In a fictional world that is filled with fake and professionally manufactured superheroes, Annie January, better known to most as Starlight, is one of the few true blue heroes who wants to do the right thing and save the world. That makes her a rarity in The Boys, but it also makes her character one of the most interesting and popular in the series.

Annie has evolved a lot since her story first began, and season 3 looks like it could be her most exciting character arc so far. Here’s what fans want to see from her, and what they don’t want for her character development.

10 Want: A Friendship With Butcher

Billy Butcher and the Boys have been entertaining viewers for the entire series so far, however it’s hard not to notice that their squad is seriously lacking in girl power. Starlight added a much needed element to their dynamic, and more importantly both she and Butcher can provide some much needed contrast to each other.

Butcher can show her how to loosen up on her strict morals and keep her eyes on the prize, while Starlight can show him that not all supes are bad.

9 Don’t: Butcher Hurting Her

It seems like Billy may have turned a corner on his hatred of all supes, however one change of heart towards his wife’s son does not mean he has fully changed his perspective on supes.

And what makes that a little scary is that while Starlight is clearly the most benevolent supe on the show, she’s also in the closest proximity to Butcher, so it’s not out of the question that he might do something to seriously harm her.


8 Want: Revenge Against Homelander

It’s not lacking in irony that Annie became the fall guy for everything that has gone wrong with the Seven because Homelander willed it so, because Starlight really wants to be the hero that Homelander pretends to be.

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She hasn’t had an easy time surviving his manipulations, but she seems to finally have an upper hand over him. It would be awesome to actually see her use it.

7 Don’t: Defeat From Homelander

With that said, it’s also hard to deny that Homelander is still considerably more powerful than Starlight, both in terms of his superpowers and in terms of his ability to use his public position and position with Vought to his own advantage.

Clearly Annie isn’t planning on giving up her quest against him anytime soon, but that could mean that Homelander winds up doing something legitimately terrible to her.

6 Want: Destroying The Deep

The Deep has made quite a show of trying to turn his life around, but this empty-headed nincompoop is not a good person, and Starlight in particular has suffered needlessly and horribly because of him.

It’s awesome that Annie managed to pick herself up and keep fighting the good fight after so many people have knocked her down, but she still hasn’t gotten appropriate payback for Deep’s abuse.

5 Don’t: Being Taken Advantage Of

Annie January is a genuinely good person in a world that seems to be filled with almost exclusively terrible people, which means that she winds up getting the short end of the stick almost every time she goes up against someone.

It’s wonderful that Starlight won’t give up on her ideals no matter how many people try to destroy them, but to see her unfairly suffer again after two seasons of losses for her would really be unpleasant.

4 Want: A Deeper Relationship With Hughie

It sure is entertaining, but it’s hard not to notice that nearly every character or relationship on The Boys is a sad, miserable slog.

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The relationship between Annie and Hughie is one of the few nice reprieves from that, and it would be great to see their relationship develop on an even deeper level. It would also be nice to see them evolve beyond a romance that revolves solely around destroying Vought.

3 Don’t: Problems With Hughie

It’s pretty expected that any relationship on a TV series that is actually going well will inevitably run into problems in order to create more interesting drama, but it would be pretty disappointing for that to happen between Starlight and Hughie.

Firstly, they really are one of the only bright spots in the show, but they’ve also already worked through so much that it would feel like the writers were just trying to create more obstacles for them at this point.

2 Want: Vengeance Against Vought

Since becoming a member of the Seven, Starlight has been royally screwed over by nearly everyone that she meets. However, the root of all of these problems seems to clearly be Vought, the evil corporation that is quite literally running the show.

Annie has been working hard to undermine them, but she has seen limited success. It’d be awesome to see her land some serious blows to this supe manufacturing company.

1 Don’t: Murder

Starlight has been edging closer and closer towards moral ambiguity in season 2, but the fact that she killed a random stranger and was fairly unbothered by it felt really out of character.

There are enough people in The Boys who pay no mind to murder, and it would be very disappointing for Starlight to become comfortable with that kind of collateral damage.

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