Based on Lauren Weisberger’s novel, The Devil Wears Prada is considered to be a pop-culture landmark. Its story revolves around Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-chief of a high fashion magazine named Runway, and her two overworked assistants, Emily Blunt’s Emily Charlton and Anne Hathaway’s Andrea Sachs.

While Emily, who has been working for Miranda for a while, knows the ins and outs of the fashion industry, Andrea isn’t excited to work there. That’s of course until she becomes one among the high-powered people who walk the halls of Runway. From Irv Ravitz, the CEO of Elias-Clark to Andrea herself, The Devil Wears Prada is all about a well-knit group of people with immense social capital.

10 Nate Cooper

Andrea’s boyfriend Nate is seen as a weak person, and constantly holding her back. He’s not only threatened by his go-getter girlfriend, but he tends to pass judgments about an industry that he knows nothing of. While Nate, a chef by profession, works extremely hard to achieve the life of his dreams, he wants his girlfriend to do what he thinks is convenient for the relationship.

Just like her, he’s starting his professional career, and therefore possesses the least amount of authority and influence. Andrea is constantly walking on eggshells around him, he shows her least compassion and his opinions, neither here nor there. A person so unsure of himself is at the lowest rung of The Devil Wears Prada ladder.

9 Doug

Doug may be not in fashion, but he knows a thing or two about respecting what other people do for a living. A corporate research analyst, he’s always dressed in sharp suits for work and right off the bat claims he already has his dream job.

Doug is the first of Andrea’s friends to remind her Miranda Priestly is a huge deal and that a million girls would kill for her job. He’s Andrea’s contemporary and because he has steadily worked for a while, he’s a notch above Nate.


8 Andrea Sachs

Although Anne Hathaway’s Andrea was for a while Miranda Priestly’s principal aide, she quit her job and returned to what she originally intended to do — hard news. While working for Miranda, Andrea was able to obtain the then unpublished Harry Potter manuscript for her twins.

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She was also coping well with the stress of working under high-powered executives while keeping up her performance at work. Smart, sensible, and a go-getter, there’s no doubt Andrea will excel wherever she goes, once she’s shown the ropes, of course.

7 Emily Charlton

Miranda’s senior assistant, Emily Charlton knows what it means to work hard. She knows all the tricks of the trade, and as the senior one, tutors Andrea early on in the movie. Emily worships Miranda and is grateful for what she has.

The fact that Miranda refers to Andrea as Emily is a telling instance of how important her first assistant really is. Emily Charlton is Miranda’s keeper and therefore a very important person in their professional and social circles.

6 Jacqueline Follet

Jacqueline Follet may have not replaced Miranda Priestly as the new editor-in-chief of the American Runway, but she did become the president of James Holt International. Landing a high-paid, prestigious job, she was in a position to call the shots and therefore a powerful woman.

Jacqueline was first introduced as the editor of French Runway, and someone pleasant to work with. It’s one of the reasons the chairman of Elias-Clark, Irv Ravitz, considered her for the big position at American Runway.

5 James Holt

To have a powerful icon like Miranda Priestly sing praises for James must mean the man is exceptional. Led by Miranda herself, the who’s who of the fashion industry gathered in Paris to celebrate the newly solidified partnership of Massimo Corteleoni and designer, James Holt.

She’d worked with James for years and before she could proceed to introduce the president of the Jameses company, she praised his strong work ethic and achievements. Truth is, James became something of a big deal the moment he was joined in his international venture by the big-wig, Massimo Corteleoni.

4 Christian Thompson

Christian Thompson is a writer of fine repute, seeing as Andrea admired his work for years, and Jacqueline had originally intended to bring him in to run the editorial content at American Runway. While at Northwestern, Andrea reviewed Christian’s collection of essays for her college newspaper -the Daily Northwestern.

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When Miranda demands Andrea fetch the next unpublished Harry Potter manuscript for her twins, Christian is the one who exercises his influence to secure it from a friend of a friend in charge of the cover art.

3 Nigel

Nigel is Miranda Priestly’s close assistant and the person she trusts to help and support her at work. He, as Miranda remarks, is sometimes the only one with valuable input. Nigel was originally the person Miranda recommended for a bigger position at the James Holt International.

To Nigel, Runway is more than just a magazine; it’s a beacon of hope for aspiring fashion artists around the world. For his passion and longstanding commitment to his profession, Nigel is a well-respected name in social circles.

2 Irv Ravitz

Andrea is first introduced to the chairman of the Elias-Clark, Irv Ravitz by Nigel in an elevator. From their first conversation itself, it’s obvious Irv is a person with considerable wealth and power at his disposal.

When Nigel confirms Miranda indeed killed the $300,000 autumn jackets story and pulled up the Sedona shoot, Irv casually remarks, “must have been some lousy jackets.” This would be one of the few times in the movie when Andrea stands still, totally struck by the aura of power around her. Once Irv exits the elevator, the words, “huge ego” come out of Nigel’s mouth.

1 Miranda Priestly

Runway’s editor-in-chief Miranda Priestly is the most influential person in the fashion industry. Her closest aide, Emily Charlton describes her as a “legend.” Throughout the movie, Andrea, who thinks she’s lowered her standards to work at Runway, struggles to keep pace with her boss’s lifestyle. Miranda is the most powerful person in any room she walks into and she knows the who’s who of media, entertainment, and fashion.

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She is a human encyclopedia, a storehouse of knowledge, and Andrea is constantly reminded how privileged she is to work under Miranda. When the higher-ups plan to replace her with Jacqueline Follet, Miranda threatens to take with her the talent she’s nurtured over the years. “Truth is there’s no one who can do what I do,” says the most influential, and formidable character in The Devil Wears Prada.

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