Homelander might have the “super” part of the superhero gig down, but he is anything but heroic. While he’s modeled off of classic American superheroes like Superman and Captain America, he is the absolute worst of what those characters could possibly be, he has all of their power but none of their desire to do the right thing.

Anyone who knows who Homelander really is at best hates him, and at worst is utterly terrified of him, and it’s hard to even think of any positive traits or qualities that he possesses. However, the list of his horrible traits is almost endless.

10 He’s Calculating

Perhaps if Homelander wasn’t who he was, then being calculating wouldn’t necessarily be a negative personality trait. But given that he’s essentially the most terrifying person on the planet, the fact that he is as savvy and astute as he is makes him infinitely more dangerous.

He has monstrous impulses, but he might not be able to get away with it if he weren’t so calculated.

9 He’s An Excellent Liar

Beneath that veneer of the superhero, Homelander doesn’t seem to have any normal humanity within him, or the shreds of personality that he does have seem to be horrifically warped beyond human recognition.

That makes him a dangerous individual on its own, but the fact that he is so adept at presenting himself as the best man in the world makes him even scarier and more of a threat.


8 He Creates Chaos

To be honest, it seems like the supes that live in the world of The Boys create more drama, chaos, and problems than they solve, but when it comes to Homelander, the chaos he creates is intentional and for his own benefit.

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He has literally gone as far as creating superhuman terrorists purely so he can make himself look better and make it seem like superheroes are a necessity for the safety of society.

7 He’s A User

Homelander is such a terrible person that the people around him likely don’t want anything from him, but it’s worth noting that all the “relationships” he has with other people seem to have no reciprocity.

Despite the fact that he is arguably the most powerful individual on the planet, he still takes advantage of everyone around him in any way that he can, whether it’s just to bolster his image or for his twisted need to control everything.

6 He’s Abusive

There isn’t exactly a definitive list of what makes someone an abuser, but it’s safe to say that if there was, Homelander would likely check every box on that list.

He’s manipulative, he’s jealous, he’s controlling, and he seems to downright enjoy hurting people mentally and physically. It seems like literally every person who winds up in his orbit also winds up being abused and mistreated by him in some way.

5 He’s A Sexual Predator

Homelander doesn’t hear the word “no” often, both because those who know him are terrified of him and because no one in the world can really stop him from doing what he wants to do.

His sense of entitlement has no limit, and not only did Homelander force himself on Becca Butcher, when he realized that Becca’s son Ryan was a product of his rape, he would not leave Becca or Ryan alone.

4 He’s Narcissistic

When someone has been raised to believe that they are the most powerful and important person in the world, it’s not entirely surprising that they become incredibly self-obsessed. But even taking that into consideration, Homelander is astonishingly narcissistic.

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He’s so into himself and buys into his image so intensely that it has literally cost people their lives, and while plenty of people are self-absorbed, most wouldn’t take it to the lengths of nearly being intimate with a carbon copy of themselves like Homelander did with Doppelgänger.

3 He’s Sadistic

Homelander is certainly physically capable of destroying nearly anything or anyone on the planet, but he doesn’t have to enjoy it quite so much.

What makes him terrifying is that he doesn’t just hurt people, he seems to take a lot of perverse pleasure in annihilating them in the cruelest, most violent ways possible. Even Madelyn Stillwell, one of the few people Homelander seemed to care about, became a victim of his sadism.

2 He’s Vengeful

Homelander is a really tough character to read, because sometimes it seems as if he doesn’t have any human emotions whatsoever, but in other instances, it seems like he does care a little.

However, because he’s the actual worst, people don’t typically care about him in return, and when he comes to that realization his reactions are usually outrageously disproportionate to the imagined offense. If someone upsets him, they’re going to deal with enormous consequences.

1 He Cares For Nothing And No One

Homelander is supposed to be the Superman in the world of The Boys, but he fails to live up to those expectations literally every time.

Even if he seems to create a connection with someone, he’ll violently murder them without a second thought, and he’ll let scores of people die horrible deaths for his own convenience. He’s the worst kind of person to possess his power, because he truly cares for nothing.

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