The Big Bang Theory had fans hooked in from moment one, even though Stuart Bloom really didn’t. As socially inept as Raj, Howard, Leonard, and Sheldon were, somehow Stuart was even worse in many ways. Although his life became a tad messy as the series progressed, both professionally and romantically, Stuart did always find ways to get by.

Saying he “down on his luck” almost doesn’t do the character justice. Since Stuart’s life was full of failures and bad decisions, it did feel odd to see things go right for him when they never seemed to before. These stories weren’t the only ones about Stuart that didn’t add up.

10 Scamming Sheldon In The Comic Shop

While Sheldon certainly had a few qualities that rubbed people the wrong way, his ability to manage his money properly was not one of them. Sheldon was actually quite good with money, which had left him reasonably well off.

Stuart was well aware of this and scammed Sheldon in the comic shop on more than one occasion. What didn’t add up about this situation was that Sheldon could get scammed by Stuart. This involved money and comic stuff, two things Sheldon was well informed about.

9 Penny Going On A Date With Him

When Stuart first met Penny, he took his shot and successfully asked her out. This naturally vexed Leonard, who had yet to work up the courage to do the same. Eventually, Stuart even managed to get a second date, which did not go particularly well.

It wasn’t odd that Penny and Stuart even had a couple of dates. When Stuart first appeared in the series, he actually had a bit of confidence. But as the show went on, his confidence disappeared. This was the strange part of the scenario looking back on it.


8 His Ongoing Friendship With Wil Wheaton

Over time, Stuart became more and more associated with the crew that hung out in Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. When he was living out of the comic shop, it gave him somewhere to shower, which was a benefit to everyone.

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But in the early seasons, Stuart had his own posse that included the likes of Captain Sweatpants and Star Trek‘s Wil Wheaton. Why Wil and Stuart were friends never made sense, and where that friendship went has never really been discussed.

7 Why He Re-Opened His Comic Shop

Stuart’s comic shop was his dream, one he worked hard to pursue. At the same time, it was also a weight hanging around his neck. The shop was a financial failure, so much so that he had to live in the backroom for quite some time.

Eventually, the comic shop burned to the ground. Inexplicably, Stuart rebuilt it with investments from his friends. Why he did that never made sense as he just continued to have huge money problems. That should have been his opportunity to move on.

6 Moving Back In With Howard And Bernadette

Stuart’s money problems were a running issue throughout much of the series. The loss of his store, which was also his home, even led to him living with Howard’s mother for quite some time.

After Stuart had moved out of her house, Howard and Bernadette moved in. Eventually, Stuart’s money problems led to him once again moving back into the house. It was nice to have that safety net, but there had to be a better option on the table.

5 Continuing To Pursue Amy

Penny wasn’t the only woman in the group that Stuart pursued. Early in their relationship, Sheldon had been indecisive about making a real commitment to Amy. As a result, Stuart decided to take a chance and ask her on a date.

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However, during the middle of that date, Sheldon appeared and made his relationship with Amy official, leaving Stuart single once more. Later in the series, after Sheldon and Amy split up, Stuart indicated that he was still interested. Given her treatment of him earlier on, that seemed kind of absurd.

4 Being Raj’s Substitute Howard

Wolowitz going to space was an incredibly unexpected twist for the series. None of them seemed like potential astronauts, but Howard was offered the opportunity and took the chance. Everyone was happy for him. Well, except for Raj to an extent.

This meant that Raj was even more lonely than usual as his best friend was off-planet. He essentially turned Stuart into Howard 2.0. They built a respectable friendship during this period but even Stuart deserves better than being treated like a placeholder.

3 Why He Talks To The Gang At All

Stuart’s life right up until the last season was pretty rough (to say the least). He spent years devoting his life to a failing business. His romantic life hadn’t been very good and he didn’t appear to have any family or friends.

While the gang seemed to be friends with him to an extent, they also didn’t treat him very well at times. If it wasn’t for the comic shop, they never would have talked to him. It was often confusing why Stuart just didn’t cut his ties entirely and move on from the situation.

2 The Bond Between Stuart And Mrs. Wolowitz

After his comic shop burned down, Stuart found himself without income and without a home. While he waited for the insurance issues to be sorted out, Stuart ended up moving in with Howard’s mother.

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Their relationship became inexplicably close, so much so that Howard started to feel like he was in competition for his own mother’s love. It was unsettling in some incredibly odd ways.

1 His Relationship With Denise

As the series got closer to ending, Stuart’s life finally started to improve. For the first time, his comic shop was actually popular and started making money. It got so busy, he hired an employee named Denise. Eventually, they even started dating.

Seeing Stuart have any level of success in business or in relationships was unnerving, to say the least. Why it all suddenly came together after years of incessant failure simply did not add up.

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