Alex Proyas, the director behind the cult classic The Crow, is currently developing a television series adaptation of his 1998 film, Dark City. Set in a city in which the sun never rises, the neo-noir sci-fi film follows actor Rufus Sewell, who wakes with no memories and finds himself accused of murder. In his bid to discover the truth, he also unravels a bigger mystery surrounding a sinister group known only as the “Strangers.” Co-starring Kiefer Sutherland and Jennifer Connelly, the film was lauded by critics and is considered by many to have been a major influence on The Matrix series, which released its first film one year later.


Last year, Proyas returned to the Dark City universe with a new short film, Mask of the Evil Apparition, which is featuring as part of a virtual presentation organized via the Popcorn Frights Film Festival. According to Bloody Disgusting, in addition to Proyas’ short film, the presentation also features a virtual Q&A with the director. During the Q&A session, Proyas revealed that a Dark City TV series is in the works and that it’s currently in the “very early stages” of development. Check out what he had to say below:

Dark City right now is really an intriguing one to me because we’re developing a series, a Dark City Series, which we’re in the very early stages [of] but I’m having to reanalyze in order to construct a new story. I’m having to go back and kind of jog my memory as to what we actually did and what I think worked and what I think didn’t work and reevaluate my own film, so that’s been a very interesting experience as well which I’ve not done before.

While Dark City’s original release at the box office was dwarfed by the cinematic juggernaut that was James Cameron’s Titanic, the film’s unique premise and stunning visuals earned it a great deal of critical praise and Roger Ebert even went on to name it as the best film of 1998. Dark, sinister and utterly fascinating, fans of Proyas’ unique style will no doubt be ecstatic to learn of this latest revelation.

Source: Bloody Disgusting

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