Since it came out on Netflix, The Dark Crystal prequel series, Age of Resistance, has been stunning fans and gaining quite the following. Between the puppetry, wonderful story, and glimmering world, it’s no surprise it’s become a sleeper hit. Wile fans wait for a season 2 announcement, it’s time to look back on the best parts of the series.

As the character puppets made up the most shining moments, let’s rank them and talk about which of all the difference wonderful species are really the best creatures of Thra.

Here are the Top 10 Species In Age Of Resistance, Ranked.

10 Garthim

As the future fighting force of the Skeksis, the Garthim deserve credit for the destruction they will cause. During the first season of Age of Resistance, the species didn’t exist. That is, until the last few minutes where The Scientist Frankenstein-ed two Gruenaks with Arathim limbs and exoskeletons.

Even though they don’t have much free will, they clearly are powerful creatures that should be feared. If they helped take out the Gelfling, who outnumber them by hundreds, that’s horrifying.

If AoR gets a season 2, fans will see their destruction in action.

9 Nurlocs

Unless someone’s a Grottan, they’ve probably never seen a Nurloc. However, these cave-dwelling creatures are massive, impressive herbivores roaming the caves. Think Brontosauruses, but for The Dark Crystal.

These creatures are very close to the Gelfling that care for them and seem very friendly. That is, until infected with The Darkening. Then they are frenzied, chomping monstrosities.

Nurlocs may have limited intelligence, but they are vital to the cave ecosystems where The Darkening originated. Fans will definitely see more of them in future seasons.


8 Fizzgigs

No OG Dark Crystal fan could do this list without including a Fizzgig. These curmudgeon-y little fluff-balls are a staple creature of Thra’s woods. They may scream a lot, but they are durable and have great survival capabilities. While most other creatures perished when the Skeksis wasted Thra, the Fizzgigs fought to carry on.

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Moreover, when a series has basically a screaming fantasy version of an overly-protective cat, how can it not be one of the greatest parts? Only the Fizzgigs lack of higher thinking and language holds them back from owning this entire list.

7 Landstriders

Throughout Thra, many Gelfling have symbiotic relationships with the Landstriders in their region. These long-legged creatures act as friendly steeds for all the clans living in the plains.

These iconic creatures helped Gelfling for generations, being loyal companions from AoR to The Dark Crystal. Their relationship is so ingrained that they helped Jen and Kira at a moment’s notice in the original film. Many of them may be infected with The Darkening in AoR, but that doesn’t take away the fact they are such a majestic species.

6 Gruenaks

The tragedy of the Gruenaks is something that Thra cannot fix. They were absolutely decimated by the Skeksis’ imposition. The fact any were left alive was a miracle. That makes the fact that The Scientist personally beat the last two alive to their graves makes it worse.

While they deal with a lot of trauma, this species is a group of fabulous mechanics. Moreover, they are a very gentle, loving people. Even after so much abuse, they simply want freedom, not revenge.

With the tragic passing of their species, AoR has lost good people.

5 Arathims

Despite the Skeksis oppression, the Arathim are a powerful, unique species. They work as a hive mind, a collective of minds working together to accomplish common goals. While they seem menacing, all the Arathim want is to go back to their homeland, in the caves under the Sanctuary Tree.

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With all their powers, they really are a formidable force. They have constant communication, they can indoctrinate other species to be under their control, and they are impressive warriors.

This species is amazing, but the fact they don’t exist by The Dark Crystal is… troubling, to say the least.

4 Mystics

Endlessly wise, the Mystics are the passive, positive halves of the once-great UrSkeks. These slow, thoughtful people are all about art, culture, and spirituality. They are akin to monks or shamans. Where the Skeksis caused complete chaos in the world, they created a utopia of peace and protected innocents from their darkness.

However, these beings have a serious flaw. For all their goodness, they are helplessly passive. They refuse to come in conflict with the Skeksis or do anything to change what they’re doing. The Mystics are complicit in the bad things the Skeksis do because they will not fight against them.

3 Skeksis

Where the Mystics are passive, the Skeksis are aggression and action incarnate. They are dark chaos creatures that revel in being selfish. Their gluttony has created a blight that is turning Thra from a place of wonder to a place of infestation.

Surely, that would make them the worst species, right?


Well, from Thra and the Gelfing’s point of view, probably. However, they did use to be a part of the powerful UrSkeks, complicated but useful beings that fled to Thra. Also, they are so very fun to watch.

Maybe that makes fans awful people, but the Skeksis will never not be cool.

2 Gelflings

In all The Dark Crystal stories, the Gelfling have been the paragons of goodness, the race meant to save Thra. Every Gelfling that fans met has been a person doing their best, trying to make their world a better place. Where the Skeksis cause chaos and the Mystics let it happen, the Gelfling always try to do what’s right.

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Even though their species was nearly decimated, they took the power of Thra back from the Skeksis and reunited the species. They deserve better than what they got, but they always try to be better.

1 Podlings

Sure, maybe The Dark Crystal is filled with heroes and villains. And maybe this race isn’t the most heroic, but in a world like this, they deserve all the credit.

The Podlings are a simple, happy-go-lucky species with an offshoot language from the other speaking creatures of Thra. In their natural habitat, they are hopeful and kind. But even in the worst case scenario, they do their best to survive. Podlings’ simplicity only masks their merit. In the best of times, in the worst of times, podlings persist.

They raised Kira and a great Paladin like Hup. The Podlings are the best.

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