During Marvel Comics’ 2015 Star Wars series, it was revealed that Obi-Wan Kenobi was almost killed during his exile on Tatooine by an evil version of Chewbacca. Known as Black Krrsantan, this dark-furred Wookiee was bad news, operating as a merciless bounty hunter who was hired to hunt down the hermit who lived alone in the more remote parts of the desert world. Not only that, but the former Jedi also teased Krrsantan’s dark history and disgrace from the Wookiee homeworld, an indication that he’s done some pretty terrible things across the galaxy.

In writer Jason Aaron’s run on Star Wars, the majority of the series takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. However, Luke Skywalker finds journals written by his former master Obi-Wan, detailing his time on Tatooine protecting Luke and his aunt and uncle. This journal includes stories from the Great Drought from when Luke was still a boy, which motivates Jabba the Hutt to demand more tribute from the moisture farmers. However, the Lars homestead is protected by Kenobi, prompting the Hutt to hire none other than Black Krrsantan to eliminate the mysterious stranger who has dared to defy the Mighty Jabba.


Soon, Krrsantan captures Owen Lars, using him as bait to draw Kenobi out.  The ploy works, and Obi-Wan soon arrives, confirming that he knows quite a bit about the dark bounty hunter and his shame, having been forced out of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyk and forbidden to return. While Obi-Wan attempts a Jedi Mind Trick to dissolve the situation, this dark version (and future rival) of Chewbacca proves to be too strong, nearly killing Kenobi in a chokehold. However, Obi-Wan soon gets the upper hand, blinding Krrsantan in one eye after he is forced to draw his lightsaber while also wounding him enough to force his retreat.

While Black Krrsantan would go on to be featured in future issues of Marvel’s Star Wars, he leaves Kenobi and the Lars family alone after their duel, departing Tatooine and angering Jabba, who feels betrayed. Not only that, but the attack by the brutal Wookiee results in Luke Skywalker’s first taste of being a hero, seeing as how he saves his uncle in his T-16 Skyhopper while Kenobi continues to duel Krrsantan on the ridge above.

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With the Kenobi series coming soon to Disney+ it would certainly be interesting to see some sort of reference to Black Krrsantan, or even a flashback of his battle with Obi-Wan as it is a pretty memorable chapter of the Jedi Master’s exile on Tatooine. The dark Wookiee is a force to be reckoned with, especially considering the fact that he nearly killed Obi-Wan Kenobi before he could train Luke, which would have no doubt spelled disaster for the galaxy as it would have been without its new hope. Regardless, Black Krrsantan is certainly a noteworthy character who absolutely deserves more of a spotlight in the Star Wars galaxy.

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