When one talks about some of the most popular and relevant shows that one can watch right now, it goes without saying that The Boys would be a major part of this discussion. This brilliant show has completely flipped the script when it comes to superhero shows in the best way possible, allowing for an experience that is easily one of the most memorable moments anyone has ever spent with a TV show. One need only watch the first episode of this show to understand why this is the case… although chances are that a person won’t stop with just one episode.

A big part of what makes The Boys so special is its memorable cast of characters, with each person being a treat to watch in their own unique way. The Deep is a great example of this — there’s something almost cathartic about his descent from greatness to rock-bottom, with every one of his scenes serving as a breath of fresh air in some way or the other. For fans of this truly fascinating character, here are ten things most people don’t know about The Deep.

10 His Outfit In The Comics Is Quite Outlandish

Deep’s outfit in the show is actually pretty decent, looking like a modern spin on Aquaman’s costume without looking too ridiculous.

This is not the case in the comics, where The Deep really goes all out when it comes to his outfit. He wears a cape that would send Edna into a fit, a vintage diving helmet that looks as dated as one might expect it to look, and shorts that are completely tasteless.

9 The Deep Doesn’t Really Have Any Aquatic Powers In The Comics

The Deep is very much like Aquaman in the show, featuring the ability to talk to animals and breathe underwater with his gills. However, this is not the case in the comics.

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The comic version of The Deep is just a generic superhero who got labeled as the sea-guy since The Seven needed to be somewhat diverse, which is an unexpectedly hilarious spin on this trope.


8 He Can Fly In The Comics

One advantage that the comic version of The Deep has over his TV counterpart is the fact that he has the power of flight — a change that is true for most of the comic versions of The Seven, including Queen Maeve and Starlight.

Speaking of Starlight, there’s another aspect of the show where the character of The Deep differs from his comic version as well…

7 He Never Harassed Starlight In The Comics

One of the most infamous moments in the show is when Starlight is talking about how she had a crush on The Deep… only for the latter to take off his pants and demand that Starlight “satisfy” her if she wishes to keep her place in the Seven.

In the comics, this scene is still intact but the perpetrator is different — instead of The Deep, Starlight is accosted by Homelander, The Deep, and Black Noir.

6 His Role In The Show Is Way More Expansive

In the comics, The Deep doesn’t really get that much time to shine. In fact, he’s the only member of the show whose character is never really explored, always staying on the sidelines when it comes to any major moment.

The show does a 180 on this by making The Deep one of the more prominent members of the cast, even going so far as to having his own side-story where he reaches rock-bottom as a superhero, is forced by Vought to be stuck in a small town, and joins the Church of the Collective in a bid to regain his status as a member of The Seven.

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5 His Personality In The Show Is More Like A-Train’s In The Comics

The Deep is a complete sleazeball in the show, and his outburst in front of Alastair is indicative of the fact that he has learned absolutely nothing from his past transgressions. However, this is completely unlike his character in the comics.

One might argue that The Deep is actually a decent human being in the comics… for the most part. He’s the only person who never exploits or rebukes Starlight, and never really does anything too controversial. If anything, the Deep is more like A-Train from the show, with the former even going so far as to force Starlight completely at one point as well.

4 He Might Be A Bit Too… Familiar With Sea Creatures

There are times in the show when The Deep is hazed by Homelander and A-Train due to his unnaturally close affinity to sea creatures, with the duo even going so far as to allude to the fact that he gets down and dirty with dolphins.

While The Deep vehemently rejects this suggestion at that point, there’s a conversation he has later on with a dolphin he tried to save which is pretty indicative of the fact that The Deep is very much into sea creatures… perhaps to a disturbing extent.

3 He’s The Weakest Member Of The Seven

While this unflattering title is generally shared between Starlight and The Deep for the most part, one can’t deny that the latter is incredibly weak when he’s not in his natural aquatic element.

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This had to be one of the several factors that led to the ultimate decision of kicking The Deep out from The Seven — he simply can’t hold a candle to the other superheroes in the team.

2 He’s An Absolute Idiot When It Comes To Using His Powers

In fact, even when The Deep is in his natural element, the fact of the matter is that he doesn’t exactly use his brains to solve any conflict that might arise.

Take the case of when he’s chasing The Boys with an entire squadron of aquatic companions, including a massive sperm whale. There was no reason as to why The Deep could’ve just capsized their boat, but instead, he instructed the sperm whale to serve as an obstruction on the beach in one of the stupidest moves ever done in superhero history. Suffice to say, Butcher had absolutely no qualms when it came to ramming the speedboat into the whale, killing him right there and then.

1 The Deep Might’ve Been A Good Dude Before He Joined The Seven

This might be mostly speculation, but there’s a part during The Deep’s harassment of Starlight when he talks about how he also used to have hope and ideals when he joined The Seven, only to become a cog in the machine later on.

This might imply that The Deep was actually a good person with sound morals… before he decided to give in to his inner demons and be no better than any other member of The Seven.

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