Hulu miniseries The Dropout, the story of the ascension and cataclysmic fall of Elizabeth Holmes (Amanda Seyfried), shows Holmes’ rumored obsession with the tech tycoon throughout its initial three episodes. A Stanford University dropout who founded the blood-testing company, Theranos, in 2003, Holmes became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire at age 30. As such, she was often likened to fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Jobs. Unlike her idol, however, she subsequently lost her fortune when massive fraud by her company came to light.

Holmes’ feet were famously held to the fire after the efficacy of Theranos technology was questioned. Federal investigations concerning the defrauding of investors and patients led to criminal charges for Holmes and her former COO and romantic partner, Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani (played by Lost star Naveen Andrews). More about the company, which became defunct in 2018, was revealed in the HBO documentary The Inventor. Holmes was found guilty in federal court earlier this year on charges of defrauding investors. Her sentencing is scheduled for September 2022.


Holmes’ fascination with Jobs is frequently depicted in the first few episodes of The Dropout. These nods to her idol range from overt (comparing her first blood testing invention to “a box the size of an iPod”) to more subtle (rubbing an iPod against her head and chest as she works). Unsurprisingly, Holmes’ emulation of her tech hero in the limited series is founded in reality.

One of the most conspicuous examples of Holmes’ fanaticism is her adoption of Jobs’ black turtleneck. Becoming Theranos’ CEO at 19, Holmes faced the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of gaining respect from not only investors but also her staff. In The Dropout episode 3, “Green Juice,” The Dropout real-life character, Apple designer Ana Arriola (Nicky Endres), encourages Holmes to “dress more like a CEO.” Up to this juncture, Holmes wore ill-fitting holiday patterned sweaters. The miniseries shows Holmes as merely being inspired by Jobs’ former employee, but in reality, Holmes actually sought out Arriola’s advice. Holmes developed her signature look — a monochromatic black outfit, complete with a red lip and, of course, a sleek Jobs-esque turtleneck — after inquiring about his style and being given Jobs’ sweater designer’s name from Arriola.

The green juice Holmes works into her daily routine, as well as her identity, also has its ties to Jobs. In episode 1, “I’m in a Hurry,” The Dropout shows Holmes being interviewed for “Maker’s Minute” and replying that if she is what she eats, she’s green juice. An introduction by Balwani to the vibrant concoction occurs in episode 3 during an intimidating domestic exchange. Though the accuracy of this scene is unclear, Holmes truthfully observed a limited vegan diet, including the famous drink composed of green vegetables and parsley. Jobs was also a vegan and at times, would fuel his body with large amounts of singular foods, such as carrot juice. Holmes’ elimination of fashion choices (wearing the same thing every day) extended somewhat to her eating habits, freeing up brainpower for her company, habits famously used by other tech CEOS, most notably Steve Jobs.

Holmes’ behavior substantiates her fascination with Jobs and his company, whose life was depicted in the 2015 Aaron Sorkin-penned movie, Steve Jobs. Holmes’ obsession did not end at Jobs’ style or diet, but also extended into his marketing acumen. Holmes sought out TBWAChiatDay, the advertising agency behind Apple’s legendary commercial campaigns, to launch Theranos’ website and marketing strategy. Above and beyond modeling her own company after Apple, Holmes’ office was rumored to have paid homage to Jobs; former employees revealed there were several framed photos of the tech mogul adorning Holmes’ desk, an aspect that may inspire set design in future episodes of the miniseries. This move would not come as a surprise as The Dropout has thus far done a commendable job observing Holmes’ real-life idolization of Jobs.

New episodes of the limited series The Dropout release Thursdays on Hulu.

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