The magnificent Penny from The Big Bang Theory is, and will forever be, a beloved character for a variety of reasons. She compliments the initial group of guys with her witty remarks. All in all, she’s assumed to be dumb, aloof, and carefree along with her stereotypical “hot girl” image.

But Penny’s not stupid. In fact, there are so many moments when she corrects the “brainiacs” of the bunch and teaches them something. “Smart” doesn’t always involve academia, and for anyone that’s a fan of Penny, they already know this character is more “street smart” than academically intelligent. However, her streetwise mindset actually helps both her and the entire group in the long run, more than if she were to know mathematical functions, for example.

10 When She Taught The Guys About Fishing

This was a moment of real wisdom for the guys! As the know-it-all technologically-inclined scientists gather around the kitchen island in Sheldon and Leonard’s room, they observe with wide-eyed curiosity at what Penny presents to them.

Since Penny grew up in a more rural place, these suburbanites and city boys observe in amazement as the woman in front of them shows a more robust and able side that they’re lacking.

9 When She Schools Leonard

Most may not see this scene as one of her “smartest,” but it actually is for a big reason. Penny makes it clear to Leonard that having a college degree does not equate to intelligence.

Leonard thinks he’s doing Penny a favor by showing her a local college she could go to until she puts him in his place about education. And boy, does Leonard learn something here. Penny truly is smart and diligent in standing up for herself and her position and pointing out how important it is to comprehend what intelligence means in the end.


8 When She Beats Leonard At Chess

This scene is short but very memorable as Leonard is innocently teaching Penny how to play chess, only to be beaten by the beginner on her first try.

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What’s so smart about this comical little moment though? Well, it’s actually in just how Penny beats Leonard at the game. She doesn’t actually put together each chess piece’s correct names, but she simplifies the game enough to win. Cleverness is in her simplification of a game that’s usually associated with complexity and deep thought.

7 When She Helps Sheldon With The Concept Of Change

Even up against Sheldon, the self-proclaimed smartest individual of the pack, Penny knows exactly how to teach him a rewarding lesson.

As loyal fans all know, Sheldon does not like change in any way, shape, or form, even though he basically studies change as a scientist. He struggles with his preference for things to just remain the same. So, Penny says the most intelligent piece of advice he can get, which is, “I guess the only thing that stays the same is that things are always changing.”

6 When She Provides Insight For Sheldon’s String Theory Research

Aside from helping Sheldon with the conception of change, she also literally brings him to realize something about String Theory.

After talking for some time, Penny goes through a few of her own viewpoints of a string, such as how guitar strings vibrate, but it’s when she mentions that strings can be tied in knots that leads Sheldon to brainstorm. She then playfully brags that for research that’s taken scientists decades to explore, she managed to figure something out in a matter of minutes.

5 When She Challenges Sheldon’s Perception Of Her (& Restaurant Workers)

Sheldon thinks he comes up with a brilliant jab at Penny for her lackluster waitressing skills when he tells her that the technological device they’re working on will replace “unskilled food servers such as [herself] obsolete.”

Clearly, this is one laughable burn towards Penny until she punches right back at him by messing with his head. Instead of taking the punch, she swings back at him by sarcastically asking, “Really? They’re gonna make a robot that spits on your hamburger?”

4 When She’s Honest With Leonard About Having Kids

Some viewers may not see this as one of the stereotypically smart moments because it doesn’t involve academics. However, this is a scene of true diligence and dignity that Penny exudes.

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When she confidently voices that she simply doesn’t aim to have children, Penny is the smartest in the room because Penny challenges the societal norm that she’s expected to have kids with Leonard because they’re married.

3 When She Defends Her Desires Against Bernadette

This scene may be short, but it’s impactful on Penny’s part. Although fans love Bernadette and her sassy, edgy yet sweet self, she steps over a line here against Penny by telling her that she needs to have kids in order to be fulfilled.

Penny proves to be incredibly smart, pushing against expectations, by telling her friend to “back off” at the notion that she must have kids. Bernadette’s overall attitude is upbeat but it’s pushy, and motivates Penny to say some of the most intelligent words that any woman can say, that “not everyone needs to have kids to be fulfilled.” It’s not just a bold statement. This is a well-thought-out response that ultimately is meant to educate Bernadette, although isn’t successful in the end.

2 When She Stands By Her Choice To Explore Another Company

Although this dramatic argument only ensues because Bernadette just despises their competitor company, Penny still goes ahead and meets the rival company for a quick drink and meeting.

A lot of viewers will claim that this doesn’t establish Penny as the smartest in the room, but it definitely does because she does more than just expand her horizon. She also conveys to viewers that she is the only one out of her and Bernadette that’s willing to take the chance and try another job experience. 

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1 When Penny Contemplates Moving Back To Nebraska

After one of the most awkward scenes ever on the show, Penny notices that she and the other guys now have a broken friendship after they saw she and Raj appear as if they’d slept together.

Although Raj reveals that this didn’t actually happen, the smartest part about Penny’s decision-making is that she isn’t hesitant to reconsider her life, and the moves she makes. Penny sees that her acting career is severely struggling at the moment, and she sees a troubled friendship collapsing, so admitting to Amy that she might just move back home conveys her determination. The others don’t really consider big life choices like this, but Penny does, which is what makes her the smartest in the room apart from Amy and Raj, when he shows up to ask her out.

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