There will always be new world seeds for players new and old alike to explore in Minecraft. Much like every year since the sandbox game arrived, there have been new world seeds generated by players. Here are some of the most notable that players should look into during 2021.

Aspects that make these world seeds so special in particular tend to be either their monuments, biomes, or locations. Each seed has two or more biomes with a variation of villages, temples, and so on. These seeds range from the rare to the beautiful to the strange.


The Best Minecraft Seeds to Visit During 2021

Seed -1213199956 (Discovered by Gabor Rajnai)

  • One of two mansion seeds players should visit this year. This mansion resides near a lava flow ravine and is on the edge of an abandoned forest village. Players spawn in at 1683, 70, 4. Most of this seed is dominated by the ocean biome, followed by forest, desert, and ice. The mansion and village sit at -2004, 63, -1131. An outpost and temple are close by, near the coordinates -2282, 101, -1158.

Seed -318429707 (Discovered by endicraft035)

  • Players spawn into this world at the coordinates 184, 63, 4, between the jungle and forest biome here. While the main attraction of this world seed are the two large fossil ravines, there are a few more notable spots. The villages and temple sit at 74, 72, -197 in the desert biome near the edge of the jungle. A broken portal and outpost sit around 228, 66, 393 in the forest biome. The fossil ravines rest near 9, 53, 238, on a desert and forest mixed landlocked island. It doesn’t take long before the player will find giant bones poking throughout.

Seed -1411036478 (Discovered by kevtrevtuff11)

  • The other mansion seed available to players with more choice in biomes. This seed features the forest, dark forest, jungle, desert, and small patches of the mesa biome. Players are spawned in at 583, 63, 5. The mansion sits fairly close to the spawn area alongside a village between the mesa and forest at 487, 84, 179. This mansion sits a bit further back from the village enclosed by the forest. A desert temple, forest temple, and mesa mineshaft rests near a river on the edge of the mesa and forest biome at 185, 78, 247. On the edge of the jungle at 1158, 72, 175, and desert players can find another desert temple and village. At 568, 70, -338, there is a stronghold village, that is split across by the dark forest and desert biomes.

Seed -1266956776 (Discovered by CreeperBoyGaming)

  • Also known as the Shattered Savanna, this world offers a beautiful variety of biomes. From its forests to deserts to jungle and even a large section of the mesa biome. This stunning landscape is dotted with several interesting spots. The “Shattered Savanna” spot, in particular, can be seen from the coordinates 132, 91, -261. A tiny village rests on the edge of three of the various biomes at the coordinates 60, 92, 473. It is locked between the mesa, desert, and forest biomes, hanging on the side of a mountain. This village even features an open skeleton spawner. The outpost in this seed sits at the coordinates 330, 64, 532 in the desert biome. The spawn coordinates for this seed are 208, 66, 5.

Seed 2035719640 (Discovered by unknown)

  • While most of the other world seeds have beautiful landscapes, this seed is chock-full of temples. There are a total of seven temples on this map, and six of the seven are desert temples. Almost all of the temples are within 1,500 blocks of the spawning area. The jungle temple is at 22, 84, -201. From there, the closest desert temple is at 33, 69, 682. After this, the rest of the temples are in somewhat different directions. Three of the temples are close to each other at (-740, 65, 746), (-669, 69, -277), and -228, 65, 538. The last two reside at 1178, 65, 193, and 1129, 65, 570. Aside from the many temples, there are two villages and an outpost. One village sits at -905, 89, -384 while the other is at -426, 70, 384. -637, 89, 1503 is the final coordinates of the outpost.

Seed 2332439756294123069 (Discovered by Plebiain)

  • This incredible world seed offers a very unique landscape that is mainly covered in one of the rarest biomes, the mushroom island. A huge slim mushroom island takes up a fairly large portion of the map outside of the ocean and ice. The main reason this is so useful is due to monsters not spawning on the mushroom islands. This creates a perfect place to build a base. Outside of this, there are several other attractions players might be interested in visiting. There are a couple of other biomes including the savanna, mountains, swamp, desert, cold ocean, and coral reef. On the island is a ruined portal at -325, 66, 372. A second ruined portal can be found at -1119, 73, 686. There is an ocean monument at 350, 61, 864 and a shipwreck near the iceberg at -1420, 72, 947. A witch hut sits near -1304, 65, 820. There is a pyramid at -1509, 74, 1226. Lastly, there are two desert villages, one at -1779, 89, 1325, and the other at -1850, 63, 1757.

Minecraft is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and PC.

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