Praised for its female characters who share a special friendship, The Bold Type has won many people over with its entertaining fashion magazine setting and portrayal of millennial life. Kat Edison, Jane Sloan, and Sutton Brady love each other as much as they love their fast-paced careers, and they’re always there with a shoulder to cry on or ready to go out for drinks when life gets tough.

The last season of The Bold Type is airing now, and while fans are sad to say goodbye to Kat, Sutton, and Jane, they also have some strong opinions about the show that might not be so popular with others.

10 Why Is Kat The Only One Who Understands Social Media?

Fans love strong and independent Kat, and in season 1, she’s in charge of Scarlet’s social media. She has an equal amount of passion and good ideas, and there seems to be no limit on what she can accomplish.

A fan posted in a Reddit thread that it doesn’t make sense that Kat would be the only one who understands social media. She was promoted to social media director and as the fan wrote, “the whole reason Kat got it was because she saw the value in actually utilizing it to reach readers…” They were confused about why Scarlet wouldn’t already have an amazing social media presence and why other employees wouldn’t already know that it’s important to talk to readers on these platforms.

9 Jane Is Flawed And That’s A Good Thing

Many fans have shared on Reddit that they don’t love Jane as they find her frustrating and they don’t like how she treats other people.

One fan shared the unpopular opinion that they like Jane because she’s flawed. They wrote, “I like that they are written to have strengths and weaknesses. Just like friends in real life, sometimes people annoy you, and I like how the show is written so that we can see the issues the girls have with others.”


8 It’s Fascinating Watching Kat And Eva Together

Kat and Adena have shared many romantic scenes and for many viewers, it’s hard to think about Kat dating anyone else. It’s a big surprise in season 4 when Kat not only seems to move on from this relationship, but she falls for someone who is the complete opposite.

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A fan shared on Reddit they enjoy Eva as a character and several people agreed, saying that it’s interesting to see someone with conservative political beliefs on the series. This is definitely an unpopular opinion as many don’t like Eva or her politics at all.

7 Jane Isn’t A Good Employee At Scarlet

After a fan shared an article from Glamour about some problems with The Bold Type, several viewers agreed on Reddit that Jane doesn’t seem like a great employee.

Jane tries hard at work, but it’s true that she can complain when a story isn’t going well and she has trouble accepting other people’s thoughts and feelings. When she becomes the editor of her own vertical, she has a hard time managing a writer named Scott, and when she shoots down his first article for being too technical, she doesn’t let him down easily.

6 Richard And Sutton’s Storyline About Having Children Is Solid

It seems like the majority of fans are upset that Richard and Sutton break up at the end of season 4 as Richard wants to have kids and Sutton doesn’t. This has been the longest relationship on the show, and it has been tough to watch it fall apart.

A fan shared on Reddit that they enjoy this storyline and another viewer replied that it’s good to see a romance that has problems as that’s realistic. It’s also relatable that a couple would deal with differing opinions on having a family.

5 Sutton’s Fashion Sense Isn’t That Exciting

The Bold Type characters wear beautiful outfits and often, their choices stand out, as they have a brave, bold fashion sense.

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While many fans like watching The Bold Type to see what the characters are wearing, not everyone feels the same way. A fan shared on Reddit that they don’t think that Sutton is as stylish as someone with her job should be. They said her clothing is too “plain.” While many feel that Sutton has a great sense of style, it can also be argued that she doesn’t take as many fashion risks as someone in her position might.

4 Jane Should Have Chosen Ben Over Pinstripe

In season 2, Jane began dating Ben, a smart doctor with whom she had a lot in common. She then decided to be with Ryan (also called Pinstripe) instead. This relationship seems like a popular one, at least until Ryan cheats on Jane and they have a really sad break-up. A fan shared their unpopular opinion on Reddit that they preferred Ben as a love interest for Jane.

It seems like if Jane and Ben had stayed together, perhaps things would have worked out well, and Ben does appear to be on Jane’s emotional and intellectual level.

3 It’s Nice To See Jane Writing About Her Experience

Much of the criticism of Jane’s character is about how she writes first-person articles about her life, as some aren’t big fans of this journalism style.

A fan shared on Reddit that they like seeing Jane writing about her experience. They said that they like “how she actually lives a moment and then writes about it.” Jane’s character development is all about her writing, as every time she tackles an issue that is personal to her, she learns something crucial that helps her move forward in her life. But this is something that not every fan agrees on.

2 Jane Improves As A Character

Many episodes of The Bold Type show Jane working on stories and doing tons of research. She struggles with taking other people’s advice, but she does work hard.

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While many fans aren’t thrilled with Jane, a viewer shared on Reddit that they believe Jane improves as a character after the first season. As time goes on, Jane moves up to an editor position, moves on from Ryan, and comes to terms with her health struggles as she gets a double mastectomy after learning that she has the BRCA gene.

1 How Does Richard Feel?

A fan posted that while Sutton has a support system after having her miscarriage, there is no focus on how Richard feels about it.

This is an unpopular opinion as many fans didn’t like this plotline and thought that it made sense that Sutton wouldn’t be ready to be a mom yet. It’s true that Richard deserves to have thoughts and feelings about this situation, too, as he thought that he and Sutton were on the same page about starting a family. It makes sense that the show would focus on Sutton but it would have been great to hear a bit more from Richard, too.

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