Although a release date has yet to be announced, Netflix’s original animated series The Dragon Prince has been renewed for an additional four seasons. As the show plows ahead, it’s bound to continue to build the lovable nature of the heroic main characters Prince Callum, King Ezran, and Rayla as they attempt to rid Xadia of Viren and his evil minions.

Of course, as a family-friendly children’s show, The Dragon Prince does a really good job of making both good and evil characters enjoyable to some degree. For instance, the evil Viren’s children Soren and Claudia are antagonists who happen to exude several endearing and redeeming qualities. As such, the show has a little something for everyone to enjoy.

10 Viren

As one of the chief antagonists on the show, Viren (Jason Simpson) is as unlikable as characters get. The power-hungry High Mage and close advisor to King Harrow is hell-bent on preserving the human race at any cost, including the ruthless extermination of all of Xadia’s magical creatures like Zym (Jack De Sena) the Dragon Prince.

Prone to temperamental outbursts and angry vindictive acts, Viren is willing to lie, cheat, and connive his way to get what he wants. As such, he has very few redeeming qualities.

9 Aaravos

As Viren’s right-hand archmage, Aaravos’ (Erik Dellums) likable nature in part comes from being the first elf of his kind to survive in Xadia. Although he is charming and intelligent, Aaravos has a secretive side and arrogant demeanor that sort of sullies his overall likability.

Aaravos can be playful and easygoing at times, but his sadistic outlook and affiliation with the evil Viren make him a stark opponent of Callum, Rayla, and Ezran. The formidable antagonist uses dark magic to seize power, giving him a scary and unpredictable nature that cannot be trusted.


8 Soren

Despite being the brash, immature, and overconfident son of Viren, 18-year-old Soren (Jesse Inocalla) also exudes a magnetic charm, kindhearted spirit, and waggish sense of humor in the short animated series. As the youngest member of the Crownguard, the expert swordsman likes to crack harmless jokes, which increases his likability.

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While he can come off as a bit of a bully by the way he treats Callum and pokes fun at his swordplay, Soren’s strong moral compass allows viewers to sympathize with his torn loyalty to his power-starved father and to Callum, Rayla, and Ezran.

7 Claudia

Soren’s 16-year-old sister Claudia (Racquel Belmonte) has a much more effervescent and appealing personality than her cocky big brother. Claudia’s bubbly demeanor and passion for magic, reading, and knowledge make her quite compelling as a character. Moreover, her unique expression through histrionic body language makes her even more appealing.

Alas, like Soren, Claudia’s inherent connection to Viren and her loving loyalty to her father tends to sap her overall goodness. The dark mage trains under her father but will never allow her evil side to overtake her infectious personality and playful sense of humor.

6 Runaan

Although he is very strict and overly serious, Runaan (Jonathan Holmes) is the honorable and revered mentor of protagonist Rayla. The dedicated Moonshadow Elf will stop at nothing to kill King Harrow and avenge the memory of the Dragon King.

Viewing Rayla as the daughter he never had, the example he sets for the young prodigy makes him extremely likable. The moral courage Runaan has in his willingness to die for Xadia is as upstanding as it gets, and his unconditional love for his husband Ethari (Vincent Gale) only bolsters his endearing character. The LGBTQ+ representation alone makes Runaan a highly enjoyable character.

5 Zym

Although he doesn’t hatch from his egg until the end of season 1, it would be foolish to omit the title character from the fray. Azymondias aka Zym is The Dragon Prince that Callum, Ezran, and Rayla risk their lives to protect at all costs.

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Despite lacking the ability to talk, Zym is adorable, playful, and highly inquisitive when he is first hatched. Growing older, he gains a loyal affinity to Ezran and begins to show empathy by sensing Rayla’s pain caused by her binding ribbon. The affectionate dragon is also extremely fearful of Viren and his children, which makes him even more endearing.

4 Amaya

As Callum and Ezran’s warm, loving, and compassionate maternal aunt, General Amaya is easily one of the most enjoyable characters on the show. As the deaf leader of Katoli’s most formidable army, the Standing Batallion, Amaya guides soldiers by using American Sign Language, making her one of the most badass of likable characters.

In addition to the great example that she sets as a female leader who disallows her medical condition to define her life, Amaya’s undying love and caretaking of her sister’s children, Callum and Ezran, give her a well-rounded balance of love of valor that makes her hard to root against.

3 Ezran

As one of the three main protagonists and current King of Katolis, Ezran (Sasha Rojen) is designed to be one of the three most compelling characters on the show. In addition to the important representation of a person of color being in the highest position of power, it’s Ezran’s pacifistic leadership and compassion for Zym that make him lovable.

Brave, selfless, and moral as can be, Ezran immediately found favor from fans when he risked his life to save Zym’s unhatched egg. His grace under pressure is admirable, and his fondness for animals over humans gives him an added layer of complexity.

2 Rayla

While training under Aaravos to become a Moonshadow Elf assassin, Rayla’s (Paula Burrows) struggle to inflict violence on others makes her extremely relatable. As the main female protagonist and best friends to half-brothers Callum and Ezran, Rayla’s kindness, compassion, and unwavering loyalty increase her overall attractiveness.

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By appearing in all 27 episodes to date, Rayla gets to show every dimension of her likable personality. With a strong sense of justice and willingness to sacrifice her life for her loved ones, Rayla often uses her cleverness over violence to solve a problem. Moreover, her ability to let go of her seething hatred for humanity upon spending time with the princesses reinforces her admirable willingness to change for the better.

1 Prince Callum

As The Dragon Prince‘s main protagonist, Prince Callum (Jack De Sena) is clearly the most likable character on the show. Most of his appeal comes from his optimism, youthful exuberance, and witty sense of humor that he isn’t afraid to use at the most inappropriate times. The rest derives from his caring sensitivity and undying love for his romantic interest, Rayla, and his younger half-brother Ezran.

The skilled mage with a heart of gold and an impenetrable moral core overcame his lack of confidence early in the series to become a much more assertive leader. Hospitable and sensitive to the needs of others, Callum is chivalrous as can be despite his sharp sense of humor. As such, no one is more likable.

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