. Now that the show is over, fans can’t stop rewatching the series and combing through small details in each episode.

One thing that stands out in the 12th season is how much Penny has changed from season 1. At the start, Penny was bubbly, naive, and open to learning new things from her friends over in apartment 4A. But as time goes on, Penny appears to be cynical, judgmental, and unhappy. Some would say that her character got worse and worse as the seasons continued on. Keep reading to discover 10 reasons why Penny’s character took a turn for the worse.

10 Did Penny Have A Drinking Problem?

Penny’s love for cocktails and dancing was comical at the start of the season. She was in her early twenties and enjoyed girls’ night, house parties, and drinking when she had a hard day. Over time, Penny was seen with a glass of wine or beer whenever she was at Amy’s, Bernadette’s, or at home. But she wasn’t the bubbly, silly drunk we saw her when she drank tequila with Leonard. She became dark and tired. Many fans have questioned if she has a drinking problem, possibly drinking as a way to forget the gal she used to be.

9 She Lied About Wanting Kids With Leonard (And Prevented Him From Exploring That Option)

Throughout the series, Penny and Leonard both wanted marriage and kids but never set an end-date to their goals, which was fine. Their marriage appears to work for them and they were happy in their relationship. But in the 12th season, Leonard brought up the notion of having kids and Penny suddenly was against it.

She secretly knew for some time that she didn’t want kids; she just never told Leonard. That’s a big thing to keep from a partner. What’s worse is when Leonard finally has a chance to pass on his genes through Zack, Penny is completely against it and makes it impossible for Leonard to go through with it.


8 Did Penny Resent Leonard?

Did Penny resent Leonard for “wearing her down?” It’s obvious in the third season that Penny has feelings for Leonard but it’s almost like she wishes she didn’t. Leonard was, essentially, her best friend. He didn’t fit the mold of any of the kinds of guys she usually dates. As their relationship progressed, Penny appears to be more sarcastic and mean to Leonard — all of which he takes in stride. With a glass of wine in her hand, she makes sassy remarks and gets mad at him for not bringing passion or effort to their marriage, but isn’t that what he did through years and years of courting her?

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7 She Gave Up On All Her Dreams…

Penny may be a successful pharmaceutical sales rep when we last saw her but that was never her dream. The only reason she got the job is because of Bernadette. Sure, Penny came to know her role and thrive in the industry, but she mentioned a few times that she wasn’t happy.

When we first met Penny, she was a struggling actress, though she seemed happy for the most part. After years of no success, she decided to give up on acting and go in another direction. But it wasn’t just acting that Penny gave up; she gave up on a college degree as well.

6 …And Began To Care Less And Less

The gang may laugh about how “dumb” Penny is in comparison to them, but she really isn’t a stupid woman. She’s proved time and again that she has more street smarts than the rest of the group. What comes off as “dumb” is actually Penny not caring. In the beginning, she used to ask questions and try to relate what the guys were talking about but over time she gave up. She stopped caring, stopped asking questions, and started tuning out when the guys were talking about science.

5 After Penny Got Married, Her Character Lost Her Way

When Penny and Leonard got married, Penny was thrown a curveball when she learned her new husband had been unfaithful to her. The two had some issues in their first few weeks as husband and wife but found their way out of the darkness. But from that point on, Penny’s character changed. She didn’t hang out with friends outside of the group and she didn’t seem like the bubbly woman who loved being around people like when we first met her. It was almost as if writers didn’t know what to do with her in this new mature role.

4 Leonard Pushed For Penny’s Success But Did She Return The Favor?

In the 12th season, we see Leonard have a personal dilemma when he sees all his friends (and even his wife) have success in their careers and yet he’s not even close to having a breakthrough. He starts rethinking his choices and looks to make a change. Funny enough, Penny wasn’t as supportive of Leonard the way he was of her when she tried improving herself. That could be because Penny doesn’t really understand what Leonard does for a living, but there was still a huge difference between their individual support systems.

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3 Is Penny A Bully?

In short, yes. Penny is a bully. She may think that she was a bully in high school, but her bullying tendencies have definitely followed her into her adult years. Her comments towards the group get brushed off as sarcasm but she can actually be really mean. She bullies Leonard into doing things her way and bullies Amy and Bernadette if they want to do something differently. On the flip side, Penny could be resorting to this kind of behavior because she feels dumb compared to her friends — but it’s still not okay.

2 Penny’s Family Story

Hearing about Penny’s upbringing was comical at first. She grew up in rural Nebraska to caring (but aloof) parents and a drug addict brother. We met her dad a few times before we met her mom and brother, but her youth only became sadder as time went on. She would continue to make jokes about her brother’s addiction or her being a bully, and it became more upsetting than funny. The storyline ran itself into the ground.

1 Penny’s “Hot Girl” Attitude Got Old

Penny is a stunning young woman. The premise of the show in the early seasons was a hot girl like Penny hanging around “nerds” like Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj. But as time went on, Penny became a valued friend in their social circle. Her attractiveness was still always a focal point, which almost make her look shallow — especially dating someone “less attractive” like Leonard. Likewise, it made Leonard look shallow for only dating Penny because she was hot. The entire concept took a dark, tired turn after 12 seasons.

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