Christian Bale portrayed Bruce Wayne and Batman in Christopher Nolan’s uber-realistic Dark Knight trilogy. He kept the character on a fairly even keel, though he could be terrifying when required. Batman Begins (2005) came at a time when superhero movies weren’t being made at the rate they are now. Christian Bale – and Batman – taught the studios that superhero movies were films people would want to see, with Batman Begins using some ideas that were ahead of their time.

TheDark Knight trilogy had all-around brilliant casting, and the actors have good chemistry together. In fact, if fans had to pick who their favorite Batman was, Bale would certainly be a top contender.

10 Revitalized Comic Book Character

Bale and Nolan brought Batman back to the big screen again for a solid realistic origin story. This series was the start of superhero movies coming back into vogue, a trend that continues to current day. Marvel began their own massive series with Iron Man in 2008.

Though the first film, Batman Begins, isn’t a flawless film by any means, it clearly set out Nolan’s intentions towards a matter-of-fact adaptation of the comic character’s story. The Dark Knight trilogy breathed new life into Batman, his Rogues Gallery, and the superhero genre in general.

9 Bale Provided A Realistic Portrayal

Bale plays Bruce Wayne in a very understated, down-to-earth manner. Bruce’s speech at his birthday party particularly fits this portrayal as he stays fairly affable.

Although the residents of Gotham wouldn’t disagree, fans know that Bruce only has the best intentions. He’d rather be thought of as awful by people rather than cause them pain, distress, or let them be caught up in the destruction to come. Even when it doesn’t seem like it, he cares. It’s also fitting that he’s trying to make things better as Bruce as well as Batman.


8 How He Portrayed The Two Different Identities

Though plenty of people thought the deep voice Bale used as the Dark Knight was silly, it did sufficiently work as it helped show the duality of Bruce Wayne.

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However, since Bruce also has the persona of a ‘Rich Idiot With No Day Job,’ Bale is, in a way, playing three characters in one person. Bruce’s scenes talking to Alfred are where Bruce is the most himself, while when he’s with other Gothamites, he’s playing the role of Bruce Wayne. Finally, the cowl truly makes the shift to the Dark Knight.

7 Realistic Manner Of Achieving Weapons

One question asked often about Batman is: “Where did he get all that tech without anyone noticing?” Nolan came up with a clever solution. When he gets back to Gotham, Bruce meets with Lucius Fox, who runs the Research and Development department of Wayne Enterprises.

At that point, William Earle is the CEO and he has no use for R&D. Since none of the projects Bruce is interested in for his activities as Batman are in production, he can use things without anyone noticing or caring. Other parts of his costume are purchased in bulk, which is lucky because some of them don’t work out at first.

6 Proper Origin Story

Batman Begins was, like other films that came later, a revitalized superhero origin story for a new decade and for a new generation of movie-goers. Christopher Nolan, as the director, got the chance to tell the story from the beginning and in a way he wanted to tell it.

Meanwhile, Christian Bale got the chance to portray Bruce Wayne from his youth to Batman’s retirement. Unlike other Batman media, they were able to tell the story for a new audience from start to finish. Behind the scenes, however, Nolan started with the ending when working on The Dark Knight.

5 Humanized Character

Since this series is very realistic in how it told its story, Bruce feels very human. Bale is personable as Bruce Wayne. As a college student, he isn’t able to go through with killing Joe Chill. Bruce makes it clear throughout his adventures that he mainly wants to help Gotham, and save it from itself or other outside forces such as the League of Shadows.

4 Related To Other Characters

Bale is quite likable as an actor, having shown this in several other films. With these well-cast films, it seems easy for Bruce to relate to other characters (such as Alfred and Rachel). Those relationships – which are meant to have gone on for years – are easy to watch and feel natural.

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Michael Caine’s Alfred in particular has several speeches which help to cement Alfred and Bruce’s strong relationship throughout the series. Bale, however, does some of his best acting in these films, while working off of these other great actors.

3 “No Kill” Rule Acted Well

The rule of not killing anyone is one of Batman’s firmest tenets (though it has been broken before). However, in this series, he maintains it.

Though the decision to let Henri Ducard die in Batman Begins is controversial due to how it came about, Bruce is still witnessing the death of a mentor who helped him start his own vigilante lifestyle. Bale’s Bruce, therefore, maintains his credo to help Gotham with its crime, without adding more murder to the mix. Bale’s excellent acting allows him to humanize this decision.

2 Portrays A Skilled Fighter

Though the first film doesn’t spend a lot of time with Bruce’s training before he meets the League of Shadows, it’s clear that he has skills in combat. The action scenes in Bale’s Batman films are the best and remarkably well done as it is clear that he’s skilled in different martial arts styles.

As a young adult, Bruce admitting that he doesn’t want to go back to college because people there don’t like him paints a picture of an angry, solitary young man who easily could have buried himself in physical skills training, away from everyone else. Instead, he channeled it for good and use his abilities to protect innocents from harm.

1 Portrays Bruce Learning From Trauma

The Nolan films incorporate something comic books will never really do: the idea of growing up and moving on. Bruce undergoes character development and is able to move on from Gotham and the need to be Batman. This all came about in The Dark Knight Returns, where Bruce was prepared to hang up the cowl after fulfilling his destiny. Although the film faced high expectations, and met them in the end.

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Though he fakes his death, it allows him to find himself in a world without his celebrity or vigilante status. Having Selina Kyle join him, on her own journey, makes it seem like these two characters made it out and can now find themselves. Bruce’s acting in the final scenes at the Italian restaurant convey a man who is at peace with his life.

NextEvery Movie To Win Best Animated Feature In The 2010s, Ranked By IMDb

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