The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale was successful on several fronts — but unfortunately, it failed to do Bucky Barnes’ story justice and ultimately let the character down. Played by Sebastian Stan, the MCU version of Bucky debuted in Captain America: The First Avenger. Despite seeming to fall to his death, he later returned and has become one of the longest-serving members of the franchise. After a 70+ year tenure as a brainwashed Hydra assassin, he reclaimed his mind. And, after twice helping to battle Thanos’ army, Bucky was officially confirmed to be an Avenger in the eyes of the public via the show’s fourth episode.


When The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was first announced, fans relished the potential that it afforded. As two of the most popular supporting characters, many were eager for Bucky and Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) to be gifted the MCU spotlight. That passion was only exacerbated by how things were left off in Avengers: Endgame — with an aged Cap passing the shield to Sam. The evolution from Falcon to Captain America was a beautifully compelling one. Incorporating such comic book characters as Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbly) and John Walker (Wyatt Russell), Sam first understandably rejected the mantle before accepting why he was singularly perfect for it. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier season 1, episode 6, “One World, One People” saw the culmination of that arc. Successful, for the most part, Sam finally suited up to halt Karli Morgenthau (Erin Kellyman) and her Flag-Smashers.

Bucky’s struggle was equally an internal one. While Sam wrestled with the idea of being a Black Captain America within a global and historical context, however, Bucky’s journey operated on a more narrowly personal level. Having unwittingly amassed a legacy of his own as The Winter Soldier, Bucky embarked on a path to truly atone for his crimes. The first step on that path proved to be a promising and weighty one. Equally, there were some deeply affecting flashback moments along the way. Despite that, unfortunately, Bucky’s arc didn’t conclude anywhere near as successfully as Sam’s or others. Here’s a breakdown of why that was and how The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale could have improved upon things.

Falcon & Winter Soldier Failed To Give Bucky True Closure & Atonement

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier established that Bucky had a list of people through which to make amends. The writers shrewdly introduced an emotional example of what those names meant in the form of Yori Nakajima (Ken Takemoto). Initially, he seemed like somebody from Bucky’s neighborhood that he’d merely formed a bond with. In truth, the circumstances were infinitely more tragic — with Bucky having murdered Yori’s son after he witnessed an assassination. Ever since then, fans awaited the excruciating moment when Bucky would reveal the awful truth and give Yori the closure he had so long craved. Frustratingly, with each passing episode, that thread was shifted further and further into the background.

The moment ultimately came in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale. Unfortunately, no sooner had Bucky sat down to unfurl his painful confession than he was walking back out of the apartment door. After nearly six whole episodes of anticipation, the moment simply collapsed under the weight and felt little more than a footnote compared to the other storylines. The end failed to live up to the beginning, delivering none of the catharsis nor sense of closure that had been so fervently anticipated. It simply looked like Bucky imparted the words and then left — with only a momentary glance back en route to the overtly happy ending that The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale wanted to leapfrog straight over to.

The issue was exacerbated by how it fell counter to Sam’s previous words of wisdom. In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 5, “Truth”, he suggested that Bucky hadn’t been atoning but avenging. Sam then went onto advise that Bucky needed to “do the work” and truly “be of service” to those that he’d wronged (however unwillingly). After all, the apologies shouldn’t be about making Bucky Barnes himself feel better, but making the victims on his list feel better. Sadly, there was no sense of doing any of that for Yori, and the entire finale felt lesser for it. Equally, it was made all the worse by the fact that, alongside Yori, every name on his list had been crossed out — and was treated even more dismissively than the moment with Yori had been.

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The Captain America & Winter Soldier Title Fails Bucky’s Redemption

Falcon and The Winter Soldier’s credits served up a surprise that was equal parts crowd-pleasing and a stark disappointment. On one hand, the traditional title card had switched out The Falcon for Captain America. The move officially served as a tribute to Sam Wilson’s new Captain America. On the other, Bucky still being designated as The Winter Soldier felt like a misstep. Portions of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier were about Bucky finally climbing out from under the shadow of The Winter Soldier. Throughout the show, the alias was described as almost an entirely separate entity altogether. Being The Winter Soldier consumed his dreams, shaped how people viewed him, and dictated how he viewed himself. Everything he did was about amending that view.

Repeatedly, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier offered a hint that Bucky was healing. By the series end, as he arrived at the New Orleans cookout, the show suggested that Bucky’s demons had been largely put to rest, making it confusing that his former moniker remained. Of course, there could be power in Bucky having resolved to make the Winter Soldier name one synonymous with good rather than bloodshed. As interesting as that could be, however, it would make little sense. After all, the most integral part of Bucky’s therapy had been a mantra that eschewed the Winter Soldier name in favor of reclaiming his identity as James “Bucky” Barnes. Therefore, to leave the Winter Soldier’s name intact on the title card felt at odds with that notion, and betrayed the entire journey that had come before.

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Why Bucky Deserved Better (& What The Finale Should’ve Done)

All in all, the failure with Bucky’s arc could be tied to the wider issues of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier‘s pacing and balance. Episodes often felt more catered to one character over the other. In terms of the finale, it seemed much more skewed towards Sam- but, given Sam’s decision to become Captain America, this is somewhat understandable. In service of that, it equally made sense for some characters to be given less focus. With Bucky being equally popular and a titular character, however, the show would’ve benefitted from another episode — or, at least, some extra time dedicated to him. In a finale episode, time really should’ve been carved out equally for both arcs to share the spotlight.

With just a little extra time, the Bucky and Yori scene could have had more room to breathe. Equally, instead of the conversation with Yori being part of a larger breakthrough, the show could’ve contented itself with just that. Rather than rushing straight to Bucky being cured now, his confession could’ve conveyed a single new step forward and away from his life as the Winter Soldier. Instead of simply being an unearned end, it could’ve been a moment that was, even more, a new beginning — in addition to him finding a surrogate family in the Wilsons. To that end, rather than bidding Dr. Raynor (Amy Aquino) an unceremonious farewell, Bucky could’ve arrived finally ready to engage in therapy fully and with more honesty. As well as offering a resonant mental health message, it would’ve demonstrated that he was healed enough to finally start “doing the work” and foreshadowing an even more together Bucky later in Phase 4.

In terms of the title card, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier actually offered up a wealth of alternatives. For starters, after spending all season with a mantra about reclaiming his name, the Winter Soldier could have simply said Bucky Barnes. If they wanted it to have a more poetic flow, they could have gone with Captain America and Sargeant Barnes — as he was noticeably recognized as in the finale. The most obvious (and popular) choice, however, would’ve been to make official his White Wolf title. Having even told Sam about that name earlier in the season, Bucky was repeatedly called it by Ayo (Florence Kasumba). Given the entire breadth of his arc, and the fact that even John Walker and others were given new mantles, switching the title card to Captain America and The White Wolf would’ve made an already great sign-off moment even better. As things stood, though, fans will have to wait and see if such a transition eventually occurs within Bucky Barnes’ MCU future. Whatever the case, it will remain a missed opportunity for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

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