Chantel, 29, and Pedro, 28, began their relationship on TLC’s 90 Day Fiancé, and are continuing to figure it out on their very own spinoff series, The Family Chantel. The key phrase is “continuing to figure it out.” When it comes to staying together, this couple has overcome so many obstacles.

Their families have major beef with each other. That beef always lands the couple smack in the middle, playing referee. Chantel’s mother has accused Pedro’s mother of human trafficking. Pedro’s sister has enlisted a friend to try and tempt Pedro into cheating on Chantel. There’ve been physical fights, wigs snatched, tasers purchased, and rivers of tears shed. They’ve had two nearly-canceled weddings (one in Atlanta and one in Santo Domingo). Both kept us sitting on pins and needles, wondering whether or not their family members would show up, and whether they’d behave if they did attend. Chantel and Pedro weathered the storm and are miraculously still together. At this point, their families have no choice but to consider the possibility that these two actually love each other and are going to stick it out. The logical next step for this couple is a baby. Are Chantel and Pedro ready? Let’s get into it.


They’re Not Ready Yet

According to Us Magazine, the couple recently gave an interview declaring that they definitely “want children.” But when? Well, not yet. They’re doing a lot of responsible practicing when it comes to making the baby, but they’re not quite ready to actually make one. Chantel needs to finish school first. She’s on her path to becoming a full-fledged Registered Nurse, and might even want to go for a Master’s degree. Her mother Karen works in education and has been a prime example of a loving mother and wife who maintains her independence in the workforce. And, as Chantel is quick to point out, her sister Winter put her school (and all of her own future plans) on hold in order to raise her boyfriend Jah’s daughter. Then they discovered (five or six years later) that Jah had been keeping a nine-year-old son hidden from Winter the whole time. Seeing that play out has given Chantel more conviction than ever to finish her education before saddling herself with a child. There’s just too much to be lost without securing her degree first.

As for Pedro, he supports Chantel’s desire to finish school first completely. But, well, he’s got his own reasons to wait. First and foremost, his mom and sister want to move to America and they need him to make that happen. Of course, 90 Day Fiancé’s Chantel is not onboard with this plan, but it’s likely going to happen anyway. We’re pretty sure Pedro’s mom Lidia and sister Nicole are going to be moving in with Chantel and Pedro soon, and since Chantel’s already declared that she would never, ever let that happen, it’s bound to be beyond dramatic. Now, back to how getting Lidia and Nicole to America relates to Pedro’s wanting to wait to try for a baby: getting his family to the States is a costly, time-sucking ordeal. The fees associated with their sponsorship are going to run Pedro upwards of $10,500. That’s no small fortune. It’s also going to take around three or four years to secure his Green Card and then sponsor them. It’s a massive undertaking and will be stressful. Adding a newborn to those kinds of money and time stressors isn’t something that any sane person would voluntarily sign up for. Despite this couple’s wild dramas, they are logical. Sorting out Lidia and Nicole’s move to America has to be dealt with first. 

Pedro Has Dad Trauma

However, there’s something else keeping Pedro from embracing his dad-bod (Pedro from The Family Chantel recently shed 45 pounds and proudly announced it on Instagram). He’s got dad trauma. On a bonding trip to a dude ranch, where the men essentially dressed up in costumes and had a few drinks together, Pedro opened up to Chantel’s father Thomas, and her brother River, about growing up without a father. As a child, Pedro’s mother told Pedro that his father was out there, but also let him know that he had another family. That seems to be all Pedro knows about his father. Pedro told his father-in-law that he never asked too many questions about him because it was simply too painful. Pedro went on to lament the sacrifices he’s made due to his father’s absence. He dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player but had to give up his dreams because his mother, as a single working mom, didn’t have the time or resources to get him to games or practice. Pedro is certain he would have been a professional baseball player had his father been in the picture.

When it comes to having a child of his own? Pedro knows exactly what he doesn’t want. He doesn’t want them to feel abandoned. He wants to make sure he can be there to provide them with every opportunity. He wants to love them and to shower them with support. He desperately wants to go from fatherless to being “the best father in the world.” It’s enough to bring anyone to tears. 

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So while we are desperate for a baby made in reality TV heaven (because how cute will that ‘lil bebe’ be?!) we’ll have to sit and wait patiently. Honestly, though, with these kinds of reasons on the table, we’re happy to wait. Chantel and Pedro are dead-set on preparing themselves for a child. They clearly understand all that is required when it comes to raising a little one, and they’re not going into it recklessly. They’re going in with deep awareness. They are setting themselves up to be the best parents they can be.

There is very obvious growth in these two. Looking back to the early days when Pedro missed his initial flight into Atlanta (the flight that started the clock on his ’90 Days’, all we can do is marvel at how they’ve worked to be better partners to, and for, each other. Little by little, they’ve worked on putting their marriage first. The Family Chantel duo has been successful and this makes us feel like proud parents ourselves! 

The Family Chantelpremieres October 12 at 10PM EST on TLC.

Source: Us Magazine

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