Among the many outstanding characters in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine). This particular version of Alfred is considered the best version to appear on-screen. A huge reason for that is because he’s portrayed by one of the best actors of all time.

However, Alfred doesn’t just shine because of Caine’s resume. He is funny, he is philosophical and he can knock baddies unconscious too. Above all, Alfred makes some really interesting pronouncements throughout the 3 movies. Whether he is arguing with Bruce or making fun of him, Alfred can b counted on to drop a magnificent remark.


When He And Bruce Discuss The Joker’s Rationale

“Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn.”

Alfred and Bruce have a discussion where they try to figure out what the Joker’s motivations really are. According to Alfred, the Clown Prince of Crime isn’t really after anything. He just wants to witness the destruction of the world.

Alfred’s words are entirely accurate because the Joker has never pursued any position of power. Neither has he sought profits. He even burns millions of dollars belonging to the mob when he has the option of keeping the mountain of cash for himself. His goal is therefore simple: to make the world as chaotic as possible.

When He Consoles Bruce After The Burning Of The Wayne Manor

“The Wayne Legacy Is More Than Bricks And Mortar, Sir.”

Bruce gets devasted when one of the best Dark Knight trilogy villains, Ra’s al Ghul, sets the Wayne Manor on fire. He blames himself, claiming he has destroyed the Wayne family legacy but Alfred reassures him that there is more to the Wayne family than a house.

Like Alfred, it’s hard for audiences to sympathize with Bruce. He has enough money to either rebuild the manor or buy another one. Alfred makes sense too by insisting that the Waynes have done way much more for Gotham. Their legacy cannot just be tied to a house alone. It’s such comments that inspire Bruce to pick up the pieces and keep moving.

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When He Learns That There Are Batman Copycats.

“Why Don’t You Hire Them And Take The Weekend Off?”

Bruce keeps complaining that there are vigilantes out there that are copying his style. Well, Alfred doesn’t see it as a big deal suggesting that maybe Bruce should hire them so he can rest.

One thing Batman clearly lacks in the Dark Knight trilogy is a sidekick. Even though Alfred is being sarcastic, he isn’t wrong in suggesting that this might be the perfect opportunity for Batman to take off days. Bruce, on the other hand, is right to be concerned too because he’ll get all the blame if the copycats mess up.

When He Tries To Get Bruce To Go On A Date

“At This Point, I’d Set You Up With A Chimpanzee, If It’d Brought You Back To The World!”

In order to help Bruce get over Rachel, Alfred tries to set him up with Selina Kyle. Bruce rejects the idea because Selina is a thief but Alred insists it doesn’t matter.

Among the things Alfred does so well is getting Bruce to do things he doesn’t want to do. To him, Batman needs to have a life. Moreover, Bruce doesn’t appear to have many other dating options at the moment. And it isn’t such a weird suggestion because, in the comics, there are plenty of Batman and Catwoman romance stories.

When He Advises Bruce To Not Reveal His Identity

“They’ll Hate You For It, But That’s The Point Of Batman.”

Bruce finds himself in a dilemma once again when the Joker dares him to reveal his identity or else he’ll kill thousands of people. However, Alfred advises him not to do bow down to pressure because Batman is supposed to hold his ground and not let people know who he is.

There have been many “Bruce Wayne is Batman” movie reveals over the years but Alfred doesn’t think of this as the appropriate time for that to happen. Even though lives are at stake, he believes protecting Batman’s identity is the first priority. With his stand, it becomes clear that his loyalty isn’t to Gotham but to the person he has known for most of his adult life.

When He Approves Of Bruce’s Newfound Extroversion

“You Start Pretending To Have Fun, You Might Even Have A Little By Accident.”

After cutting ties with the League Of Shadows, Bruce decides to return to Gotham. After a few weeks of staying indoors, he starts to go out, something that makes Alfred happy.

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Alfred understands that Bruce is still not feeling ready to step out after watching his mentor Ra’s al Ghul die. However, he also feels that people might forget all about Bruce Wayne if he doesn’t make himself more visible. For that reason, it’s important for him to keep stepping out even when he doesn’t feel like it. The advice works because Bruce not only goes out more but also gets the motivation to become Batman.

When He Tells Bruce How He Once Dealt With A Criminal Hiding In A Forest

“We Burned The Forest Down.”

During one of his conversations with Bruce, Alfred remembers how he was once tasked with catching a jewel thief during his spy days in Burma. He tells Bruce that the thief was hiding in a forest and when Bruce asks how he caught him, Alfred gives a shocking answer.

A difference in ideologies is highlighted in the conversation because Alfred makes it obvious that he has no problem killing, whereas Batman has a “No Kill” rule. That he burned a whole forest just to eliminate one man is a bit extreme and the confession paints him as somewhat sadistic compared to the humble buttle fans are used to seeing.

When He Responds To Bruce’s Refusal To Drive The Batmobile During The Day.”

“The Lamborghini, Then… Much More Subtle.”

Bruce finds himself needing to drive out during the day when the Joker threatens to assassinate Wayne Enterprises employee, Coleman Reese. Alfred asks him whether he’ll be needing the Batmobile but he says it attracts too much attention. Alfred then sarcastically suggests giving him the Lamborginhi.

Alfred feels it’s ironic for Bruce to not want to use the Batmobile yet he doesn’t have any other car that won’t draw eyeballs. Audiences are tempted to join him in breaking into laughter when he suggests the Lamorginhi because it’s just as shiny. Nonetheless, the Batmobile thrives best during the night so Bruce somehow makes sense.

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When He Gets Fed Up With The Ballet Dancers Asking For Help

“If You Can Tell Me The Russian For, “Apply Your Own Bloody Suntan Lotion.”

As Bruce and Alfred are vacationing on a boat full of Russian ballet dancers, the latter grows tired of helping the women apply their lotion. He thus asks Bruce how he can reject their requests in Russian since they don’t speak English.

Alfred’s golden comical form surfaces once again in the scene. The butler doesn’t consider applying body lotion to random women as part of his job description so gets irked. Through the boat scene, Bruce Wayne’s playboy side is also highlighted, so much that it makes headlines on the news.

When He Quits Working For Bruce

“I Won’t Bury You. I’ve Buried Enough Members Of The Wayne Family.”

Though he has always wanted Bruce to save Gotham, Alfred, surprisingly refuses to agree with his decision to try and stop Bane. In an emotional scene, he declares that he won’t watch Bruce die, then he leaves.

Alfred isn’t just against the idea of Bruce becoming Batman once again. He is afraid he will fail because he has just learned how formidable Bane is. He figures the best thing for Bruce to do is simply retire and give his technology to the GCPD so that they can continue fighting crime. His concerns are inspired by genuine love but Bruce doesn’t believe in failure.

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