The prequel trilogy deepened the Star Wars mythology and re-contextualized the galaxy far, far away. The Clone Wars took this even further, exploring the lives of known characters while introducing new ones. One of the newly introduced characters was Ahsoka Tano, padawan of Anakin Skywalker, who went on to have a large impact both in and out of the Star Wars universe.

As a character who would end up operating outside of Jedi or Sith principles, Ahsoka had to forge her own path, which is a significant part of many Clone Wars stories, some of the very best, in fact.

Updated on January 16th, 2021 by Rhys McGinley: Ahsoka Tano’s journey in Star Wars is one of the very best and impressive of the entire franchise, going from a hated, annoying, childish character to one of the greatest characters across all Star Wars media. Throughout seven seasons of the beloved show, Ahsoka is the main character alongside Captain Rex and is a crucial part of a plethora of phenomenal episodes, far more than can be constricted to a ten-entry list. An honorable mention should go to the infamous Clone Wars movie; while not fantastic or even good, the movie is such a happy watch when you consider how far Ahsoka has come over the years.

16 “Cloak of Darkness” (Season 1, Episode 9)

When a Separatist Viceroy is captured, Ahsoka and Luminara are sent to interrogate him. During the interrogation, Luminara disapproves of Ahsoka’s aggressive technique. When Asajj Ventress arrives to free the Viceroy, Ahsoka challenges her to a fight and loses, ending up locked in a cell while the Viceroy escapes with Ventress.

Luminara pursues Ventress and tells Ahsoka to stay behind, despite the latter’s protests. Torn between obeying orders and helping Luminara, Ahsoka decides to find the Jedi Master and Sith apprentice and arrives just in time to save Luminara’s life. From an early stage, Ahsoka’s instincts steered her in the right direction.

15 “Wookiee Hunt” (Season 3, Episode 22)

“Wookiee Hunt” is the second and final part of Ahsoka’s kidnapping story where she is captured by Trandoshan’s for hunting, finding herself trapped on a planet with former Jedi younglings and others.

Three seasons deep, what this episode does highlights how far Ahsoka has come in such a short space of time in terms of leadership. She stays composed this whole time and inspires the others to rally against the Trandoshan’s, showing herself to be independent, capable, and an inspiration. While Chewbacca is a welcome help, Ahsoka shines here.


14 “Lightsaber Lost” (Season 2, Episode 11)

When a pickpocket steals Ahsoka’s lightsaber, she hopes to find and retrieve it without telling Anakin that she lost it. She seeks help from an elderly Jedi in the library, who offers to help her track down the pickpocket. The two form an unlikely friendship and manage to locate Ahsoka’s weapon.

When getting her lightsaber back means a mother and her child come into harm, Ahsoka offers herself as a trade. Her new friend arrives just in time, and Ahsoka is able to retrieve her lightsaber while ensuring that no harm comes to innocent people. Throughout this experience, she learns a valuable lesson on responsibility.

13 “Storm Over Ryloth” (Season 1, Episode 19)

On Ahsoka’s first mission as a Commander, she ignores orders to retreat, resulting in a disastrous failed mission. Ahsoka, always having the best of intentions, feels intensely guilty about the results of her actions. Anakin doesn’t allow her to give up and comes up with a plan that puts fewer people in danger and more responsibility on Ahsoka.

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Her inexperience and lack of confidence cause her troops to doubt her at first, but Ahsoka is firm in her stance, as the position Anakin has put her in gives her no choice but to be confident and decisive. Anakin looks on proudly as Ahsoka’s plan is carried out to perfection.

12 “The Academy” (Season 3, Episode 6)

When corruption is found in the Mandalorian government, Ahsoka is sent to Mandalore to educate young cadets on the dangers of a corrupt political system. Her teaching inspires the cadets to do some digging themselves, and they discover that one of their highest-ranking government officials is involved in corrupt dealings for his own personal gain. Her students ask for her help in exposing these misdeeds and bringing the guilty parties to justice, but Ahsoka is hesitant to act too swiftly.

Instead, she keeps an eye on the cadets and steps in to help them out when it becomes clear that they really are onto something big. They hatch a plan to bring an end to the deceit. It’s the perfect mix of wisdom and recklessness that comes to define Ahsoka’s character.

11 “Assassin” (Season 3, Episode 7)

Moving on just one episode in the future, “Assassin” is an episode spent almost entirely with Ahsoka and Padmé, a friendship that grows throughout the show and is always a joy to see for fans of the characters.

The episode sees Anakin leave Ahsoka on Coruscant for a mission, with Ahsoka going on to experience visions of Padmé in danger, which she acts upon by taking her off-planet. Through the episode, she doubts herself, even makes mistakes, but with Padmé’s faith in the young Jedi, Ahsoka is eventually proved right when Aurra Sing strikes. Ahsoka is shown to be vulnerable in this episode, doubting herself even with all the confidence she is known to display, she and Padmé’s growing bond shines.

10 “A Necessary Bond” (Season 5, Episode 9)

Speaking of bonds, “A Necessary Bond” comes in the critically acclaimed season five and is the conclusion of the youngling arc in which Ahsoka assists younglings with their Jedi training.

It sees Ahsoka and the younglings captured by and eventually forming an alliance with Hondo Onaka and his pirates as they face-off against Separatists, with a one-on-one duel occurring between Ahsoka and General Grievous. If the episode above show’s Ahsoka’s underlying doubt in herself, this highlights how far she has come in that regard. She is a true leader, sure of herself, confident, not cocky, and willing to do anything to save those around her, an inspiration to not only fans but those around her – in this instance the younglings.

9 “Tipping Points” (Season 5, Episode 5)

A few episodes prior was “Tipping Points,” the conclusion of the Onderon arc which marked Saw Gerrerra’s debut in Star Wars, and showed a more rebellious side of the war against the Separatists.

Ahsoka has great moments throughout the arc but in the final episode her desire and need to do good, to help people, to make a difference shines through, a trait of hers that has helped make her so adored over the years. The death of Steela undoubtedly affects her as she sees the cost of war, the lives lost, even though she is sure of the Republic being the ‘good’ side.

8 “Brain Invaders” (Season 2, Episode 8)

While returning from a successful mission on Geonosis, a clone trooper is infected by a mind-altering parasite, which he brings aboard and infects other troopers with.

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Ahsoka and Bariss try to avoid the infected, but when they have to split up, Bariss gets infected herself. Anakin tells Ahsoka how to kill the parasites, and she single-handedly saves everyone on board the ship, nearly killing herself in the process.

7 “A Friend In Need” (Season 4, Episode 14)

When The Clone Wars and the Mandalorians/Mandalore combine, it is almost a certainty that brilliance will ensue, and “A Friend In Need” is another great entry in that whole story.

It sees Ahsoka come together once again with Lux Bonteri as he attempts to get help from Death Watch to avenge his mother. Ahsoka, knowing what Death Watch is really like does not just stand by, and a great due between her and Pre Viszla occurs, showing Ahsoka to be more than capable of handling the Mandalorians.

6 “Altar Of Mortis” (Season 3, Episode 16)

The Mortis arc is one of the most out-there, creative, and brilliantly crafted stories in all of Star Wars television, and a true exploration of not only the Force but Anakin’s chosen one prophecy.

In the second episode of the arc, Ahsoka is corrupted by the Son, and fans get to see just how much care there is between Anakin and Ahsoka as the two duel. It sees Ahsoka eventually on the brink of death before being brought back through Anakin and the Daughter, who seems to connect Morai to Ahsoka. The darker side of Ahsoka is very interesting to see and definitely makes you think.

5 “The Wrong Jedi” (Season 5, Episode 20)

When Ahsoka is wrongfully accused of staging an attack on the Jedi Temple that resulted in many deaths, she is arrested and expelled from the Jedi Order. Anakin and Padmé do everything they can to prove Ahsoka’s innocence, but the pain she feels at her mentors turning on her makes her think that nobody could possibly believe her. She is put on trial for her supposed crimes, but it seems that the members of the court have already made up their minds.

Just as she is about to receive sentencing, Anakin enters, having discovered the truth: Bariss, Ahsoka’s friend, was responsible for the attack, as well as for framing Ahsoka. The council offers Ahsoka her spot back among the Jedi, but she refuses. The broken trust is too much for her to overcome, and she leaves the Jedi for good to figure out her worldview on her own.

4 “Old Friends Not Forgotten” (Season 7, Episode 9)

Ahsoka’s discovery of the location of Maul leads her back to Anakin and Obi-Wan to ask for help freeing the citizens of Mandalore from Death Watch. She feels as though she no longer deserves the respect she once had from the clone troopers, but Anakin and the troopers are happy to have her back.

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Unfortunately, Anakin and Obi-Wan can’t accompany her on the mission when they get word that Palpatine has been captured by Grievous. On Mandalore, she battles her way to the surface and sets off to look for Maul.

3 “Phantom Apprentice” (Season 7, Episode 10)

During her first confrontation with Maul, Ahsoka is confused by his mentioning the name Darth Sidious. She attempts to obtain more information from him, but he escapes before she can capture him. She speaks to Obi-Wan, who shares the council’s plan to have Anakin spy on Palpatine. She warns him that Anakin will not react well to being placed in the middle of his mentors.

Unfortunately for Anakin, Ahsoka has other matters to attend to, as she sets off to find Maul again. Ahsoka finds out that Maul has been having visions related to Sidious’ grand plan and has become aware of the role Anakin is meant to play in the destruction of the Republic. When she’s able to confront him again, Maul offers Ahsoka a role alongside him, saying that they can defeat Sidious due to their status as outsiders. She refuses to believe that Anakin could turn to the dark side and fights Maul, beating him and taking him into custody.

2 “Shattered” (Season 7, Episode 11)

On her way back to Coruscant, Ahsoka speaks to the council but does not tell them what Maul said about Anakin being groomed to the Sidious’ next apprentice. While traveling through hyperspace, she senses Anakin’s fall to the dark side, just before Sidious orders the execution of Order 66. Her troopers turn on her, but she escapes.

Ahsoka’s loyalty to the men she fought alongside for most of her life doesn’t waver, even as they’re trying to kill her. She finds files pertaining to the clones’ inhibitor chips and subdues Rex in order to see if there is a way to turn them off. Luckily, she’s able to save Rex but still has the rest of the troopers to contend with.

1 “Victory and Death” (Season 7, Episode 12)

Ahsoka and Rex search for a way out as their ship is crashing and Order 66 is being carried out. She wishes to kill as few of the clones as possible because she understands that they’re not responsible for their actions. The clones have Rex and Ahsoka trapped, but she comes up with a plan to escape without having to take lives.

The plan is mostly successful until Maul steals the ship Ahsoka and Rex were meant to escape on. She tries to stop him but lets him go in order to protect Rex. They battle their way to another ship and narrowly manage to survive the ship’s crash. Ahsoka creates a memorial for the fallen troopers that died in the crash and leaves her lightsaber behind before disappearing… at least, until Rebels.

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