For the civilians of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America becomes a symbol of hope and justice. He knows the value of assigning meaning to a symbol, though he probably doesn’t put much stock in symbols that aren’t actual people. He likely wouldn’t understand the modern fascination with zodiac signs.

That’s not to say the heroes and villains in his stories wouldn’t exemplify all 12 of the signs in the western zodiac. In fact, despite so many heroes being willing to put themselves on the line for the ideas Steve Rogers represents, none of the men are motivated exactly the same way or exude the same personality traits. Fans can find their own zodiac signs amongst the many characters of the Captain America trilogy in the MCU.

12 Aries: Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson does show the nurturing side of a Virgo (as well as their instincts for planning), but the passion he puts into every project and his sense of adventure dominate how he lives his life. That’s very much an Aries.

Though he doesn’t know Steve and Natasha well when they show up at his door, he joins their fight, and even encourages breaking into a secure government facility to get his Falcon suit. He goes on the run with Steve to help Bucky Barnes, again, someone he barely knows. Sam is all about helping someone in need and having an adventure while doing it.

11 Taurus: Brock Rumlow

Brock Rumlow seems like the perfect agent when introduced. Fellow SHIELD agents see him as someone who gets the job done. That Taurus dependability is an admirable trait. It just so happens that Rumlow isn’t actually that dependable for SHIELD.

Instead, as revealed in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he’s one of Hydra’s most loyal agents. Loyalty is, again, a Taurus trait, and so is his stubborn refusal to back down from picking fights with Steve Rogers.


10 Gemini: Alexander Pierce

Alexander Pierce might turn out to be the big villain in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but he’s charismatic, even charming, right up until the reveal. He’s incredibly good at communicating his ideas to those around them without making it seem like he’s the bad guy. That charm and skill are what make him a Gemini.

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Pierce also manages to work his way up within SHIELD and other political groups to learn their secrets, giving himself a spot on the World Security Council that makes him outrank even Nick Fury. That’s some impressive work considering all he’s had to conceal over the years.

9 Cancer: Steve Rogers

Literally born on the Fourth of July, Steve Rogers is canonically a Cancer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lucky for him, the sign fits his character.

Cancers are known for being some of the most loyal friends and being introspective when it comes to their own emotions. That falls right in line with his desire to protect Bucky Barnes, no matter the cost. It also falls right in line with his tendency to present a ready-to-act hero to the public while really struggling with his place in the world.

8 Leo: Howard Stark

Howard Stark only appears in the first Captain America movie, though he does pop up in other places throughout the MCU, and he makes a big impression. His love for science and technology could make some see him as a meticulous Virgo, but Howard isn’t that organized – and is definitely more impulsive. Instead, Leo suits his personality.

Howard loves to let loose and have fun, whether that’s treating his friends to fondue after a mission, or drinking a little too much when an invention doesn’t work out. He also loves to be the center of attention, which is probably why he gets along so well with someone like Peggy Carter, who is more than willing to put someone else in the spotlight.

7 Virgo: Nick Fury

Nick Fury is the man with a plan. There is (almost) no scenario for which he’s unprepared. His backup plans have backup plans, and he even plans for the faking of his own death and the turning over of his crumbling spy agency.

That love for planning firmly places him in the Virgo category. He might not seem to have the nurturing vibe of a Virgo, but he does make sure his inner circle is well taken care of in their line of work. Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter, for example, all get important undercover work from him directly.

6 Libra: Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter is someone with an incredibly specific sense of justice. She always thinks she’s on the right side of an argument, and that comes from the Libra tendency to wish to balance the scales. Libras are often those who fight for justice in fictional situations.

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Peggy also, however, represents the very diplomatic and social side of a Libra. She knows how to keep a room calm, even if she disagrees with everyone in it. That side of her is mostly demonstrated in the Agent Carter television series, however, as she maintains order in an office while secretly performing her own investigation.

5 Scorpio: Natasha Romanoff

Natasha Romanoff is the super-spy. It’s hard for her allies and her enemies to get a read on her, which is usually just how she likes it. After all, retaining an air of mystery and always keeping her eye on the prize is what a super-spy needs for their job.

Playing her cards close to the vest is just one aspect of her Scorpio personality. She’s also not afraid to go after the things she wants (or needs for her job). Natasha also exudes that Scorpio determination in seemingly impossible situations, like when she and Steve are the only people she thinks can be trusted after the fall of SHIELD.

4 Sagittarius: Dum Dum Dugan

Dum Dum Dugan doesn’t spend a lot of time in the MCU, but he’s certainly a force. He leads his band of Howling Commandos with gusto and maintains a friendship with Peggy Carter even after she leaves her work for the SSR in Europe behind. Dugan, like Sam Wilson, sees the adventurous aspect of his work as a plus, which is part of his Sagittarius leanings.

He’s also the kind of character who is always going to be honest to those expecting him to placate them. He might be an optimist, but he’s not afraid to tell people hard truths. Those are also Sagittarius traits.

3 Capricorn: Sharon Carter

Sharon Carter initially seems like she’s just a love interest for Steve Rogers, but Captain America: Civil War expanded her role in the MCU, and gave the audience a little more understanding of her character.

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Sharon is the duty-bound Capricorn. She clearly worked hard to move up within SHIELD, and when it fell, she joined the CIA to put her skills to use. Sharon, however, did that by trying to hide her connection to SHIELD legacy Peggy Carter despite her immense admiration for her aunt. Her sense of justice was clearly instilled by Peggy, and she tirelessly works to see justice maintained, even if it means going against the rules to help Steve, Sam, and Bucky.

2 Aquarius: Maria Hill

Maria Hill only makes a brief appearance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but her fingerprints as Fury’s right-hand are all over the MCU. She’s the person who gets things done when Fury can’t, like making sure Steve and Natasha don’t actually get arrested.

Despite the strict rules of a spy organization, Maria embodies the rebellious nature of the Aquarius well. She thinks outside of the box to get jobs done even when deferring to Fury. Maria even takes a step away from her new government job to help out old friends in Agents Of SHIELD. She throws her weight behind what she believes is right no matter the consequences.

1 Pisces: Bucky Barnes

Pisces is often thought of as the most artistic and emotional of zodiac signs, which might seem like an odd fit for Bucky Barnes. They also, however, tend to be in their own heads a lot and prefer to find ways to escape from difficult situations. For some, that’s with a good book. For Bucky, that escape is most often literal.

Bucky also, right up until he vanishes, is someone who always puts everyone else first. Whether that’s Steve or his fellow soldiers, that selflessness is a Pisces trait.

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