The Dark Knight saw the demise of Rachel Dawes after the Joker tricked Batman and the police and only let them save Harvey Dent or her. Right before she died, Rachel wanted to say something to Harvey, but she wasn’t able to finish – so what were those last words going to be? In 2005, Christopher Nolan shared his own version of Batman in the film Batman Begins, the first entry in a trilogy that would become a favorite among critics and fans of superhero films. Batman Begins introduced the audience to Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, and set the basis for the rest of the films, both in narrative and tone.


Three years later, the sequel titled The Dark Knight was released, and it became not only the best in Nolan’s Batman trilogy but also one of the best superhero films ever made. The Dark Knight continued Bruce’s story, but now with the Joker (Heath Ledger) as the villain. The Dark Knight also introduced Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), with viewers witnessing his transformation into Two-Face after a very traumatic experience for both him and Bruce. Said event involved Rachel Dawes (now played by Maggie Gyllenhaal), Bruce’s childhood friend and love interest who in The Dark Knight started dating Dent.

Rachel was Gotham City’s assistant district attorney and one of the few people who knew Bruce was Batman. Rachel and Dent became targets of the Joker, more so after Dent announced that he was Batman, and so the Joker planned their kidnappings. The Joker revealed to Batman that Rachel and Harvey were in separate locations rigged with explosives – and he could one choose one to save, thus making Batman break his one rule. However, the Joker tricked him and gave him Dent’s address instead of Rachel’s, and Gordon and his people didn’t make it on time to the place where Rachel really was. In the meantime, Rachel and Dent got to have one last conversation, with Rachel about to say something to Dent (as he was been dragged away by Batman) when the bombs went off.

Rachel’s final word was “someone”, which has made fans wonder what she wanted to tell Dent right before she died, as she realized that someone had arrived to rescue him. Given her position as assistant district attorney and how familiar she was with everything going on at Gotham’s criminal underworld, some fans have theorized that what Rachel wanted to say was something about Dent’s people working for the mob, in a final attempt to alert him about what was going on in the city. However, others strongly believe she was going to say “someone will find us”, as in her final moments she was trying to calm him down. Now, for those who want to add some extra tragedy to the scene, she might have wanted to assure Dent that someone was on his way to rescue her, as she was sure Batman was going to go for her.

Although the novelization offers a completely different alternative to Rachel’s final words in The Dark Knight, which were “Bruce, Harvey, I love you”, they don’t match the scene in the movie, so the mystery continues. Nolan hasn’t addressed this and he most likely never will, so it will continue to be open to every viewer’s interpretation if Rachel wanted to alert Dent about the mob’s moves or if she just wanted to calm him down.

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