Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy is a fantastic show, because it really demonstrates what the world would be like if regular people wound up having superpowers and tried to be superheroes. And of course, the results are not exactly what anyone who had read DC or Marvel comics in their youth would hope or expect. The Hargreeves family is a dysfunctional family on steroids, and their petty sibling quarrels can literally have world-altering effects.

Reginald Hargreeves had a dream of a family of children who could change the world with their abilities, and his dream became a reality, and his dream became a nightmare. Every one of his children was trained from birth to be exceptional, and they all became individuals with unique skill sets and abilities. So, if the characters from The Umbrella Academy were thrust into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, which character class would they fall into?

10 Leonard Peabody – Rogue

The Rogue is a sneaky scoundrel who will lie and manipulate in order to get the end that they desire, and that is Leonard Peabody through and through.

Leonard wasn’t born with superpowers, even though he believes that he should have been. So in order to become the man he has always felt entitled to being, he is willing to use whomever he can in order to make that happen, and use he does. He manipulates the sad if stable Vanya into the ultra powerful world-destroyer that was always living inside of her, and he doesn’t care who has to pay the price.

9 Cha Cha – Cleric

The cleric is a fighter priest who wields divine magic that has been bestowed on them by the god that they serve in order to act out that god’s will, and that is a pretty dead on description of Cha-Cha and her role in maintaining the current timeline.

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Cha-Cha doesn’t seem to have any personal or moral stake in accomplishing the tasks set out to her, she’s just there to get the job done because that’s what she’s been told to do. However, her dedication to accomplishing those tasks is astonishing, even if her enthusiasm for the gig is nonexistent.


8 Hazel – Monk

Hazel has dedicated his entire life to maintaining the timeline that is set out before him, and up until a few days before the apocalypse it appears that Hazel has no personal attachments or interests in others. Really, no interests in anything besides his job.

That intensely lonely dedication to his work definitely makes Hazel and ideal candidate for the Monk class of character, because their story is much the same as his. They dedicate their lives to their one cause and they tend to lose sight of everything outside of it, and even if anyone disagrees with them it’s hard not to respect their dedication.

7 Allison – Warlock

Everyone in the Hargreeves family has a power that is terrifying in it’s own right, but there are few with more frightening powers than Allison (although that scariness is undoubtedly compounded by what she chooses to do with those powers).

Allison has the power to control everyone she comes into contact with, including her friends and family, and what’s horrific is that she seems to use those powers for her own convenience far too often. She didn’t get her abilities through a Faustian bargain, but they seem to be going to Faustian use, so Allison probably belongs in the Warlock character class.

6 Ben – Paladin

The Paladin class of characters are fighters that have bound themselves with some kind of holy oath. Ben Hargreeves is probably the member of the family that is most difficult to describe, both because he has a power that is pretty indescribable and because he’s dead, so his impact on the family dynamic is unique.

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However, what sticks out about Ben is that despite the fact that he’s been dead for years, nothing is more important to him than his family. So in a sense, his holy oath isn’t made to some religion or god, but to the people he loved and left behind.

5 Five – Ranger

Ironically Five may not have become his character class by choice, but more by default. The Ranger character class in Dungeons & Dragons is a hardened warrior who likes to go their path alone, and they typically find themselves at the ends of the earth, carrying out their missions.

And if Five had the choice, he presumably wouldn’t have stuck himself in the apocalyptic wasteland he wound up trapped in, but that is the story of his character and that became the fuel of his character class. Rangers push themselves to the edge of civilization, and Five has gone there and beyond.

4 Diego – Fighter

It’s impossible to say which one of the Hargreeves family is the strongest, but it seems obvious that Diego is the toughest when it comes to hand to hand combat.

Diego’s natural gifts are extraordinary and give him a brutal edge in any fight anyway, but it’s clear that Diego has spent his entire life learning new and better ways to best any adversary in a fight.

The Fighter class of character has the same story. They are characters born with a natural gift for hand to hand combat, and that gift is only enhanced by everything they do to learn and better their multitude of skills.

3 Luther Hargreeves – Ranger

In fairness, Luther hasn’t gone quite as far as Five when it comes to his independent sojourns into mysterious places, but by any normal human metric, Luther has got to be a Ranger as well.

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What is incomprehensibly depressing about Luther’s experience is that he went off to the moon under the misguided belief that his father would never have him do something pointlessly, but ultimately it seems like everything that his trip to the moon was predicated on was a complete lie. Luther’s journey may be of use in the long run, but this Ranger really did get hoodwinked by his daddy.

2 Klaus Hargreeves – Druid

It’s hard to say whether or not Klaus’ superpower is something natural or entirely unnatural, but given that it’s an ability that he literally cannot turn off then we’re going to have to go with natural.

Klaus’ power is truly extraordinary and can be used for the best or worst of things, and that intrinsic connection that he has to the other side of life makes him seem like a Druid class of character. Druids are characters who do wield magic, but it’s a kind of nature magic, it’s far less intellectual and more instinctual than the rest of the magic wielding classes.

1 Vanya Hargreeves – Warlock

It’s honestly unfortunate that Vanya was conscripted into the Hargreeves family, because her wildly dangerous power was undoubtedly made even more dangerous with the way that Reginald decided to handle everything.

Vanya seems to be a pretty decent person who is mired with an extremely dangerous and negative superpower, and the darkness that lies within her seems to be completely out of her control. And that is why Vanya has got to be the Warlock class of character, because a Warlock is a dark magic wielder that has to pay a heavy price for the power that they consume.

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