The Boys’ Lamplighter is the exact opposite of Shawn Ashmore’s X-Men character, Iceman. Lamplighter finally appears in the flesh on The Boys during season 2, episode 6, “The Bloody Doors Off.” Lamplighter’s story arc has been developing since the show’s first episode, which revealed the hero had “retired,” paving the way for Starlight/Annie to join the Seven, an elite team of deeply-flawed superheroes. As the first season gradually revealed, Lamplighter had used his pyrokinetic powers to incinerate Grace Mallory’s grandchildren, the disbandment of the Boys and Lamplighter exiting The Seven. Playing Lamplighter is a complete turnaround for Ashmore, best known for his role as Iceman/Bobby Drake in four of the X-Men movies.


In an interview with EW, showrunner Eric Kripke revealed Ashmore was originally considered to play Eagle the Archer (who helped indoctrinate The Deep into the cultish Church of the Collective). Kripke was eager to bring Ashmore onboard not just because of his “X-Men pedigree” but because of his acting skills. Although deemed not a good fit for Eagle, Kripke considered Ashmore the perfect choice for Lamplighter. Ashmore told Screen Rant that by casting a member of the X-Men franchise, The Boys was “giving a middle finger to the established superhero franchise.”

Ashmore’s Lamplighter is the complete opposite of Iceman, which brings an ironic twist to the series that has gained popularity thanks to its subversive take on the superhero genre. While Iceman manipulated water vapor in the air to freeze objects and even turn himself into ice, Lamplighter’s powers are similar to Pyro —  Iceman’s adversary. Armed only with a lighter and his mind, Lamplighter can burn holes through steel and reduce humans to ash. Lamplighter’s powers aren’t the only thing that distinguishes him from Iceman. Like his fellow Supes, Lamplighter’s gifts are the outcome of Compound V injections, whereas Iceman’s are a genetic mutation. Until his fall from grace, Lamplighter was embraced and adored by the masses, just like the rest of the Seven. The X-Men are outcasts feared and reviled by ordinary humans.

Lamplighter is a much darker character than Iceman, who can indisputably be referred to as one of the good guys. Lamplighter’s journey from that fateful night to becoming Stormfront’s lackey at the Sage Grove Center is still a mystery, but Lamplighter isn’t exactly the villain fans expected. He meant to kill Mallory, not her grandchildren, and he’s been tormented by his guilt ever since. It’s hard to muster up sympathy for Lamplighter, who chooses to incinerate innocent people instead of facing the consequences of his actions. Lamplighter is just as damaged as every other character on The Boys, which is kind of the point. The line between good and evil grows increasingly thin now that Homelander is teaming up with Stormfront, whose origin story suggests she’s looking to incite the next Holocaust — and it’s Starlight who’s indiscriminately killing people who get in her way instead of Billy the Butcher.

The future doesn’t look bright for Lamplighter on The Boys. He’s going to have to dig deep and find the superhero he was before he was corrupted by all the trappings of fame and power. This means figuring out a way to work with the Boys to take down Stormfront, and possibly Homelander and Vought. There are also some missing pieces when it comes to Lamplighter’s backstory that could unexpectedly influence which side he ultimately pledges allegiance. If there’s any justice in Kripke’s world, Mallory will still get her vengeance — but not before The Boys humanizes Lamplighter, guaranteeing fans will root for him to save the world from Stormfront’s dalliance with eugenics.

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