In every season of The Challenge where contestants are paired up with one another to compete for the entire game, clearly, who each person is partnered with is more important than almost anything else.

There have been a lot of memorable and ferocious duos throughout the show’s insanely long run, and players have been arranged together in every configuration under the sun. But when it comes to teams of two female players, who are the most memorable, most intimidating, and most impressive pairs in the entire series?

10 Kam Williams & Kayleigh Morris – Final Reckoning

Although it momentarily threatened their position in the game, the fact that Kam and Kayleigh’s original partners got in a fight and were kicked off the show was actually an incredible stroke of luck for this pair.

Not only did these two do shockingly well as competitors and get quite far in a really tough field of contestants, but they also happened to become best friends as a result of their unexpected Final Reckoning teamwork.

9 Jenn Grijalva & Mandi Moyer – Rivals

Clearly, every single Rivals pairing had considerable beef with one another, but Jenn and Mandi’s really intense fight on Fresh Meat 2 was one of the worst foundations for any real partnership.

And, while the two of them never dominated the season (which would have been difficult considering the competing teams of Laurel & Cara Maria along with Paula & Evelyn), they still did extremely well. They made it all the way to the final, but were ultimately DQed because they couldn’t finish day 1 quickly enough.


8 Camila Nakagawa & Jemmye Carroll – Rivals II

Out of all of the female teams on Rivals 2, it seems like Jemmye and Camila have the fieriest tempers, which makes their great performance even more impressive.

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Jemmye has always had a bit of a reputation for being a weak competitor, but her partnership with Camila proved that she can actually do spectacularly when she’s matched with the right person. And once again, Camila obviously lived up to her Camilinator reputation and killed it this season.

7 Jasmine Reynaud & Jonna Mannion – Rivals

Although they might be the smallest team in Challenge history, these girls were truly the little engines that could in Rivals 1.

Rookies typically go home in the first few episodes of the season, but Jasmine and Jonna were the last female team eliminated before the final. Even more impressively, they won the first daily and managed to defeat Katelynn and Sarah in the Jungle when Jonna actually solved a puzzle more quickly than the puzzle-master Sarah.

6 Aneesa Ferreira & Diem Brown – Rivals II

Diem Brown and Aneesa Ferreira were both consistently strong competitors who just always seemed to fall a little bit short of winning a Challenge season.

And while their partnership in Rivals 2 unfortunately didn’t break that trend, they were still a really tough team that likely would have made it to the final if the cast were slightly easier to beat. Even though the competition was exceptionally fierce, they made it to the last elimination before the end, which is impressive in its own right.

5 Cara Maria Sorbello & Marie Roda – Final Reckoning

As the only female team to make it to the final in Final Reckoning, Marie and Cara Maria proved once and for all that the ladies on this series are just as badass as the men. And while their partnership had many ups and downs, they still performed well across the board.

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Plus, unlike many other pairs in this season, Marie and Cara Maria were eliminated, taken into Apocalypse, and actually won their way back into the game, making their road to the final even more difficult.

4 Heather Cooke & Cara Maria Sorbello – Rivals II

Unlike every other pairing on Rivals 2, Heather Cooke and Cara Maria Sorbello didn’t even know each other before The Challenge (Cooke’s original partner Naomi had to go home for her family, and Cara was her replacement).

And while they certainly went through some growing pains while they learned how to work together, they absolutely killed it this season. Although they ultimately came in at second place, they are undeniably two fantastic competitors who were even better together.

3 Emily Schromm & Paula Meronek – Rivals II

Paula wasn’t lying when she said she knows how to pick fights with the right people. She was always a really solid competitor who had consistently bad luck. That is, until Rivals became such a popular format for The Challenge.

Emily is a ridiculously strong player who could arguably defeat or at least hold her own against every other woman who has ever appeared on the show, and this duo played Rivals 2 brilliantly, ultimately scoring the grand prize.

2 Paula Meronek & Evelyn Smith – Rivals

In Paula’s second incredibly lucky partnership, she found herself competing with Evelyn in the original Rivals season.

While most Challenge fans would agree at this point that Cara Maria and Laurel are the stronger team on paper, Paula and Ev absolutely dominated this season from (almost) the beginning to the end. After DQing in the first daily and winning the first Jungle, they found their winning streak and carried that through all the way to the final.

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1 Cara Maria Sorbello & Laurel Stucky – Rivals

Laurel and Cara Maria may not have won Rivals 1, but ultimately it’s hard to imagine a bigger powerhouse female team. Cara and Laurel are both Challenge GOATs on their own, so the fact that they were actually paired together for a season is more than a little intimidating.

If anything had gone even slightly differently within the game, it seems incredibly likely that these two would have won the entire thing. But regardless of the fact that they were runners-up, they’re the toughest women’s team in Challenge history.

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