The world of The Dragon Prince is mystical and rich in lore, which translates over to its characters, who are treated with complexity whether they be a human, elf, or perhaps Glow Toad.

The word ‘best’ in this case is used not to argue whether a character is morally good or bad, but rather to describe a character as a whole, taking into consideration their narrative arc, personality, and contribution to the plot, presented here in no particular order.

Azymondias / Zym

Although Zym is just an infant, he has plenty of personality, not only through his bond with Ezran, but in his quest to learn how to fly and ultimate courage when threatened in the season 3 finale. Additionally, his position as the titular Prince of Dragons keeps him central to the show’s plot.


The Dragon Prince added another dynamic character to the heroes party when Zym was hatched, and his popularity is perhaps illustrated by the fact that the highest-ranked episode of season 1 on IMDb is the episode in which this occurs.


Former advisor to King Harrow and a powerful practitioner of dark magic, Viren’s schemes fuel much of the conflict in The Dragon Prince’s first 3 seasons, as he works under the supposed aim of bettering humanity, which often leads to him acquiring power for himself.

This goal can lead to the mage making rash decisions, whether that be in his aligning himself with Aaravos before he understands what that truly means, or in acting out of a desire for revenge. Viren’s belief in the nobility of his cause has made him ruthless, splitting his family loyalties, but it also raises the stakes of the story, making the character compelling to watch because of his unpredictable choices.


The daughter of Viren, Claudia uses dark magic like her father, but her desire to do so comes more out of her absolute belief in and loyalty to him rather than any internal wish to accumulate power.

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Claudia’s passion for dark magic and view of its benefits in granting humans independence has somewhat blinded her to its dangers, as seen both when she uses it trivially, to make exceedingly fluffy pancakes, and when she expends huge amounts of energy to resurrect Viren. Claudia’s worldview is so dominated by her father’s manipulation that it’s distanced her from her brother and former friends, so whether a redemption arc is in her future remains to be seen.


Much of Aaravos’ history remains unrevealed after The Dragon Prince’s first 3 seasons, but the exiled Startouch Elf’s deadly powers and charisma make him a highly dangerous antagonist.

Ultimately a cartoon written for both kids and adults, the villains of The Dragon Prince are not just monoliths of evil, but people with complex histories which make them fascinating to watch. Aaravos’ influence over Viren has shown both mages in a new light, and uncovering his motivations remains a point of interest for fans.


Arguably the character to go through the biggest growth of personality in The Dragon Prince so far, Soren’s origins as a loyal follower of his father Viren are a far cry from his current status as an ally to Ezran’s side.

Though Soren’s progression between these two points was gradual, his ultimate belief in doing what is right, even if that means opposing his family, has been a satisfying narrative to follow. In contrast to Viren’s perception of Soren as immature and unworthy, Soren has proved that his funny charm does not stop him from upholding his strong morals.


When it comes to the main characters of The Dragon Prince’s likability, Prince Callum has much to offer, from his determination to learn primal magic to his relationship with his brother Ezran.

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Callum’s perseverance in the mission to take Zym home helps propel the pace of the story, while his wish to find a way to use primal magic helps deepen the lore of the world, showing that humans have the capability to move beyond the lure of dark magic and connect with nature as those in Xadia do once again.


Rayla has been the main source of insight into the lives of elves for the audience of The Dragon Prince since its very start, with her humor, principles, and fighting prowess being pillars of her character.

Though she initially viewed the conflict between Xadia and the humans quite simply, her growing friendship with Callum and Ezran allowed her to see the nuance of the situation. Rayla’s inner sense of belonging has proved an ongoing theme of the character, as she and the other members of Team Zym grow closer to one another.


Though a grumpy expression may be his default, Glow Toad Bait is Ezran’s loyal and beloved companion, who has demonstrated a depth of character often not granted to animals in cartoons.

Bait not only has a love for jelly tarts that matches Ezran’s own, but he has developed a connection to Zym as well, from initial jealousy to later empathy and affection. Furthermore, Disney stories aren’t the only place where the sidekick can be smarter than the villain, as Bait has proved in The Dragon Prince, using his blinding glow abilities to stun Viren and other enemies in acts of bravery.

General Amaya

Aunt to Callum and Ezran, General Amaya is an efficient and skilled commander for Katolis’ Standing Battalion, with a deep love for her nephews.

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Amaya provides insight into the life of Callum and Ezran’s mother, Sarai, as well as the more practical elements of Katolis’ life for soldiers. She also acts as proof that older citizens of Katolis can learn to connect with and work alongside elves. Furthermore, as a Deaf character, Amaya also provides representation to a community often left out of fantasy stories.


Even at his young age, Ezran has a well-developed sense of self and moral code that motivates his decisions whether or not he is wearing the crown of Katolis.

His deep connection to animals introduced a new kind of power to the world of The Dragon Prince, and as perhaps the first character to believe in a future of reconciliation between humans and Xadia, his actions have inspired others. Selfless and brave, Ezran’s choices have ensured that his mission goes on, even when it costs him personally.

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